After running for a whole day, Ji Yunkai was tired and hungry, and ate even more than usual at night. When she finished eating, he suddenly thought of what Xiao Jiu'an had said, and couldn't help but reflect on it. She really got fat?

Ji Yunkai frowned, seeing Baoqin's happy face as she cleaned up the plate, she could not help but ask: "Baoqin, have I eaten too much recently? You have gained weight? "

Baoqin didn't know why Ji Yunkai had asked such a question, but she quietly asked: "Royal Concubine, did the clothes do not fit your body?"

Since the prince and wangfei were already in the same bed, who knew if the princess already had a son in her womb? If she ate too little, wouldn't it be bad for her child?

"You … "Too far." Ji Yunkai's head was filled with black lines. She suddenly thought back to a magazine she had read a long time ago, saying that females would lose their libido if they were too thin. Furthermore, males did not like skinny beauties.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

As he was thinking too much, various unsuitable scenes suddenly popped out in his mind. Ji Yunkai's face suddenly flushed.

Baoqin saw this and felt joy in her heart.

The wangfei must have thought of her and the prince's child. When she thought of the prince and his wife's appearances, how beautiful must they be when they were born?

He couldn't think, couldn't think, because once he thought about it, he couldn't do anything anymore.

Baoqin tried her best to suppress the corners of her lips, and said with a face full of smiles: "Esteemed wangfei, do you want the kitchen to make you a soup to drink tonight?" She remembered that the doctor had said that the most nourishing pregnant women would be in the soup.

Ji Yunkai rubbed her stomach that could still be considered flat, and nodded: "Less salt, no too greasy." She felt that if she could eat a little more, it would fit Xiao Jiu'an's description of fatness.

"Yes, Princess." Baoqin carried the bowl out happily. When she arrived at the courtyard and saw the flowers and plants that had regained their spirit, she became even more excited.

Everything will get better.

When Xiao Jiu'an returned to the Duke Palace, she continued to eat with his left hand. As for his right hand?

He removed the bandage on his right hand and calmly placed it on his back the entire time, so no one had discovered that his right hand was injured, including Xiao Shaorong.

Thinking about it, it made sense. No one would have thought that the famous Xiao Jiu'an would hurt his finger, so no matter what, this kind of stupid thing shouldn't happen to him.

He still used his left hand to take care of the work, but this time Xiao Jiu'an was not the least bit unwell. He quickly finished writing the reply, and after resting for a bit, he raised his head to see a pot of flowers and plants that he had never seen before, and his tensed mind relaxed slightly.

This flower should have been replaced today. It seemed that Ji Yunkai had really remembered his words and would give him a fresh flower pot every other day.

"You sure are considerate." Xiao Jiu'an habitually rubbed the ring on her right thumb. Only now did she remember that after the second ring broke, it had never been replaced.

"Some habits have to be changed." Before, he had always been carrying ring, but because Shiqing had made that ring herself, she changed it after shattering. Now …

He probably would not bring another ring with him. After all, he did not use bows and arrows often, so ring were not very useful to him.

Lowering his eyes, looking at the circle of imprint his right thumb had left behind because he always carried ring s, a trace of disappointment flashed across Xiao Jiu'an's eyes.

He'd always thought she was smart, but he'd challenged his tolerance to the point where he'd lost even his only value.

As he indifferently withdrew his gaze, he saw the bite marks on his middle finger and index finger. Xiao Jiu'an could not help but frown, and suddenly recalled that Ji Yunkai did not seem to have found the Doctor Zhuge to mix medicine for them.

"That stupid woman, she really makes people worry!" Xiao Jiu'an could not help but curse, and called for the hidden guards with a cold face: "Men!"

"Your Highness." The shadow guard immediately appeared and knelt on one knee.

"Find the Doctor Zhuge and have him concoct medicine for my wife." If not for the pain of waking up in the middle of the night, who would be so stupid as to hold their hand up for her to bite?

"Yes." The hidden guard replied and left. He rushed to the Yanbei Army's camp that very night and dug out the soundly asleep Doctor Zhuge. After letting him concoct the medicine, she returned to the Prince Yanbei's Mansion that very night.

When he came back with the medicine, it was already midnight. Ji Yunkai had already woken up from the pain, bringing the medicine back, it was completely useless for him, but it was still better for Ji Yunkai to remember this.

"Help me thank the prince." She had forgotten about this matter, she did not expect Xiao Jiu'an to remember it.

"Isn't it better for the wangfei to thank him herself?" The dark guard was stunned for a moment, then carefully advised.

He was about to run up to the prince and say, "Prince, wangfei wants me to thank you."

The prince then added, "Tell her that there won't be a next time."

Did he have to tell the princess again?

The prince and princess lived so close together, so there was no need to trouble a pitiful child like him to pass on the message. If anything went wrong, how would he be able to bear it?

Ji Yunkai fell silent, then nodded her head after hesitating for a moment: "I will tell the prince myself." It was as though she had shown more sincerity by thanking his personally.

"This subordinate will take his leave." He was afraid that Ji Yunkai would go back on her word and did not dare to stay any longer. In the blink of an eye, he was already gone, and because she was in a rush, she even accidentally brought a pot of flowers along with him.

With a "pa" sound, the fertilizer Baoqin sprinkled all fell out, landing on the ground. Some of the fertilizer landed on the leaves and turned into the leaves, merging with them and making them into a bright green color.

Unfortunately, it was too dark and Ji Yunkai's courtyard had always been devoid of people, so no one noticed the abnormality of those few leaves …

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