Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai did not even put the Ji Family people in their eyes, and acted as if there was no one around, holding their hands as they walked out. They did not expect to be blocked by Ji Ning the moment they reached the door.

"You, you can't leave!" Although he had been raised extremely well, he was still a child in the end. It wasn't that he wasn't afraid, but rather that he had the courage to stand in front of Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai.

She had thought that the Ji Family was full of bullies, but she hadn't thought that they would actually have such a tough nut to crack.

In the Ji Family, who would think of her as someone from the Ji Family?

"I, I …" Ji Ning's face instantly flushed red. He who had read through the words of the sages knew that Ji Yunkai was right. It was him. He had been rude and had forgotten that the girl in front of him was his elder sister.

It should not be said that he had forgotten, or it should be said that the woman in front of him was never his older sister, and in their family, Ji Yunkai was never present.

"Scram!" Xiao Jiu'an didn't have the leisure to chat with a child.

"Ahh …" As a weak scholar, how could Ji Ning possibly withstand Xiao Jiu'an's push? He immediately retreated, accidentally tripping over the threshold behind him and falling to the ground in a sorry state.

Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai did not even look at him and directly walked out, leaving Madam Ji and Ji Xin hugging their heads in pain. Ji Ning was sitting blankly on the ground, while Master Ji was so angry that her entire body was trembling, but she did not dare say anything.

Ji Xin was not surprised to see this scene. She already knew that her father would not be of much use to her, and if not for this, the Emperor would not have distanced himself more and more from the Ji Family these years, and start praising the Yun Family.

As for her brother?

Even though she was a disciple of a master teacher and had read a lot of poetry, she did not have the slightest bit of talent in the field of Imperial examinations. In her previous life, she had been an examiner for an entire life, but she did not even manage to become an Elementary Scholar.

… ….

Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai did not care about what the people of Ji Family thought or whether they were angry or not. Their goal today was to anger Ji Xin, and the more Ji Xin was angry, the more satisfied they were.

As the two of them walked out of the Ji residence together, Xiao Jiu'an still held onto Ji Yunkai's hand. Even after they had stepped through the main door, Ji Yunkai sensed that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jiu'an also stopped and turned to look at Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai's heart was filled with an indescribable feeling, but she didn't know how to express it. She could only shake her head and pretend as if nothing had happened, "It's okay, let's go."

"Yes." Xiao Jiu'an nodded her head, her eyes seemed to pass over Ji Yunkai's right hand that was quietly hiding at the side, and the corner of her mouth raised slightly.

Did Ji Yunkai really think that he did not know her petty tricks?

Are you uncomfortable?

If he was holding Ji Yunkai's hand, then it would be like Ji Yunkai holding her right hand with her left, that would be meaningless.

Xiao Jiu'an did not force Ji Yunkai further, but instead, walked to the side of the horse carriage and waited for her.

Ji Yunkai's mouth twitched, her eyes swept around, noticing that there were a lot of people around who were watching the show, and thinking about how Xiao Jiu'an had created such a good image of her beloved wife, she quietly placed her hand on Xiao Jiu'an's arm, and borrowed the strength of his arm to get on the horse carriage, but, but …

Just as Ji Yunkai was about to climb onto the carriage, Xiao Jiu'an suddenly extended her hand out and grabbed her waist, supporting her.

At the moment, Ji Yunkai's foot had already stepped on the pedal, and just as she was about to stomp on it forcefully, Ji Yunkai instantly stiffened and let out a breath of relief, as she was completely unable to climb up, and her body softened and fell backwards … He fell in Xiao Jiu'an's arms.

At this time, the two postures were as follows: Ji Yunkai was holding Xiao Jiu'an's left arm with one hand, while the other hand was tightly grabbing onto his right arm. One of her feet was on the horse carriage, and the other one was on the ground.

"Your Highness..." Ji Yunkai half fell in Xiao Jiu'an's embrace, and almost cried.

In such a public place, if Xiao Jiu'an really did not care about face, she would definitely be ashamed.

Does Xiao Jiu'an know that there are a lot of people watching by the side? If this were to be spread out, maybe she would even be in a bad mood.

As for why not talk about Xiao Jiu'an?

It was simple. Firstly, no one dared to say Xiao Jiu'an, and secondly, with their current position, especially since she had thrown himself into her arms, Xiao Jiu'an had no choice but to catch her.

"Stupid." Xiao Jiu'an whispered to Ji Yunkai, and when Ji Yunkai was feeling extremely awkward, she moved her right hand, and with a quick movement, she lifted Ji Yunkai up onto the carriage.

Ji Yunkai's face immediately flushed red. She turned her head and fiercely glared at Xiao Jiu'an, only to discover that at some unknown time, all the guards and servants had lowered their heads, and each and every one of their shoulders were spasming.

These people!

Did she think that by lowering her head, she wouldn't know that they were laughing at her?

"Hmph …" Ji Yunkai snorted in anger, she turned and entered the carriage, and with a 'bang', she closed the door.

It was too embarrassing, she didn't want to bother with Xiao Jiu'an right now, and even more so, didn't want to see him.

This man, he was the culprit, but in the end, she was the one who instigated his little temper. It was simply too much!

Seeing this, Xiao Jiu'an chuckled softly. Then, under the shocked gazes of the guards and the servants, she unhurriedly stepped into the carriage and entered …

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