Once Feng Qi left, Feng Ning received the news.

"Indeed, only Ji Yunkai is your weakness." Feng Ning sat in the rocking chair with her eyes slightly closed, like an old man who had gone through thousands of tricks. She was like a politician who had gone through thousands of experiences. Her entire body was listless and without a trace of vitality.

If this kind of person wasn't found out, he wouldn't be able to sleep or eat well.

"Go, send someone to investigate, I want to know who is behind this." Forget it. I'll personally make a trip to the Ji manor. " Beichen Tianque thought about it, then decided to make a personal trip.

If he could find the person who was good at taming birds, if he could get that person to be of use to him, it would definitely help him greatly …

Sky Martial Princess also wanted to go personally, but with her identity, he could not move. He could only send people over.

Beichen Tianque and Sky Martial Princess had sent people to the Ji Family, so the Emperor would naturally not miss it. At the very first moment of events, he sent people to the Ji Family to investigate.

In an instant, both the public and the hidden troops all headed towards the Ji Family together. All of them possessed valuable statuses and were people that the Imperial Advisor Ji and Madam Ji could not invite, but the Imperial Advisor Ji and Madam Ji did not wish for these people to come at all.

At the same time, Ji Yunkai who was being attacked by the birds was forced into a corner, the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle in her hand could still be used, but the closerhe got, the more strange and numerous the birds were. Even if she were to press all of the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needles down, she would not be able to escape from the dense flock of birds.

In the end, Ji Yunkai could only give up on using the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle and chose to carry the weapon – Long Vines.

Of course, there were no vines on Ji Yunkai's body, she only had vine seeds.

At this time, Ji Yunkai could not care about whether or not she would reveal her secret. Holding the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle in one hand, she aimed at the flying bird that was pouncing towards him.

The seed needed time to grow. In this space, even with the protection of the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle, Ji Yunkai's face and body were still scratched.

Warm Winter, Baoqin and a few others were blocked by the flying birds. They wanted to help, but they were unable to do anything as they were also trapped by the flying birds.

"What should we do? "What should we do?" Zhang Hui He's situation was better, there were not many birds around her, although they could not help Ji Yunkai, but it would not be a problem to protect themselves.

"Someone, come! Is there anyone here?" Zhang Hui and Ji Yunkai were anxious and angry as they saw Ji Yunkai being surrounded by the birds.

She wanted to help, she didn't want Ji Yunkai to die, she didn't want Prince Yanbei's Wife to die …

However, those noble madams had already left with their servants. There were only Ji Yunkai, Zhang Hui, and his servant in the large shooting field, and no one else could help.

The royal family carried their blade and guards and immediately took over over the Ji Family, breaking through the Flying Bird's defense line. However, they did not immediately go and save the people, but instead went around the Ji Family to look for suspicious people and objects …

Just as Beichen Tianque and the Sky Martial Princess were thinking, the Emperor also didn't think that this was an accident and even more so thought that it was some kind of revenge by a bird. Although he didn't know the truth, the Emperor knew that today's matter was definitely manmade to destroy Ji Yunkai.

It was no wonder that Xiao Jiu'an came late. The Ji Family was closer to the palace, and would send people to the government to seek reinforcements whenever something happened. It was normal for the imperial guards to arrive first.

When Xiao Jiu'an brought his personal guards to the Ji Family, the atmosphere in the Ji Family immediately became tense. The imperial guards who were previously arrogant and reckless became stern in an instant.

They knew very well that the Prince Yanbei was not one to be trifled with.

"Prince Yanbei." The imperial guards stepped forward and took the initiative to greet him, but …

Xiao Jiu'an did not even give him a chance, she raised her leg and kicked him away. Not waiting for everyone to react, Xiao Jiu'an stood in the middle of the hall, coldly looking at everyone: "Where is my wangfei?"

Bang! At this time, the imperial guard who had been kicked away by Xiao Jiu'an just happened to fall onto the ground. He held onto her chest, and shouted with a twisted expression: "Prince Yanbei."

Unfortunately, Xiao Jiu'an still ignored him. With one hand behind his back, Xiao Jiu'an asked majestically, "This king asks, where is my wangfei?"

Her tone did not change, her speed of speech did not change, but everyone present somehow felt uneasy, and felt that when Xiao Jiu'an asked this second time, he was extremely unhappy in his heart.

Not daring to delay any longer, the Imperial Advisor Ji tremblingly stepped forward. "Your Highness, the wangfei is at the shooting field."

"Lead the way." Without saying a word, Xiao Jiu'an turned and walked into the Ji Palace. The Imperial Advisor Ji did not dare hesitate and immediately went forward to lead the way for Xiao Jiu'an.

"Yan …" The imperial guards wanted to stop them, but the moment they made a move, they were blocked by the Prince Yanbei's Mansion guards.

The guards of the Prince Yanbei's Mansion also did not say much, they only stood in front of them.

After successfully suppressing the imperial guards, the personal guards were not complacent, nor was there a cold snort, nor was there any disdain. It was as if to them, this was a very normal thing, but this kind of attitude made people even angrier.

The imperial guards were angry and angry, but they couldn't do anything to the Prince Yanbei's Mansion's personal guards, so they could only grit their teeth and endure.

Seeing that the royal guards did not dare to make a ruckus, he turned around and followed Xiao Jiu'an, without any hesitation at all.

"Chase after him." After the personal guard took several steps, the imperial guards finally reacted and quickly followed. As for the nobles and officials behind him, they also followed after hesitating for a moment.

To be honest, they really wanted to see how shocking the scene of the hundreds of birds taking revenge was. They also wanted to know why those birds would set their eyes on the Prince Yanbei's Wife.

Previously, they did not go because they were afraid that something would happen to them. Now that the Prince Yanbei was leading the way, what were they supposed to do?

If there was danger, the Prince Yanbei would naturally carry it …

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