Under the command of Xu Zicheng, a thousand elite soldiers were like tigers, instantly pulling apart the Demon Sect's defenses and splitting up their forces to deal with the people from the Demon Sect one by one. Even the people who were besieging Li Yuan earlier were forced to scatter.

"Hero Li, I've said it before. We only need to capture the Chief Protector. The other people's lives don't matter." Especially the ordinary disciples, Xiao Jiu'an had no intention of keeping them alive.

Seeing how the fallen believers were getting bigger and bigger, the experts of the Devil Sect understood that the reinforcements they were waiting for wouldn't come, but they couldn't say these words now because they would lose even faster if they said them out.

"Chief Protector, we'll cover up and protect you as you leave." The head protector gritted his teeth and said.

Given the current situation, if they could go out alone, they could go out alone. As for the others, they shouldn't think about it.

The head protector didn't answer immediately. He looked at the corpses on the ground and finally said helplessly, "Don't worry. I will definitely take revenge for my brothers."

"Chief Protector, quickly leave!" When his trusted aide heard this, he nodded heavily.

Under the summon of his trusted aides, the remaining experts of the Demon Sect tried to entangle Li Yuan with all their might, disregarding life and death, just so that the Chief Protector could kill them all.

"He's going to run." Ji Yunkai and Xu Zicheng sat on horseback, taking in everything that was happening on the stage. The moment the head protector moved, they discovered it.

"He's run away. He can't walk too far." Xu Zicheng said with a contemptuous expression.

A motley crowd, so what if they were strong? One can never go to the end.

Ji Yunkai knew that Xu Zicheng had already arranged the archers at the exit, so she didn't say anything more, and coldly watched as the head protector desperately rushed out of the encirclement.

In any case, he had already made it out, so he would have to come back eventually.

"Bastard." Li Yuan scolded angrily, but she could only watch as the chief protector left.

Under the condition that the experts from the Devil Sect were willing to sacrifice their lives to pave the way, the head protector finally killed his way out, and as long as he raised his foot, he could leave the perimeter of the manor. However, halfway through, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at Xu Zicheng and Ji Yunkai.

The long sword flew through the air, striking directly at Ji Yunkai. According to the Chief Protector's speed, Ji Yunkai knew that Xu Zicheng would not be able to dodge.

With a 'pa' sound, the moment the Great Protector's sword pierced towards Xu Zicheng's face, the long vine in Ji Yunkai's hand flew out and wrapped around the Great Protector's sword.

He didn't know what material the vine was made of, but even if it was wrapped around the sword, the blade of the sword wouldn't be able to harm it in the slightest. Before the head protector could react, Ji Yunkai suddenly retracted the vine.

Suddenly losing his support, the head protector fell to the ground. At the same time, Xu Zicheng's personal guards also reacted, they all stepped forward and raised their spears to block the head protector.

The head protector was not bothered and allowed the long spear to hit him. He only raised his head to look at Ji Yunkai and asked, "A woman?"

Obviously, he hadn't thought that it would be a woman who would block his path at such a critical moment. It was a woman that he didn't take seriously.

"Yes, it's a woman. You have an objection." Ji Yunkai was already used to it, the men here did not take women seriously.

There was no need for her to explain. She only needed to prove it through her actions.

"You look very much like the Holy Maiden we taught." The chief protector looked at Ji Yunkai, and the more she looked, the more familiar he felt that Ji Yunkai was.

"Who is your Holy Maiden? You actually look like me? Could she be my father's illegitimate daughter? " She was of the same father and mother as Ji Xin, and their mother was also a sister.

"Nonsense, my Holy Maiden comes from a famous clan." The Chief Protector had come into contact with Ji Xin more often. From his point of view, he rather admired Ji Xin.

"Oh... "Then she's not my father's illegitimate daughter." Ji Yunkai said without a care. Her expression was open and upright, her posture was generous, without a trace of her daughter's flirtatiousness.

At first, the Chief Protector thought that the two were similar, but now, he felt that they were different. Their expressions, actions, and temperament were all completely different.

Ji Yunkai was afraid that the head protector would figure out her identity, and say: "General Xu, take her away."

"Take him away." Xu Zicheng didn't want to talk to the people from the Devil Sect, so he ordered the guards to escort them down.

The Chief Protector did not resist, but the moment the guard closed in, the Chief Protector suddenly moved. No one saw him move, they only saw him snatch the guard's weapon, turn around, and use his long spear to strike at the horse under Xu Zicheng's crotch.

Ji Yunkai had noticed it at the first moment and she had accurately calculated the position and strength of the chief protector at the first moment.

The head protector's speed was too fast, so fast that even if she knew how to counterattack, she could not block his attack at the first moment. The head protector's speed was too fast, and his angle was too tricky, her speed far could not keep up with her calculations, nor could she keep up with the head protector's attack speed.

This was the difference between an expert and an ordinary person. She had an extremely high advantage when fighting against ordinary people, but she did not have any advantage when fighting against an expert.

In the face of absolute strength, all her calculations and calculations were useless in front of an expert. She could only watch helplessly as the chief protector used a long spear to forcefully pick out Xu Zicheng.

Xu Zicheng and his personal guards also noticed the Chief Protector's actions at the first moment. They might not know what the Chief Protector would do, but they knew it was dangerous.

However, it was still as they had said. In front of absolute strength, even if they knew what the Chief Protector wanted to do, they could only look on helplessly without being able to retaliate …

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