Using cucumbers to extract the juice was very slow, and he didn't get much juice either. But Ji Yunkai had no choice, the two of them couldn't eat, they could only drink liquid food, other than fruit juice and water, she couldn't feed them at all.

But as long as he could save them, Ji Yunkai would be willing to do anything even if it would be troublesome.

Coal blocks provide enough heat, and another type of rock, which is used as fuel, smells like phosphorite and has a good phosphorus content. Phosphorus has a low burning point and burns fast enough to serve as a primer.

After the vine fully matured, it became as thick as a thumb, and its water content was not low. Ji Yunkai first squeezed out a bit of water from the vine, and then threw it into the fire.

With the rattan, the fire became even more intense, and the cave instantly lit up.

Even after squeezing all the vines into a bundle, there was only half a bag of juice left. However, Ji Yunkai was still very satisfied.

With this juice, she would be able to help Fei Xiaozhu clean up his wounds.

It was because the injury on his leg was just too severe. Feng Qi's entire body was filled with abrasions, and even if there was a knife wound, it wasn't deep. However, Fei Xiao Chai's right leg was broken.

Cleaning up, applying medicine, bandaging … Usually, when Ji Yunkai consumed it in the Navy, she would only do it for emergency relief in the wild. It really wasn't a difficult task for her to bandage her wounds in the wild.

Not only had Ji Yunkai cleaned all the wounds on Fei Xiaolei's leg clean, he also dealt with a few of the serious injuries on Feng Qi's body.

When Ji Yunkai finished tossing and turning, he realized that the coal was completely burnt red and the temperature in the cave had risen. Ji Yunkai heaved a sigh of relief.

If the temperature was too high, she wouldn't have to worry about them dying from the cold.

However, Ji Yunkai still could not sleep, the two patients in the cave still needed her to take care of them, if not for anything else, she had to continue feeding them water, feeding them food, otherwise their bodies would be too weak, how could they survive.

With the watermelon seeds in Ji Yunkai's hand, it was said that it was a high-quality variety that came from the Sky Martial, and its price was shockingly high.

When Ji Yunkai bought the watermelon seeds, he did not care about the price at all. Useful.

Ji Yunkai cooked ten watermelon seeds in a row. Five of them grew to maturity, and their vines spread all over the ground, but no watermelon appeared. The four seeds had just sprouted, and the last one had grown to its most mature state.

The barren cave was instantly covered in green leaves. If Feng Qi and Fei Xiao Chai woke up at this moment, they would definitely faint from fright.

Taking off the plump watermelon, Ji Yunkai cut it open and fed the melon meat to Feng Qi and Fei Xiao Chai.

Perhaps it was because the water he fed in the evening had taken effect, Feng Qi and Fei Xiao Chai could already swallow it now. They did not need Ji Yunkai's forceful drinking to let out a sigh of relief.

Ji Yunkai only ate one piece of the watermelon, and fed the rest into Fei Xiaolou and Feng Qi's mouths.

Feng Qi kept it warm the entire time. He mixed the antipyretic drug into a watermelon and fed it to Fei Xiao Chai. Ji Yunkai used the same method to feed Fei Xiao Chai some anti-inflammatory medicine.

These medicines were all personally concocted by the Little Doctor Zhuge himself.

At this time, Feng Qi and Fei Xiao Chai's situation had improved, their breathing had become more stable, and their heartbeats had become even more powerful. Ji Yunkai heaved a long sigh of relief, and seeing that the darkness was fading and the sky was gradually brightening, Ji Yunkai stood up and stretched his waist, then walked to the cave entrance. Leaning on the rock at the cave entrance, he rested.

She was tired.

She was extremely nervous and felt that and Fei Xiao Chai were not in any danger for the time being. She relaxed and immediately felt that her whole body was covered with fatigue and that there was not a single part of her that was not sore. She urgently needed to rest.

Once Ji Yunkai leaned on a rock, she immediately fell asleep. Furthermore, because her body was too tired, she directly slept to death, so she did not notice that Feng Qi had opened his eyes not long after she fell asleep …

Yes, Feng Qi woke up!

More accurately speaking, when Ji Yunkai was feeding him, he had already woken up. He knew that he was leaning on a warm embrace, and he could even smell the fragrance of the master that was hugging him. He could vaguely guess who it was, but he didn't dare believe it.

After all, that person was so far away from him, and she didn't have any freedom. How could she have come all the way from the capital to look for him?

However, that dream was very real. He wanted to open his eyes to take a look, but found that he didn't even have the strength to do so.

When he finally opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to find the girl in his dreams. There were no accidents. He found her …

The moment he saw her for the past ten thousand years, the moment he knew that this was not a dream, Feng Qi felt as if his heart had been struck by something.

His heart had fallen.

"It really is you, my … "Junior Sister." Turning his head to the side, he looked at Ji Yunkai who was resting on the stone. Feng Qi's shiny black eyes were filled with laughter and pain.

At this time, Ji Yunkai was in a very sorry state. There were wounds on his face, which was dirty, and his face looked yellow and unhealthy. The current Ji Yunkai was very ugly and in a sorry state, but in Feng Qi's eyes, the girl bathed in sunlight was a fairy that had descended to the mortal world, and there was no one more beautiful than her.

"Junior Martial Sister, what should we do... I want to bring you back to Sky Doctor Valley, so I don't want to let you go back anymore. " Feng Qi turned his head to look at Ji Yunkai, his lips moved slightly as he muttered to himself.

At first glance, he liked Ji Yunkai, but the liking back then had nothing to do with men and women, it was only because of Ji Yunkai.

After getting along with each other, he began to admire Ji Yunkai more and more. He vaguely felt that his mental state was not right, so when Ji Yunkai told him to leave, he hesitated a little before leaving.

Because he knew very well that it was impossible for him and Ji Yunkai to be married off to her, as she was from the Prince Yanbei's Wife.

He thought that if he left, his feelings would slowly cool down. After all, he was a rational person, wasn't he?


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