The black spot on Ji Yunkai's face was her symbol. Regardless of whether they recognized Ji Yunkai or not, as long as they saw the black mark on her face, they would know that it was Ji Yunkai.

Similarly, seeing an ordinary country girl with a clean face and bamboo basket on her back, no one would think that she was Ji Yunkai.

After being fully prepared, Ji Yunkai then rode his horse towards Gale Cliff.

Thus, it was understandable for others to be jealous of her.

Ever since Feng Qi had disappeared, all sorts of people had gathered on this path from the capital to the Gale Cliff. There were people from Beichen, the Feng Family, and even the Prince Yanbei's Mansion …

Ji Yunkai did not hide her presence, she was discovered the moment she appeared. It was just that no matter if it was Beichen, the Feng Family or the people from the Prince Yanbei's Mansion, none of them could recognize her.

Therefore, even though the three parties saw her, they guessed that she was going for Feng Qi, but did not make a move against her.

After all, they were all hiding here for a purpose. If their target didn't appear, they wouldn't easily be exposed, lest they were surrounded by enemies hidden in the shadows.

Furthermore, to be able to enter Gale Cliff did not mean that they could find Feng Qi. Even if they could, it did not mean that they could come out alive.

Rather than fighting now and alarming the grass for a nobody, it would be better to wait a bit longer. Who knew if this girl would die at Gale Cliff. Even if she didn't die there, it wouldn't be too late to deal with her after she came out of Gale Cliff.

Because the three parties were restraining each other, the "non-target" Ji Yunkai walked into the Gale Cliff right under their noses, causing Ji Yunkai to rejoice in his victory.

Yes, it was fortunate that she didn't like beauty. Previously, she didn't use medicine to cover the spots on her face for the sake of being beautiful. Otherwise, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly this time.

Gale Cliff was very large. There were countless mountains, and it could even be said that they were filled with mountains. Furthermore, they were all rocky mountains. Occasionally, weeds would grow out, but they were also pathetically few.

The news that Ji Yunkai received was very simple. He only knew that Feng Qi had gone missing at Gale Cliff. As for which mountain he had gone missing on, Ji Yunkai did not even know.

It was a good thing that Ji Yunkai was an expert at observing. As long as there were traces of movement anywhere, Ji Yunkai would be able to see it, and there were no grass, trees, or prey on the Wind Gazing Cliff. Normally, there would be people coming over, so as long as she could find traces of people walking past, she would be able to find out where Feng Qi disappeared to.

Ji Yunkai was a patient person, and because she had graduated and worked in the army, she had the determination and determination of a soldier, and the attitude of a soldier completing a mission.

Entering the Gale Cliff, Ji Yunkai abandoned his horse and rode on ahead. Along the way, he carefully searched for traces.

Based on the traces left behind at the scene, Ji Yunkai inferred that Fei Xiao Chai should be with Feng Qi, and the two of them had fallen down the mountain together.

Ji Yunkai did not know how deep the mountain was, but the cliffs were filled with uneven rocks, and large rocks would pop out from the cliffs from time to time, blocking his line of sight.

"I can only go down the mountain." Ji Yunkai searched all over and finally found a place to go down the mountain.

Ji Yunkai had participated in special training before, so climbing a mountain wasn't too difficult for her.

Ji Yunkai used the thick rope she brought with her to make a rope to secure one end to her body, she knew that such a rope wouldn't be able to stop itself from grinding, if she were to be grinded more by the sharp protruding rocks, it would definitely break, but there would be no victories.

"Huff …" Ji Yunkai took a deep breath, took out a pair of gloves made out of coarse cloth, and also took out a dagger that was tied to one side of his leg. Then, with the support of the cliff, he slowly walked down …

Ji Yunkai clenched his dagger tightly in his teeth, both of his hands grabbing onto the protruding stone as he walked down step by step. If he could not find a place to support, he would insert the dagger into the crevice and use that as a way to stabilize his body.

Ji Yunkai knew the danger of going down the mountain. He walked carefully with every step, afraid that he would fall down if he wasn't careful …

As for the safety rope tied around his waist?

Ji Yunkai did not expect the rope to be useful, it was just a precaution, just in case.

Stone Head Mountain also had its benefits. Not only was there a rock protruding from the cliff to support it, Ji Yunkai did not need to worry about the grass and trees blocking his view. Ji Yunkai walked steadily down the cliff, but an accident still happened.

"Huala …" Ji Yunkai stepped onto a protruding rock, but he didn't expect that rock to be so weathered. With a stomp of his foot, the rock instantly turned into powder and he was unable to support it at all.

"Ahh …" Ji Yunkai let out a reflexive scream, but he did not panic because of it. Instead, he quickly grabbed onto his dagger and tried to change his direction towards the cliff to ensure that he could touch it.

"Sizzle, sizzle..." The dagger slashed across the cliff, creating a series of sparks. Ji Yunkai continued to fall, all the way until …

With a "dong," the rope around her tightened and she was able to stabilize herself.

"I didn't expect this rope to really work." Countless slashes were made on Ji Yunkai's body and face, and there were even two bloody lines on her face, but she didn't feel any pain.

"Squeak squeak..." The rope could not support it, and released an ear-piercing sound. Ji Yunkai could not be happy, and immediately stabbed the dagger into the stone to stabilize his body. At the same time, he untied the rope on his body.

There was no helping it, the length of the rope was limited, and the place she was standing right now was still a distance away from the bottom of the cliff. If she wanted to continue downwards, she had to untie the rope …

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