Beichen Tianque's strength could not be underestimated. Even though the emperor had sent many experts to surround and capture him, she was still able to escape with her wounds wounded in the end.

Since the person had ran away, the emperor was naturally dissatisfied. Since he could not find the culprit, Beichen Tianque, he could only vent his anger on the Feng Family who was suspected to have relations with Beichen Tianque.

The Feng family's actions were equivalent to offending the Emperor. Now that they had obtained such a huge weakness, if the Emperor didn't take the opportunity to ruthlessly flatten the Feng family, then there would be no end to this.

No matter how the emperor changed the family, the Feng Family was still the Feng Family. In their eyes, there was only one family and no country, so they didn't need to betray their nation to collude with Beichen.

"Your majesty, Beichen Tianque has a treacherous and crafty personality. He has always been partial to his actions, and it is not impossible for him to take the chance to separate them." Patriarch Feng really thought this way. In his opinion, this was just Beichen's plan to get rid of him, and her methods were simple and crude, making others despise him.

"Separation? What a nice break. Was it a coincidence that the second young master of your house appeared at that manor a few days ago? " Not many people knew about the matter of Feng Ning appearing in the villa, but after the incident at Gale Cliff, Xiao Jiu'an had people keep an eye on Feng Ning so he naturally knew where Feng Ning was.

"What?" My son appeared in the manor before? " When the head of the Feng family heard this, he was shocked. It didn't seem like he was pretending, but who in the government could not tell if he was real or fake?

"What is it? The head of the Feng family didn't believe it? If you don't believe me, we will summon the second young master Feng to the palace. " If the Emperor wanted to make things difficult for the Feng family, he naturally had to make ample preparations. He didn't give the head of the Feng family the opportunity to reject and allowed the eunuchs to prematurely enter the palace.

How the emperor and Feng Ning confronted in the great hall, Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai did not know. They only knew that a group of officials who belonged to the Feng Family had been relocated, transferred or expelled from their positions one after another. Feng Ning was also reprimanded by the emperor.

However, it had nothing to do with treason. It was cowardice and embarrassment.

After that, Xiao Jiu'an did a thorough check and found out that Feng Ning did not push the matter away like how the Feng Family Patriarch did. Instead, he pushed the matter away, but found a reason for himself ??? ??? He was threatened!

A few days ago, Beichen Tianque was injured, and she was used as a hostage to ask for his help to get out of the city. Feng Ning had no choice but to send him out, but ???

After Feng Ning sent him out of the city, he did not stop there. Instead, he used this opportunity to threaten Feng Ning, and had her arrange a place for him to rest. Otherwise, he would expose his whereabouts, and let the emperor know that there was a relationship between the Feng Family and Beichen.

Feng Ning was afraid of dragging the Feng Family down, afraid that the emperor wouldn't trust the Feng Family, so he could only dejectedly accept and arrange for Beichen Tianque to recuperate in the manor.

As for what happened afterwards, everyone knew that the emperor had found traces of Beichen Tianque, and Beichen Tianque had successfully escaped.

This statement could be said to be completely flawless, because whether it was time or place, Feng Ning had matched them all. Even if the emperor didn't trust the Feng family, he wouldn't be able to find the slightest fault with them.

However, even if the Feng Family hadn't colluded with Beichen, Feng Ning's actions were still wrong. It was reasonable for the Emperor to punish Feng Ning and the Feng Family.

"Fengning really is a character, making a decision at the crucial moment." Xiao Jiu'an did not hide these things from Ji Yunkai, and she had even told her that Feng Ning wanted to kill Ji Yunkai at all costs.

There were some things that he thought Ji Yunkai should know.

"Since you've suffered so much this time, you will not give up. Be careful." Although he had already reminded Ji Yunkai, Xiao Jiu'an was still worried.

Feng Ning was like a venomous snake. Not only were they narrow-minded and vengeful, they were also ruthless in their methods. They could also take a good look at the matters of the Grand Princess.

Something had already happened, and she was powerless to change or regret it.

Although phoenix Ning was difficult to deal with, she had already formed an enmity. She would not regret, nor would she think about resolving it. If enmity was so easy to resolve, then she would not be called enmity.

"Did the Zhang Clan and Qi Clan take any action?" After all, Zhang Hui and the Qi family did not seek her out for justice, they should go to Ji Family. After all, Zhang Hui and the Qi family had died in Ji Family, and there were old grudges between them.

Zhang family used to be the late emperor's teacher. Later on, when they found a teacher for His Majesty, the late emperor also took a fancy to the Zhang family and wanted to place great importance on them too. It was just that at that time, the Zhang family's leader was a pedant, unwilling to marry into the Yun family, unwilling to sacrifice himself for the late emperor's great cause.

The late emperor was angry and changed his position from the Zhang family to the Ji Family, but the Ji Family did deserve the title of the late emperor's trusted aide. Whatever the late emperor told the Ji Family to do, the people of the Ji Family would do.

In fact, he believed that the late emperor had taken the wrong path. He wholeheartedly wanted to turn the former emperor around, so he had said many things that went against the will of the previous emperor. As a result, he had been loathed by the late emperor and had never been given any importance.

Although the Ji Family did not step on the Zhang Family's power, it was indeed because of the Ji Family's power, that caused the Zhang Family to become less and less valued.

Although the Zhang Family and the Ji Family did not have any enmity with each other, but the Zhang Family still had some enmity towards the Ji Family, and the Zhang Family would never let go of this opportunity to cause trouble for the Ji Family's people ???

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