The soldiers who were hit by the Corpse Poison were still sleeping. According to the military doctor's estimation, they would only wake up at night, and they would only be awake for around two hours before falling into a deep slumber.

"Esteemed wangfei, the few of us have been in the clinic for a long time, but we haven't been able to find out that they've been poisoned and have no way of making a move." The Military Physician had received the news long ago that the young lady who came with Little Doctor Zhuge was their Prince's new wife.

After finishing their pulse diagnosis, Ji Yunkai took out a drop of blood from their left hand's index finger.

Little Doctor Zhuge and three military doctors tested the blood of over a hundred officers at the same time. In less than a quarter of an hour, they had confirmed that their blood was exceptionally bright.

"Go check again to see if there are any more people in the Corpse Poison who haven't had an attack, and compare the color of their blood one by one." Ji Yunkai got someone to take a roll of white cloth and had Little Doctor Zhuge drip all the blood samples onto the white cloth.

"I'll do it." With something to do, the Little Doctor Zhuge was full of energy. She did not ask Ji Yunkai what use would there be for having so many blood samples, and took out the white cloth to do the work that Ji Yunkai had instructed him to do.

Ji Yunkai did not stay idle either. She had collected all the blood of the warriors from the Corpse Poison s and was about to mark the results with the blood when he saw a small soldier running over while gasping for breath and said, "Esteemed wangfei, Esteemed wangfei … Someone from the palace, His Highness has said that he wants to return immediately. "

"Someone from the palace came?" Ji Yunkai stopped for a moment, and unhappily frowned, but she did not say much. After neatly ending the matter, Ji Yunkai raised her hand, and signaled the little soldier to follow: "Let's go."

"Oh, oh..." The soldier that passed on the message was stunned for a moment before quickly catching up.

It couldn't be blamed on him being frightened. The wangfei looked thin and weak, and her actions were neither too fast nor too slow. Who would have thought that she would suddenly be so straightforward?

Princess Hua-Yang's demeanor had changed too quickly, and he had accepted his incompetence.

Ji Yunkai ran into the tent, without waiting for her to ask, she stood up and walked out: "Let's go, something has happened in the palace, the Emperor has summoned us to the palace immediately."

Alright, the emperor had only summoned Ji Yunkai, but once Xiao Jiu'an found out, she could not let Ji Yunkai enter the palace alone.

If Ji Yunkai entered the palace alone, wouldn't she be torn apart by the emperor and the Sky Martial Princess?

Ji Yunkai quickly followed, and asked while walking: "What happened? Something to do with the Sky Martial Princess? "

It was not Ji Yunkai's fault for asking. At this time, the only people who would target her in the palace, and who had the ability to target her, were the Sky Martial Princess.

"Sky Martial Princess was assassinated in the palace by a palace maid, who was with Imperial Concubine Ji. He said that he was ordered by you." When Xiao Jiu'an said this, the corner of her mouth slightly rose, full of ridicule.

Ji Yunkai laughed, and said without strength: "Sky Martial Princess is indeed simple and crude, but quite useful." Everyone knew that this was a framing, but so what?

Just like how Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai accused the Sky Martial Princess of sending assassins to kill Xiao Jiu'an. Everyone knew that it was fake, but they could not resist the evidence that Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai had evidence in their hands.

"Picking up people's intelligence is nothing." This move of the Sky Martial Princess's was obviously learned from Ji Yunkai. Before this, the Sky Martial Princess would never use such a simple method, nor would she use such methods to calculate her injuries.

Perhaps it was a natural sense of superiority, Sky Martial Princess always liked to use schemes and schemes, just like blocking Ji Yunkai's path on the streets.

With her background and the rights in her hands, she didn't need to think too much about it. She could just drag anyone she disliked out and beat them to death, not needing to waste any effort at all.

But this time, being defeated by Ji Yunkai, Sky Martial Princess's self-confidence suffered a huge blow, and she also started to scheme against his.

I wonder if this is a step back or a step forward for Sky Martial Princess?

"It doesn't matter whether it is useful as long as it is useful. If that palace maid commits suicide in front of me again, I won't be able to say for sure even if I have a mouth." As long as Sky Martial Princess was not stupid, he would definitely do this.

"You know what you're doing. Have you thought of a way to deal with it?" Whatever Ji Yunkai could think of, Xiao Jiu'an could naturally think of as well.

"No, this kind of thing is unmanageable. The more you do, the more mistakes you will make." Ji Yunkai quietly followed behind Xiao Jiu'an and climbed onto the carriage.

Although the two of them did not have a heavy heart, they really did not have the heart to play chess. In order to not sit idle for more than an hour, Xiao Jiu'an asked him about the Corpse Poison s.

"Did you find anything?" Ji Yunkai was collecting blood and asking questions, so if she said that she didn't find anyone, she didn't believe it at all.

"It should be a blood virus. I don't know the specific composition yet, but I'll think about it when I get back." She remembered that there were some herbs which had the effect of cleaning up the blood trash. He would go back and try them out to see if he could find any problems.

"Yes." If you need anything, just tell him or her and he will fully cooperate with you. " He had never treated people who did things seriously, much less his own subordinates.

"Alright." Ji Yunkai did not hold back, she indeed needed the manager's help.

"About that …" Ji Yunkai opened her mouth wide, wanting to ask for Xiao Jiu'an. If she did not concoct the antidote for the Corpse Poison, would Xiao Jiu'an still look for the phoenix pendant for her?

But when the words came to his mouth, Ji Yunkai swallowed them back.

Wasn't it obvious that she didn't trust Xiao Jiu'an's character to ask about it?

Only, she didn't say it out loud, but Xiao Jiu'an could guess what she wanted to ask.

Originally, Xiao Jiu'an did not want to care about it, but seeing how conflicted Ji Yunkai looked as though she wanted to speak, she could not help but be in a good mood. After pondering for a moment, she decided to give Ji Yunkai a peace of mind, "This king has already found the location of the phoenix pendant, and will bring it back very soon."

"Really?" Ji Yunkai looked at Xiao Jiu'an with her bright eyes, which were filled with Xiao Jiu'an. Xiao Jiu'an felt extremely comfortable in her heart, but her face maintained a prideful expression as she nodded her head.

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