That new drug, there was a little problem!

"Princess, what kind of medicine is this?" Little Doctor Zhuge held up a green leaf, her bloodshot eyes shining brightly.

"Esteemed wangfei, you're too amazing! You actually guessed it right away, it's really it! I just saw it on the table and felt that it was different from the others, so I took the solution and tested it. The poisonous blood has returned to normal. " Little Doctor Zhuge simply did not notice the hesitation in Ji Yunkai's eyes, he was too preoccupied with being happy.

"Princess, is the green lily still around? Let's go take a look. Maybe we can find the problem. " Little Doctor Zhuge did not want to give up, nor did Ji Yunkai.

She had finally found a way out, how could she be willing to give up?

"Take this leaf first. Wait for me here, I'll go get it." Her yard was not safe, at least not for her.

"Alright." Little Doctor Zhuge took the mutated leaf and put it away properly.

Ji Yunkai did not delay any further, and quickly walked out.

Outside, the glaring sunlight shone down and Ji Yunkai instinctively raised her hand to block it.

How long had it been since she'd seen sunlight?

"Princess, you're finally out!" From time to time, Baoqin would stroll outside the pharmacy, waiting for Ji Yunkai to come out. After waiting for three days, she finally decided to wait.

Baoqin's face was filled with joy as sshe walked forward. Seeing Ji Yunkai standing still, he asked worriedly, "Esteemed wangfei, are you alright?"

"How many days have I been in the pharmacy?" When she came out, she was shocked by her exhaustion. Ji Yunkai could not help but ask.

"It's been three days and two nights. If you didn't come out, this servant would have charged in already." Seeing that Ji Yunkai was so haggard that she did not even look human anymore, Baoqin was worried sick. She prayed that the wangfei was not pregnant with the little prince, otherwise, if the little prince came out with any problems, he would really make people regret.

"I didn't expect to stay so long." No wonder she felt tired and wanted to sleep. He had already been here for three days. She thought he had only been here for one day.

Ji Yunkai patted her head to keep herself awake, and said: "Let's go, we will go back first."

Ji Yunkai pushed Baoqin away and walked out of the courtyard. She was not weak enough to need someone's support.

"Sigh," Baoqin replied crisply, and followed behind Ji Yunkai, constantly muttering to herself, "Esteemed wangfei, you must be tired now, so why don't I bring you some water to soak in it? Should she sleep first? If wangfei was hungry, could she eat something first? "

It was probably because they hadn't talked for three days that Baoqin seemed to have a bellyful of words on her mind, as she gave Ji Yunkai countless of choices when she opened her mouth. Ji Yunkai was already dizzy, and this made her head hurt even more: "Alright, I don't need anything, you don't need to follow me."

Baoqin was good at everything, but she was too long-winded, especially during this period of time.

"Ah?" Princess, are you still busy? " Baoqin was shocked, she could not believe what she had heard.

Her princess consort had been busy for three days and two nights straight, and yet she still needed to be busy? Even a man made of iron couldn't stand it.

"I know what I'm doing. Either be quiet or stand far away." Ji Yunkai was extremely tired, her tone naturally did not sound any better. Baoqin was startled, and stood foolishly in place, feeling wronged and scared at the same time.

She had never seen an imperial concubine speak to her in such an impatient tone. Did she dislike her?

Baoqin was extremely panicking in his heart, and the more she thought about it, the more panicking she became.

She was indeed becoming more and more impudent these days. Relying on the fact that she was easy to talk to, she would suggest for the wangfei to do this from time to time, suggest for the wangfei to do that …

This was not the attitude of a servant.

"Princess …" Baoqin's face paled as she hurriedly chased after his. She kneeled down in front of Ji Yunkai and cried, "Esteemed wangfei, this servant was wrong. This servant knows my wrongs and asks for your punishment, esteemed wangfei."

"Baoqin, what are you trying to do?" Ji Yunkai sighed powerlessly.

What was Baoqin doing? Didn't she see that she was busy and tired?

She really wasn't in the mood, nor did she have the energy to deal with her.

"Esteemed wangfei, this servant has crossed the line. This servant knows my wrongs and asks that esteemed wangfei punish me." Ji Yunkai's face was filled with tears, as he reflected on his own tears. After hearing a few sentences, Ji Yunkai impatiently interrupted his: "Alright, alright, since you know your wrongs, you should look for the manager to receive your punishments."

"Yes, Princess." This time, Baoqin did not dare say anything, and silently retreated to find the supervisor. Ji Yunkai's ears had finally cleared.

Returning back to the courtyard, Ji Yunkai found the green luo that had changed the flower pot immediately.

There was nothing she could do about it. Amongst all the potted plants, the green loli was extremely eye-catching and bright. She couldn't just ignore it even if she wanted to.

"This basin of green loli is too eye-catching, she really shouldn't have placed it here." Ji Yunkai didn't know why this flower had become like this, but she knew that this was definitely not a good thing for her.

The people of Prince Yanbei's Mansion were all intelligent, this abnormality would definitely attract attention.

In order to slightly cover himself, Ji Yunkai took out a piece of cloth and wrapped it up before bringing it to the pharmacy.

"Princess, is this the pot?" The moment Ji Yunkai entered, Little Doctor Zhuge immediately went forward to receive the green loli in her hands. He eagerly opened it, and when he saw the vibrant green loli in her hands, the Little Doctor Zhuge, who had never loved these things before, couldn't help but praise his.

"It is indeed a little brighter than the other green lotuses. If I use my superpower to nurture it, it will only be at this level. After a while, it will directly enter the mature stage of the seed." However, she didn't like to use her superpower much. Therefore, the plants she raised were only slightly better than normal people's …

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