He had picked up a treasure!

"My lord, something bad has happened. The troops of the imperial court have arrived. They said that they are here to train with the Yanbei Army in accordance to the emperor's words." The little soldier ran in front of Xiao Jiu'an while gasping for breath, and said hastily without waiting for Xiao Jiu'an to catch her breath.

"Training together?" What a good excuse. " Hearing that, Xiao Jiu'an laughed coldly, a hint of coldness flashing across her eyes.

After Xiao Jiu'an finished speaking, she brought people to gather the troops and horses, while she gave Ji Yunkai the authority to handle the matters in the mines.

Xiao Jiu'an's attitude was very clear, she would be responsible for the people from the imperial government, and Ji Yunkai and Ji Yunkai would be responsible for the problems in the mines. She would not care about the methods used, he only wanted the results.

Ji Yunkai was not in a hurry to bring the explosives into the mines. Instead, she had her men measure the size of the explosion, the distance between the flying rocks, and the depth of the explosion.

After he finished measuring the amount of data, Ji Yunkai found an empty area and broke a branch, then started to calculate the maximum gravity in the cave.

"What is this?" Feng Qi walked up, and seeing that Ji Yunkai had written a string of symbols on the ground that he could not understand, she could not help but ask.

He suddenly realized that Yun Kai had many secrets on him that he could not comprehend.

"By calculating the power of the explosives and how many of them we need, we can guarantee that we can blast the boulders and not cause the mines to collapse." Ji Yunkai did not turn back as she continued to calculate.

She knew that Feng Qi would not ask any further.

Feng Qi was such a considerate person, to be able to accept even her own superpower without a care, what else could Feng Qi not accept?

Sure enough, when Feng Qi heard this, she did not ask any further. She only stood silently at the side, blocking others from approaching for Ji Yunkai.

He knew that Yun Kai had a secret, but that didn't matter. He would protect her secret with her.

Ji Yunkai calculated it once, checked it again, confirmed that there were no problems, and then erased all the numbers on the ground.

Just to be safe, she still had to scratch the stone once to make sure no one could see what was wrong.

"Senior Brother, I've calculated it. Let's bomb them first and use four explosives. We can move after we see the situation." According to her calculations, she had brought enough explosives with her. Of course, that was assuming that the stone in front of them in the mine was actually a rock, not a mountain.

If it was a stone mountain, then the small amount of explosives would not be enough.

"Alright." Feng Qi walked up, took out four explosives and walked into the cave with Ji Yunkai, then placed them according to Ji Yunkai's request.

"Yun Kai, you go out first. I'll make some lead." Previously, he did not fight outside because he knew that it was very safe outside. However, it was different inside the mine.

Ji Yunkai did not refuse, she knew that Feng Qi knew martial arts, and ran faster than her.

"Senior brother, after lighting the fuse, you must leave immediately. Remember, the faster the better." The further away from the mine the better. Although I've calculated it, I can't guarantee that there won't be any errors in my calculations. Once the mine collapses, I'll be in danger. " To be safe, Ji Yunkai warned Feng Qi in detail. It was only when Feng Qi had guaranteed this three times that Ji Yunkai finally went out.

After exiting the cave and walking far away, Ji Yunkai shouted, "Senior Brother, it's done."

In the mine, when Feng Qi heard the noise, she blew the fire until it broke. Then she walked forward and ignited the fuse that was twisted together.

After igniting the fuse, Feng Qi did not rush out. Instead, after making sure that it was properly lit, he ran out.

Even though he said that he was running, Feng Qi did not run at all. His speed was fast, but his posture was as light and casual as usual, without a trace of panic or urgency.

"Sizzle, sizzle..." The lead line was burning, while Feng Qi gracefully floated out of the tunnel.

Ji Yunkai stood outside the cave, looking at the entrance nervously. She was afraid that Feng Qi wouldn't make it in time, so when she saw Feng Qi's figure appearing at the cave entrance, Ji Yunkai's anxious heart finally settled down.

As long as you come out!

After Feng Qi came out, she did not stop to listen to what Ji Yunkai said. Instead, she gathered hherenergy and activated his Qing Gong to its maximum as she flew in front of Ji Yunkai with his fastest speed.

Just as he landed in a safe zone, the explosives in the mine exploded!

"Rumble …" The powerful sound caused the eardrums to hurt. The mine seemed to be shaking, and the ground under their feet started to shake as well.

Ji Yunkai covered her ears, and retreated, looking at the broken stones and soil flying out of the cave, her face was gloomy.

The power of the explosion was much greater than she had expected. She wondered if the tunnel would be able to withstand it.

There was only the sound of an explosion, but the sound of the ground moving lasted for a long time. After the explosion ended, there were no rocks flying out of the tunnel, but dust continued to gush out of the tunnel.

However, fortunately, the mine did not collapse, and only suffered some damage.

"It didn't collapse just like that?" The soldier that was watching from the side was truly shocked.

They had just seen the might of the explosion and also felt the power of the explosion. Under such great power, the mine tunnel actually did not collapse. This was simply too amazing.

How did the wangfei do it?

The group of deputy generals and soldiers all looked at Ji Yunkai in unison, especially the participant that knew how to look for a place, whose eyes were burning with passion when she looked at Ji Yunkai.

He was sure that this was neither a coincidence nor an accident, much less luck. He knew that this was the result of Princess Hua-Yang's precise calculations.

He had heard the Princess's words earlier and knew that the location and amount of explosives she had placed had been calculated. However, while Princess Hua-Yang was calculating, Young Master Feng Qi had been standing at the side the entire time, so he was too embarrassed to go forward and take a look.

After all, all sects and schools had secret techniques that they didn't want to pass on to their direct disciples. Outsiders were not allowed to learn them.

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