The eighteenth maester of the Silver Building had never been defeated since he entered the path of cultivation. From this, it could be seen that his abilities were not ordinary. At that moment, they were constantly changing their formations, slowing down the speed of their attacks.

Compared to dodging and avoiding, Xiao Jiu'an preferred to kill them directly.

After fighting for a few breaths, only two people were killed. This efficiency made Xiao Jiu'an very dissatisfied.

Ji Yunkai's current position was just right, the killer wouldn't be able to kill her that easily, even if Xiao Jiu'an wanted to save her in the face of danger, she would be able to make it in time.

"Damn it!" Xiao Jiu'an muttered an incantation, she had no choice but to give up her attempt to kill the killer, retreating to stop the killer who was pouncing towards Ji Yunkai.

He was more clear than anyone else how capable that girl Ji Yunkai was. He was imposing and boisterous, even when using his brain, he would be fine. If he were to fight one-on-one with someone, the other person would be able to squash her with one hand.

But, Xiao Jiu'an had forgotten that Ji Yunkai was not stupid, she knew that he was not strong enough, how could he fight against others one on one?

It's not like she doesn't have a weapon to protect herself, so why would she foolishly fight one on one and use all of her attacks on the commander she has. Is there something wrong with her head?

took out the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle and pressed on it calmly. Bang!

The silver needles pierced through the darkness like a streak of light. The eighteenth maester of the Silver Building discovered it and they dodged it as well. However …

He managed to dodge the silver needles that were shooting at him, but he was unable to avoid the needles that were shooting at him from all directions.

"Ahh …" With a blood-curdling screech, the silver needle pierced into the assassin's body and continued rotating within his body.

"Pain!" Even though he was a well-trained assassin, he could not help but scream in pain.

Fortunately, Xiao Jiu'an was a "benevolent" person. When she came forward to see the two of them rolling on the ground in pain, she raised his hand and gave them a quick death.

He had said that he was in a good mood today and would give them a good time.

"Xiao Jiu'an, get out of the way." Just as she finished off the two killers, she saw Ji Yunkai rushing towards the rest of the killers.

Seeing the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle in Ji Yunkai's hand, Xiao Jiu'an immediately understood what she wanted to do. Without saying a word, she jumped onto his horse and jumped behind Ji Yunkai, grabbing onto her from the back.

With the special situation being specially dealt with, Ji Yunkai didn't have the time to compare themselves to Xiao Jiu'an. She held the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle in one hand and aimed it at the killers: "Xiao Jiu'an, don't thank me."

Everyone knew that these assassins were here for Xiao Jiu'an. She had just been scolded by the fish pond.

"Swish, swish, swish …" The silver needle shot out like a meteor and flew towards the assassin.

The Eighteenth Scholar of the Silver Restaurant had just witnessed the power of the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle. In order to avoid being hit, he had to spread out to the sides to avoid the Silver Needle's attack. However, he did not expect that the Silver Needle would shoot out directly and not hit its target.

"What the hell is this?" The assassins who didn't say much before they killed, couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

This thing was like a ghost, as agile as a living creature. They had never seen such a powerful concealed weapon in their lives.

"Sky Doctor Valley — Divine Needle of Heavenly Doctor." Xiao Jiu'an spurred her horse forward, and while the Eighteenth Scholar of the Silver Building was avoiding the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle, he went forward and began to take their lives one by one.

In order to make these killers die in peace, Xiao Jiu'an kindly answered their questions on Ji Yunkai's behalf.

"Heavens …" "Puff …" The head of the assassin fell to the ground as his sword swept across the air. The assassin could not even utter a single word.

Blood gushed out from his neck, Ji Yunkai frowned.

When Xiao Jiu'an killed someone, it was not simple nor brutal, it made people feel nauseous. Fortunately, she was not a delicate and pretty girl from a noble family, if she was a normal noble girl, he would have definitely been scared to death by Xiao Jiu'an. Seeing Xiao Jiu'an's murderous look,he would definitely not dare to approach Xiao Jiu'an, nor would she dare to let Xiao Jiu'an near his.

After successfully killing off one side, Xiao Jiu'an did not stop for a moment, and once again rode her horse forward, continuing to kill the people on the other side.

Seeing that, the other man on the other side wanted to escape, but the moment Ji Yunkai pointed the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle at them, they did not dare to move recklessly.

They were afraid, afraid that the moment they took action, the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle would be aimed in their direction of escape. They wanted to wait for Ji Yunkai to press the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle down and then escape.

Ji Yunkai did not plan to press the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle at all, she was only trying to scare the assassins, and taking advantage of the moment when the assassins froze, Xiao Jiu'an jumped up and raised her sword to stop them.

In order to end the battle as quickly as possible, Xiao Jiu'an unleashed an unprecedented amount of strength. In the blink of an eye, she had killed six of the remaining seven assassins.

There was only one last person, and that was not because Xiao Jiu'an was unable to kill him, but because she had deliberately left him alive.

"Go back and tell your Tower Lord, this is the first time. This King will not bother with him. Next time, This King will burn down the Silver Building." Xiao Jiu'an stood in front of the killer and casually took out a white handkerchief.

The assassin was furious, but he couldn't do anything to Xiao Jiu'an. In the end, he could only leave in anger.

After successfully killing all the assassins, Xiao Jiu'an jumped onto the horse's back once again and sat obediently behind Ji Yunkai. She grabbed Ji Yunkai from behind and pulled the reins to continue the journey back to the city.

To be honest, he definitely hoped to sit face to face with Ji Yunkai so that Ji Yunkai could wrap both her legs around his waist and finish what he had left to do. Without even thinking, he knew that Ji Yunkai would definitely not agree.

The posture from before … It was indeed quite difficult for Ji Yunkai, but she was indeed ecstatic. It was just that the timing and the occasion today was not right, and she could give it a try if she wanted to change the situation to tomorrow at the Villa …

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