To be able to sit in the position of the Great Protector of the Demon Sect, the Great Protector's martial arts were naturally not weak, and the people following behind him were also the experts of the Demon Sect. Although Li Yuan's martial arts were of the first rank, after all, she was only a single person, so no matter how capable she was, she was unable to defend against a group of people who were attacking him together.

Fortunately, Li Yuan had a lot of battle experience, and with the help of the guards at the side, she was able to get rid of her disadvantage in just a moment, but getting rid of the Devil Sect people would be difficult.

Since he knew that Xiao Jiu'an had other tricks up her sleeves, Li Yuan was not in a hurry to kill them for revenge.

At this moment, the orderly sound of horse hooves could be heard approaching.

"Not good, the Prince Yanbei's reinforcements are here." On Black Rock Mountain, besides their sect, there was no other organization that could gather a large amount of troops. On Black Rock Mountain, other than the various countries, no one else dared to challenge their sect.

"Using numbers to bully the young? You must have kicked an iron plate. " Being surrounded and attacked by dozens of Demon Sect's experts, Li Yuan did not manage to get anything good, it would be a lie to say that she was not angry, but it just so happened that this was the Demon Sect's territory, no matter how unhappy he was, he had to endure it.

But now?

Their reinforcements had arrived. Based on his many years of experience, the number of reinforcements that had arrived was at least a thousand.

Indeed, it was good to have armies in their hands, if the Great Demon Sect were to gather troops, they would only have 300 to 500 people, and the Prince Yanbei would have thousands of people.

"Da Da Da …" The sound of the horse's hooves gradually drew closer. The people on top of the manor could already see the people charging at the very front. It wouldn't be long before these soldiers arrived.

"Brothers, stop these bastards, our reinforcements are coming." The people on top of the manor shouted. Each and every one of them was filled with fighting spirit and was exceptionally excited.

"Chief Protector, what should I do?" The people of the Devil Sect were the opposite. Seeing that the Prince Yanbei's reinforcements were getting closer and closer, they all revealed uneasy expressions, wanting to retreat.

"Other than fighting, what else can we do?" The chief protector wanted to retreat, but how could they retreat with such a huge army behind them?

He never would have thought that Xiao Jiu'an's army would arrive so quickly.

He clearly didn't see any signs of an increase in Revelation's troops, and had also informed the garrison troops of Revelation in advance. The moment Xiao Jiu'an wanted to use them, the garrison troops would inform them in advance.

But he didn't get any news yet, where did Xiao Jiu'an get the troops from?

The Great Protector would never have imagined that Xiao Jiu'an would borrow a horse from Beichen and come here, not only the Great Protector, but everyone else would not think of this point, and Beichen had a blood feud, how could Beichen's man help Xiao Jiu'an?

However, this was the reality. No one dared to disbelieve him.

The reinforcements got closer and closer. Even if the people from the Devil Sect didn't have any experience, they knew that the reinforcements were at least several times more than the ones they had.

They might have fought one-on-one, but the other side had a lot of people. If they were to fight in a group, they would definitely still be the ones fighting.

Suddenly, everyone from the Devil Sect felt uneasy. They all quietly retreated, not daring to move forward.

This was the difference between a prodigal son of a martial artist and a well-trained soldier. On the battlefield, no soldier would dare to retreat, not to mention, no soldier would dare to be negligent. Once they did, only death awaited them.

However, the followers of the Devil Sect didn't receive such training. When they encountered danger, they instinctively retreated and hid behind people.

The head protector realized, in order to motivate the disciples, he shouted: "Everyone rush forward, charge into the manor, grab the Prince Yanbei, not only are there gold and silver beauties, the people behind you all do not dare to move, but if you all retreat, only death awaits you all."

The head protector's words were simple and crude, but it went straight to the heart. When the cowards heard it, they no longer hesitated and all rushed forward with their blades raised, "Chief protector is right, let's rush in and capture the Prince Yanbei alive."

"Brothers, let's charge together. They only have a few dozen people. We just killed these dozens of people and we won."

… ….

With someone taking the lead, the people from the Devil Sect immediately became excited. Each and every one of them rushed forward with all their might as if they were on stimulants.

There were only a total of fifty people in the manor. The people from the Devil Sect desperately rushed forward, but these fifty people simply could not hold on for long. Soon, a hole was torn open by the Devil Sect's people. However, it was already too late for them to make any move. The followers of the Devil Sect rushed into the manor, and the pursuers caught up with them.

"Kill them! Leave no one alive!" Ji Yunkai ordered as soon as she arrived outside the manor with her men.

"Miss, the person inside seems to be Prince Yanbei." Xu Zicheng had been stationed at the border for many days, so he knew a little about the Black Stone Mountain.

"So what?" Ji Yunkai turned her head and asked.

"We, Beichen's people and Prince Yanbei …." Xu Zicheng wanted to explain, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Ji Yunkai: "The duty of a soldier is to obey, have you forgotten what you promised me before you came here?"

Ji Yunkai knew that these words were enough for Xu Zicheng's people to take action, but to make Xu Zicheng do the job, he still needed some other reason.

Ji Yunkai continued: "In front of a common enemy, what's the difference between joining hands temporarily? As long as we are the ones who ultimately reap the benefits. "

Ji Yunkai's words were ambiguous. Xu Zicheng, who didn't know her identity, thought that she was speaking from Beichen's perspective. He thought that Beichen had some sort of plan at Black Rock Mountain, or General Liu had some sort of plan at Beichen's place.

Hearing Ji Yunkai's words, combined with her own previous guesses, she was even more certain that General Liu and Prince Yanbei had some sort of deal to play.

Xu Zicheng didn't know what to say. He immediately ordered his soldiers to charge forward and kill everyone in the Devil Sect.

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