Teach her a lesson, her man is not to be trifled with

"Chicken first, and then eggs!"

A loss was a loss. There was nothing to argue about.

Feng Qi cupped her hands in return, and waited for everyone to exit the stage, then said: "I have already answered all three questions, if there are no other questions, I will take my leave."

All the famous scholars present looked at each other …

Honestly speaking, they were a little unwilling. They didn't want to let Feng Qi go and let the opportunity to step on the Feng Family go, but …

Looking at Xiao Jiu'an who was seated on the stage with a cold face, everyone became silent again.

They had previously given him three questions, and they were witnessed by outsiders. If they were to renege on their promise now, how could they still have the face to call themselves scholars in the future?

"Young Noble Feng Qi is talented, your vast knowledge is worthy of our admiration." After waiting for a moment, someone finally stood up, indicating that he had given up.

With someone taking the lead, the rest of them naturally followed suit and praised Feng Qi, showing their approval.

Feng Ning sat in the middle of the Feng Family disciples, looking at Feng Qi who was standing on the stage while receiving the praises of the crowd. He still carried a faint smile that was like the spring wind on his face, and had a look of worship on his face that was proud of Feng Qi.

How many arrangements had he made for this debate?

He didn't even hesitate to use the reputation of the Feng family to humiliate others, but what about the result?

Feng Ning lifted her head and looked at the person on the opposing stage. A hint of coldness flashed through her clear eyes: Xiao Jiu'an, Ji Yunkai!

It was this couple again, it was this couple that ruined his plans. He deserved to die. Village/\Village/\Small/\Talk/\Web)

No one raised any more questions, so the debate ended here. The people from the Supreme Dao Palace stepped onto the stage and officially announced the end of this month's debate. But before he could open his mouth, he heard Ji Yunkai say, "Gentlemen, I have a question that I am puzzled over. May I take this opportunity to ask everyone?"

When Ji Yunkai said this, he immediately became the focus of the entire audience. Even the Grand Princess and the Sky Martial Princess that were unwilling to look at her looked at her with eyes full of disdain.

In this kind of situation, it was impossible for a woman to speak.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife?" Seeing that the one who spoke was Ji Yunkai, everyone's first reaction was to frown.

This woman was hard to deal with, and her man was even harder to deal with.

Alright, there were also times when the Prince Yanbei had to be reasonable, and she even made them, a bunch of students, unable to lift their heads up. Just thinking about it made them sullen.

The people from the Supreme Dao Palace frowned. They wanted to stop him, but a bunch of frustrated students asked first, "Prince Yanbei's Wife, do you have any questions?"

These two days and one night were enough for them to hold back. Since the Prince Yanbei's Wife had delivered it to them, they wouldn't be polite.

They could not defeat Feng Qi, but could not defeat Prince Yanbei, and could not do anything to a woman?

Son of Prince Duan quietly pulled on Ji Yunkai's sleeves. She wanted to advise her to give up, but before sshe could even touch Ji Yunkai, he was stopped by Xiao Jiu'an's cold blade.

The Son of Prince Duan was so scared that she sat in her seat and felt extremely wronged.

What did he do? He clearly had good intentions.

Ignoring the disdainful gaze of the crowd, Ji Yunkai asked: "My question is a fist-sized rock and a basin-sized rock. At the same time, thrown down from the tall building, which rock would fall down first?"

"Is there even a need to ask? Of course the larger rocks will fall first. If they are heavier, they will naturally fall first. " A student said without even thinking.

"Are you all sure?" Ji Yunkai asked.

She was going to teach everyone present, not an unknown elementary school.

"Such a simple question, do we still need to confirm it?" "Ignorant woman, a scholar's time is very precious. If you don't understand, then don't ask randomly, and don't waste our time for nothing." A student who was obviously angry did not answer directly, but instead taught Ji Yunkai a lesson with his words.

Ji Yunkai did not mind, but Xiao Jiu'an was not in a good mood. She swept his a cold glance: "When is it your turn to evaluate this king's consort!"

He, Xiao Jiu'an, was the only one who could call his stupid and ignorant, while others could not.

"Your Highness, this student is only speaking the truth. This question is so simple that even a three-year-old child can answer it. The question of wangfei is really, really …" Not on the table.

"So, all of you have the same answers? Think it's a big rock that fell first? " Xiao Jiu'an didn't pay attention to the two pieces of rock. Both of them fell down from the sky at the same time, which one landed first, but...

He knew that Ji Yunkai was definitely not some ignorant woman, and even more so would not ask a simple question.

One had to know that this woman had already promised Fei Xiao Chai that she would help Feng Qi vent his anger, so how could she ask such a simple question?

Feng Qi and the Son of Prince Duan also frowned. They felt that Ji Yunkai would not ask such a simple question, so why did she suddenly hit the ground first?

Although the boulder was heavier, they still felt that the answer wasn't that simple.

As for the answer, they couldn't figure it out for a while as they had never tried it before.

"Yes, it must have been the boulder that landed first." Under Xiao Jiu'an's coercion, those who initially did not want to express their opinions also followed suit.

It was such a simple question, there was no need to ask them. The Prince Yanbei really doted on his consort too much.

Other than the people from the Qi family, everyone else expressed their opinion at the same time under Xiao Jiu'an's pressure, thinking that the big rock had fallen onto the ground first.

Seeing that, Xiao Jiu'an looked at Ji Yunkai with a face full of haughtiness: Stupid woman, did you see that? Without Xiao Jiu'an, she can't do anything!

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