Why would Beichen's emperor attack Ji Yunkai, and not Xiao Jiu'an?

Xiao Jiu'an was unable to answer this question and could only pretend that she didn't know: "This king knows that your power in the Revelation is not small, let them investigate Ji Xin's whereabouts. This woman is too dangerous, you can't not keep an eye on her."

This time, Ji Xin fell off the back of her horse, which was galloping at high speed. Even if she didn't fall to her death, she would still be lucky.

A large number of termites were gathered in the courtyard of the Frigid Water Hall. The guards were driving them away with torches, but the termites weren't afraid at all. They charged in wave after wave, layer upon wave, like a wave.

These termites were just like the birds they saw in Ji Family that day. They were all fearless as they stepped on their comrades' corpses and headed towards the Frigid Water Hall.

"What a good Ji Xin." There was no need to ask to know that this was definitely Ji Xin's handiwork.

Ji Xin was still paralyzed, but she still had to attack Ji Yunkai.

Without waiting for a moment, Xiao Jiu'an rushed into the Frigid Aqua Hall and arrived at Ji Yunkai's bedroom.

Ji Yunkai's room was filled with termites, there were even places to move her feet. On the other hand, inside the room, it was filled with cats and dogs as they stared at Ji Yunkai with glowing eyes, as if they wanted to swallow him up.

The guards stood outside the door and confronted the stray dogs and cats, but they did not dare to move forward. If they moved, the dogs and cats would pounce on them.

There were simply too many cats and dogs in the room. Since they had not moved, the guards did not dare to move, afraid that they would attack Ji Yunkai the moment they moved.

Warm Winter and Baoqin were extremely anxious, but they couldn't help much. They could only use their torches and medicines to continuously drive away the termites, but it was to no avail. The termite population did not decrease at all, and the dogs and cats continued to stare at Ji Yunkai.

But fortunately, as long as they didn't get too close, these cats and dogs wouldn't attack anyone else. Their target was only Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai was surrounded by a group of cats and dogs, and was unable to move at all. She would turn left, and the cats and dogs would turn left.

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Jiu'an stood outside the door, looked at the pale and sweating Ji Yunkai, and comforted him in a low voice.

"I …" Ji Yunkai stood on the bed, her body tensed up as she looked at the cat and dog in front of him without blinking. Hearing Xiao Jiu'an's voice, she immediately raised her head and looked at him.

She wanted to tell Xiao Jiu'an that she was not afraid, but she was too afraid to speak.

She was not afraid of cats and dogs, but she was afraid of stray dogs and stray cats. When she was young, she had been bitten by stray dogs and stray cats.

If there were only one or two, it would be fine, but the room was crowded with at least a hundred stray dogs and cats.

"Don't be afraid, This King is here." With just a glance, Xiao Jiu'an could tell that Ji Yunkai was afraid. Not letting Ji Yunkai wait for long, she drew her sword and walked forward.

"Aooo …" "Aooo …"

"Woof, woof …"


The moment Xiao Jiu'an moved, all the cats and dogs in the room started to bark at him.

"Don't, don't enrage them." Hearing the dogs and cats barking one after another, Ji Yunkai felt her scalp go numb. Her eyes hurt even more, she almost wanted to faint the next second.

Too terrifying!

"Ji Yunkai, close your eyes, do not look, and even more so, do not move." Xiao Jiu'an knew what Ji Yunkai was afraid of, but these cats and dogs were under Ji Xin's control and it was impossible for them to not move at all.

"Alright." Ji Yunkai knew that he could not continue fighting like this, but she was truly afraid.

It was not a pleasant thing to be bitten by a wild dog.

Moreover, there was no rabid dog vaccine in this era. What if he got rabies?

"This King will take care of everything. Nothing will happen." With that, Xiao Jiu'an ignored the barking dogs and cats, raising her sword and rushing forward.

"Aooo …" "Aooo …"

"Woof, woof …"

"Meow ~ ~"

Xiao Jiu'an's actions infuriated the stray dogs and cats. Some of them pounced towards Xiao Jiu'an, while others pounced towards Ji Yunkai.

"Ahh …" When he felt the sharp claws of the cat and dog touch him, Ji Yunkai could not help but let out a scream. Her body continuously trembled, but she did not move, nor did she open her eyes.

Xiao Jiu'an told her not to look, not to move, she believed in Xiao Jiu'an.

She did not disappoint Ji Yunkai, and before her sharp claws had even landed, she was in a warm embrace. She turned around and was protected by Xiao Jiu'an in her arms.

"Your Highness..." When he finally found someone to rely on, and got out of the attack range of the dogs and cats, Ji Yunkai's entire being relaxed.

God knows how afraid she was of being bitten by wild cats and dogs.

"Don't be afraid. Close your eyes. This King will take care of everything." Xiao Jiu'an carried Ji Yunkai in one hand and held the sword in the other, and mercilessly slashed at the cat and dog in front and behind him.

To Xiao Jiu'an, this was nothing at all.

The guard standing at the door, at the same time as Xiao Jiu'an took action, also raised her gun and shot into the room.

"Stop them, don't let them in." Warm Winter and Baoqin did not stay idle either. They continuously brandished their torches to prevent the termites from rushing in.

However, there were not many servants in Prince Yanbei's Mansion but more and more termites. Before long, these termites rushed into the room, but luckily, they could not hurt anyone for the time being, so the guard was able to catch his breath.

Seeing that Ji Yunkai was shocked, in order to not let the cats and dogs scare Ji Yunkai again, Xiao Jiu'an forgot about Little Doctor Zhuge's reminder. Ignoring his current state, which was not suitable for fighting with her full strength, she pushed her martial power to the limit, and in just a moment, killed more than half of the cats and dogs.

Xiao Jiu'an hugged Ji Yunkai and was about to leave, but just at that moment, the termite's might was displayed.

Nine said, "You guys are awesome. In just three hours, you're going to leave over ten thousand messages." In order to comfort you, I will try to write out tomorrow's updates tonight and then at around 12 o'clock every day.

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