Although not many guests with valuable statuses had come to the banquet today, there were quite a few third and fourth rank official wives who had come. Even several matriarchs of the house of the Marquis had personally come, so it could be said that they had given face to the Ji Family.

Today, the entire Ji Mansion was bustling with noise and excitement, as though it was flourishing with flowers and flowers. Ji Yunkai's arrival, however, had pushed the banquet to its climax.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife, you came. We were just saying that you would lose a lot of color if you don't come to this banquet."

Even though Ji Family had sent a message to the Four Great Families of Feng Qi, it was clear that these four families would not come. As for the Grand Princess, even more so, she had not appeared in front of anyone since she was injured.

"Yun Kai, it's been a long time since your sister and brother have seen your big sister. They've always been thinking about you, don't you think it's better to meet them first?" In order to push Ji Xin and Ji Ning out, and so that the banquet could be held smoothly, Madam Ji did not hesitate to comfort Ji Yunkai softly.

"Let's meet then." Ji Yunkai indifferently swept a glance at Madam Ji, and did not make it difficult for her.

In front of so many people, even if she had a bellyful of resentment, she would still hold it in, not to mention that she no longer had any more resentment.

To her, the Ji Family was not important at all. Naturally, what the people of the Ji Family did to her was not important.

Just as Ji Yunkai finished speaking, Ji Xin and Ji Ning, accompanied by a servant, walked in. The fourteen-year-old young man still looked somewhat young and tender, but the 14-year-old young girl was already at the beginning of her grace and elegance.

The two of them had similar figures and similar faces. They were dressed in green and had an extraordinary elegance, causing all the maids behind them to sink into the depths of the abyss.

Ji Ning's face was red and white. He had the same exquisite features as Ji Xin, but he didn't seem feminine at all. He was dressed in a scholarly manner, and he wore a faint smile on his face.

Ning was already quite outstanding, but Ji Xin was many times stronger than him.

Putting aside her appearance, just her temperament was enough to shock people, making them unable to look at her properly.

Ji Xin was still young and should still be considered a child. However, Ji Xin had already displayed the grace a girl should have, and even had the dignified and steady look an ordinary girl should have, which caused Ji Yunkai to be unable to resist taking a few extra glances.

When Ji Yunkai saw this, she could not shift her eyes away, and her attention was deeply attracted by Ji Xin's pair of eyes.

Ji Xin's eyes didn't seem like they belonged to a girl of her age. The depth in her eyes was like someone who had seen through the vicissitudes of life and was indifferent. They didn't have the sunshine or warmth that a young girl should have.

However, this was not what Ji Yunkai did not understand the most. What she did not understand was the way Ji Xin looked at her, as if he was a monster.

Ji Yunkai was not a person who would let his down, upon seeing Ji Xin staring at her with wide eyes, Ji Yunkai was not courteous, and directly opened her mouth: "What? You don't recognize me? "

Ji Xin froze for a moment, as if she was extremely frightened. She quickly lowered her head and timidly called out, "Big Sister …"

"You seemed surprised to see me just now. Can you tell me the reason?" Ji Yunkai did not give Ji Xin the chance to escape, and directly asked.

Ji Xin lowered her head with a timid look on her face. "I was just startled when I saw that Big Sister seemed to have become a different person."

Ji Xin and Ji Ning would return every year, but they did not stay for long. They would occasionally meet Ji Yunkai, but the two of them did not interact much.

Ji Yunkai kept feeling that Ji Xin was strange and couldn't help but ask another question, "When have I become a different person? "What kind of person am I in Xin'er's eyes?"

"Big Sis didn't like to talk much in the past. She had always loved to be plain and plain. That's why Xin Er was so shocked when she saw big Sis." Ji Xin's voice was soft and pleasant to the ear. Looking at her lowered head, which was like a frightened little rabbit, Ji Yunkai suspected that if she were to say more, Ji Xin would definitely cry.

For the sake of his own reputation, there were so many people, Ji Yunkai did not think that he could get anything out of it.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Xin'er and Ning'er. This is a small token of my goodwill as an older sister." Ji Yunkai raised her hand, indicating Dong Ri to bring the gift over.

Ji Xin received the gift and opened it on the spot. She raised her head and revealed a gentle and tranquil smile. "Thank you, big sister. Xin Er really likes it."

With her innocent eyes and shy words, Ji Xin was now like a beautiful young girl. Although she was still somewhat out of place, it was as obvious as before. If one didn't look carefully, one wouldn't be able to see anything unusual about her, but …

Ji Yunkai kept staring at Ji Xin, but he did not let go of even a little of her abnormality.

She had to admit that Ji Xin had camouflaged herself well. If not for the disagreement on Ji Xin's body that was too obvious at the beginning of their meeting and the strange look in her eyes, Ji Yunkai would not have been so sensitive.

"Thank you big sister, I like it very much, too." Ji Ning was a man of few words. This was what his master had written for him in advance when he returned to the capital.

"As long as Ning and Xin'er like each other." Although Ji Yunkai was surprised by Ji Xin's unusual appearance, she did not say much. After she finished giving the gifts, Ji Yunkai tactfully stopped talking, so that Madam Ji could introduce Ji Xin and Ji Ning to the others.

Today, Ji Yunkai had given the Ji Family enough face, and besides being unexpected, Madam Ji was also extremely surprised. The gaze he used to look at Ji Yunkai couldn't help but soften a bit, but it was a pity that Ji Yunkai didn't care about all this.

As Madam Ji was introducing Ji Xin to the crowd, Ji Yunkai used a cup of tea as a camouflage to size up every single one of Ji Xin's movements without leaving a trace …

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