Outside, the Chu family's guards blocked the palace guards' steps with powerful postures, but within the house, the Chu family's hidden forces were being forced back under the powerful attacks of the two assassins from the Silver Building.

"Not good. If this goes on, these two will break through the encirclement and kill their way to the princess." Xiao Shaorong, who was sitting high above and had seen everything, understood the current situation more than anyone else present.

"Damn it!" Xiao Shaorong muttered an incantation. Without bothering to reveal her identity, she quickly jumped down, and stopped the peerless beauty at a distance of five meters from the house.

"Huff …" Ji Yunkai heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at the two fighting outside and knew that the situation was far more complicated than she had expected.

The Chu Clan had already made all the necessary preparations and called out all the people they could use, but even so, they still could not stop the opponent. It was clear how strong the opponent was.

After quietly taking a deep breath, Ji Yunkai calmed her emotions and no longer bothered with the situation outside. Instead, she held a small black stone and tried to place it into Chu Hao's wound.

This small piece of black stone wasn't anything special, it was just an iron attracting stone.

After searching Chu Hao's wound for a long time, they still could not find the hidden weapon that had pierced into his body, which made Ji Yunkai extremely furious. Just hehe was about to give up, he suddenly saw two scalpels crossed over each other, and suddenly remembered that when he was young, she often used two metal nails to rub against him, and then absorb the pieces of paper.

This era's smelting techniques were far behind, so it was impossible to make fine steel. The hidden weapon in Chu Hao's body definitely had iron, and as long as it had iron, the magnet would be effective towards it.

Ji Yunkai didn't have a magnet in his hands. Just as she was about to ask Housekeeper Chu for it, Little Doctor Zhuge heard Ji Yunkai's request and took out a small magnet: "This is something that my master gave to me. He said that I can use it when I'm in danger.

A magnet can absorb iron, and if someone uses a concealed weapon, the magnet can be of use.

"Yes, that's it." Ji Yunkai tried it and found that it was indeed a magnet. She was immediately overjoyed and gave up her blind search. Instead, she cut out a small piece of magnet and placed it on Chu Hao's wound.

It had to be said that this move was very useful, the moment the magnet was placed down, there was a reaction, and very quickly, Ji Yunkai saw a thin needle that seemed to be made of blood being pulled out.

The needle was extremely thin, and it could be seen with the naked eye. However, because its color was similar to that of the blood, it was so thin that it could not be seen with the naked eye.

"No wonder I couldn't find it." If she didn't use a magnet for such a fine hidden weapon, Ji Yunkai swore, she would never be able to find it in her entire life.

"Princess, did you succeed?" Seeing that the fine needle weapon had been pulled out, Little Doctor Zhuge's eyes lit up, the previous tiredness in her eyes disappeared, and his spirit returned.

"It seems like it's a success right now, but I can't guarantee that there's only one hidden weapon in Chu Hao's body." The hidden weapon was as thin as a hair and as red as a thread. It was impossible to tell if the weapon was there or not, but to ensure's safety, he had to check it again.

"The princess consort is right, it is right to be cautious." Little Doctor Zhuge glanced at the hourglass and said, "There is still half an hour left."

"Enough." After finding a hidden weapon, Ji Yunkai was completely confident.

After wiping away all the filth on the outside of the magnet, Ji Yunkai once again placed the magnet into Chu Hao's wound. However,he did not disappoint Ji Yunkai, she very quickly found a second, and even a third needle.

"What a poisonous hidden weapon." Seeing the fine needles being pulled out by the magnet, Ji Yunkai's face became even more solemn.

Luckily, she found a magnet. If she had used her naked eye to search, she would have found one that would have stopped. This way, Chu Hao's injury wouldn't have recovered.

Little Doctor Zhuge also nodded vigorously, his white face turning extremely serious. "It's fortunate that wangfei was cautious, otherwise Young General Chu would have been in trouble."

Of course, their reputations would also be bad.

"This is not being cautious, this is luck." There were some things that could not be avoided with caution, but those that could be avoided with good luck.

Looking at the fine needles on the white cloth, Ji Yunkai couldn't help but be shocked. At the same time, she secretly rejoiced that she had found the right path, if not she would have wasted his work today.

After finding ten needles in a row, there were no longer any in Chu Hao's body. Ji Yunkai let out a long sigh of relief.

The contact of the magnet with the wound is very detrimental to the healing of the wound.

"Leave it to me." Seeing that Ji Yunkai was exhausted, the Little Doctor Zhuge took the initiative to receive him. Although the Little Doctor Zhuge did not look well, but she was extremely excited.

Holding the knife for a long time made her hand unable to bear it, especially her left wrist. It was unknown whether it was the sequela of her blood clawing, but her left wrist could not be tired. The longer she held the knife, the more painful it became.

Ji Yunkai took a step back, giving up the position of being the ruler, and quietly pressed down with her left hand, paying attention to the movements of Little Doctor Zhuge.

The Little Doctor Zhuge was very cautious and meticulous in her work. She had cleaned up all the wounds neatly, Ji Yunkai nodded in satisfaction.

But just at this moment, a black figure appeared out of nowhere and stood outside the house. Without waiting for Ji Yunkai to react, he heard a "Clang Dang" sound and the glass window shattered, while the person directly broke through the window and entered …

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