The emperor hurried over and found out from the Lin Clan that there was a change in Chu Hao's situation. He was furious, "How did you do this? "Why can't you do such a small thing?"

"In reply to Your Majesty, this lowly general never expected that Prince Yanbei's Wife would be able to treat Chu Hao's injuries." The Lin Clan members replied fearfully. At the same time, they didn't forget to push away their responsibilities.

"Idiot, who is Ji Yunkai? It's already an impressive feat for sher to know medicine. Do you really think she can cure Chu Hao's injuries? " When the emperor said this, he was not so sure. After all, at that time Ji Yunkai cured the poison that all the imperial doctors could not cure, and Xiao Jiu'an's poison was also cured by Ji Yunkai.

It had to be known that the relationship between Chu Lin and Chu Feng was not normal. His granddaughter, Lin Miao, went into the Chu family and it was the same as when she went to her own family.

How could the Emperor not have thought of something that the Lin Family could think of? Knowing that the matter was exposed, the Emperor's face immediately darkened. "Clean your own tails, I do not want the Chu Clan to discover anything."

In other words, if the Lin Family wanted to take the blame, the Emperor would not help. Although the people from the Lin Family already knew this would happen, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they heard the Emperor's words.

However, the Emperor's next sentence caused the Lin Family head to heave a sigh of relief. The emperor said, "I've heard that your youngest daughter is a beauty who will be sent to the palace in the new year."

If the Emperor were to personally ask for the Emperor's hand, the Emperor's position would definitely not be low. The Lin Family head immediately heaved a sigh of relief and thanked him profusely.

"Alright, you may leave." After placating the Lin Family, the Emperor impatiently waved his hand and chased them out.

The Emperor felt a bit of regret for not successfully killing Chu Hao, but luckily, the Chu family didn't know what he was thinking. This could be considered as a form of comfort.

However, when he thought about how it was because of Ji Yunkai once again, the Emperor felt stifled and unwell in her heart. "Ji Yunkai, this woman was really reborn to be counter to us, to spoil our good fortune time and time again."

The matter of Xiao Jiu'an, had been ruined by Ji Yunkai. Now that the matter of Chu Hao had been ruined by Ji Yunkai, this woman was truly troublesome!

Ji Yunkai, who the emperor called troublesome, was currently discussing the treatment plan for tomorrow with the Little Doctor Zhuge. At the same time, she was preparing the necessary medicinal ingredients needed for tomorrow.

Ji Yunkai had done similar operations before. She was very familiar with the accidents that happened along the way, while Little Doctor Zhuge was the opposite. Although Little Doctor Zhuge had solid theoretical knowledge, his combat ability was not sufficient.

Hearing Ji Yunkai's explanation of the various accidents, Little Doctor Zhuge's eyes opened wide, as if she had heard some huge secret, causing Ji Yunkai to not know whether to laugh or cry. She had no choice but to take action and interrupt Ji Yunkai's train of thoughts, reminding him to hurry up and prepare the medicine.

She said all these for the Little Doctor Zhuge to hear, not only to impart experience, but also to make it easier for the Little Doctor Zhuge to concoct medicine.

In this era where medical standards were low and medicinal herbs lacking, it would be troublesome if one didn't mix the medicinal herbs required in advance.

Of course, trouble was still a small matter. The scariest part was that people would die.

Although he, Ji Yunkai, did not have the lofty awareness of being a doctor, capable of saving someone's life, if she really had to accept a patient, she would definitely take it seriously.

She could accept that the patient had died of a serious illness, but she could not accept that the patient had died of her negligence. This was an insult to her.

Ji Yunkai was a responsible person, she had taken almost all the accidents into account and prepared all the medicinal ingredients that she needed to prepare.

After everything was prepared, the two checked again. By the time she finished working with Little Doctor Zhuge, it was already very late.

Ji Yunkai stood up and said, "Alright, I still need to treat Young General Chu tomorrow. I'll need to stand for at least three to four hours to get some rest and regain some energy."

Ji Yunkai had gotten used to sleeping early in the morning so it was long past the point of time where she usually slept.

On the contrary, Little Doctor Zhuge had been helping the army recently. She was busy all day, day and night, and had no habit of sleeping on time. At this time, he was in high spirits and was not sleepy at all.

"Esteemed wangfei, you go to sleep first. I'm going to record this." Little Doctor Zhuge's eyes were frighteningly bright. When Ji Yunkai saw it, she knew that even if he fell on the bed, she wouldn't be able to sleep. She didn't try to persuade him anymore and went straight back to her room.

This point was long past the time that Ji Yunkai would normally rest, so when she had finished bathing and returned to his room, Xiao Jiu'an being in bed was not anything strange, but …

Just because it was not strange did not mean that Ji Yunkai could get used to it.

The moment he pushed open the door and entered, he saw Xiao Jiu'an leaning against the bed and reading. Ji Yunkai almost thought that he had walked into the wrong door, if not for his rationality, she would have definitely closed the door and left.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Ji Yunkai walked over slowly. Seeing that Xiao Jiu'an was immersed in reading and was not looking at her at all, he felt a little more at ease.

Xiao Jiu'an was a person who had a very strong feeling of existence. As long as he was here, no one could ignore him. Honestly speaking, Ji Yunkai did not like being alone with Xiao Jiu'an, but unfortunately, she did not have a choice.

The room was only so big, so no matter how slow Ji Yunkai was, she would still be able to reach there.

He moved his small steps to the bedside and in order to not block Xiao Jiu'an's light, Ji Yunkai even shifted his body slightly. Seeing that Xiao Jiu'an was still seriously reading and did not give her any form of comprehension, Ji Yunkai hesitated for a moment before asking: "My prince, can you get down first?"

She had been sleeping inside the whole time. If Xiao Jiu'an did not get up, she could only crawl over him.

Of course, it was fine to go around the end of the bed, but …

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