She didn't want to speculate about what happened between them. However, peacock's high profile and what she did really made Liang Xiaosu uncomfortable.

A deputy has greatly overshadowed the top leader. This is something that no top leader can tolerate.

Just when Liang Xiaosu was very uncomfortable, she received an invitation from Chen Tong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, to invite her to have tea.

When Liang Xiaosu received this call from Hu Yang, Chen Tong's secretary, she didn't believe her ears.

It was the first time that Chen Tong took the initiative to look for her, and she seldom looked for Chen Tong later.

Since Huang Yunru came here last time and said that she would invest in Xinjiang city, Liang Xiaosu, as Huang Yunru's friend, joined Chen Tong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, in the reception, she never went to Chen Tong alone.

However, peacock often seems to report to Chen Tong.

Liang Xiaosu thinks that Chen Tong already knows a lot about the work of the Communist Youth League municipal Party committee. Except for her, Secretary of the Communist Youth League municipal Party committee, Chen Tong knows the work of this department best.

Liang Xiaosu doesn't know why Chen Tong is looking for her? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Within a few months of peacock's arrival, the atmosphere of the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee had changed greatly.

Peacock secretly grasps the Youth League Committee. It seems that she often spends her spare time with these people. Liang Xiaosu feels that peacock is playing tricks. However, she disdains to fight with such people.

It's her personality, it's her weakness.

So, she didn't know if the peacock had told Chen Tong about her? So Chen Tong wants to find her?

Liang Xiaosu came to Chen Tong's office with a complicated mood.

Chen Tong was very interested. When he saw Liang Xiaosu coming in, he immediately stood up from behind the big platform and said with a smile, "Secretary Liang, I don't invite you, and you don't come here to report your work. You are a secretary of the Communist Youth League and the municipal Party committee

Liang Xiaosu's face turned red as soon as he said that!

She laughed shyly and said, "secretary Chen is busy with business. I don't dare to disturb him easily."

"Ha ha, sit down!" Chen Tong was still smiling. He didn't want to be angry at all. On the contrary, he was very happy. His face was full of vitality, his spirit was very good, and his face was red.

"The main organ directly under the municipal government is that you, the Secretary of the Communist Youth League and the municipal Party committee, are relatively low-key. It's rare for you to come here for a cup of tea --" Chen Tong said with a smile. "I still remember that you are very good at making tea and know the tea ceremony very well. It happened that I came here with new tea, Dahongpao. Today, I specially invited you to taste tea together --"

Liang Xiaosu's mind was relaxed at last, but of course she knew that the Secretary of the municipal Party committee would not simply invite you to tea, but Liang Xiaosu was really stupid and could not guess what Chen Tong wanted to say.

Chen Tong opened the exquisite Dahongpao box, peeled off the golden luxury package layer by layer, took out a package of tea from the exquisite box and handed it to Liang Xiaosu, "good tea needs good tea ceremony. Today, you can show your tea ceremony again."

Liang Xiaosu chuckled, "secretary Chen knows more about tea and tea ceremony than I do. I've been a teacher in front of secretary Chen. But it's a great honor for Xiaosu to enjoy such a good tea with Secretary Chen. "

Liang Xiaosu cut the teabag and poured the tea into the purple clay pot which was drenched with hot water. Then he washed away the first course of tea and then made the second one. Soon, a faint fragrance of tea floated away. Dahongpao's crystal tea looked very beautiful.

"It's really a good tea. Its color is so clear and golden --" Chen Tong said with a smile. "It's really a pleasure to see you make tea."

"Secretary Chen, please have tea -" Liang Xiaosu put the cup in front of Chen Tong.

Chen Tong nodded, took a sip of his tea cup, and continued to praise: "good tea, you can drink it too. Dahongpao, which is worthy of its reputation, is long and sweet."

Liang Xiaosu gently took the cup with both hands and tasted it carefully. As expected, it was fragrant and had a long aftertaste. He couldn't help nodding and said, "it's really good tea."

"Ha ha, good tea needs to be shared with people who know it," Chen Tong said, looking at her. "It's like putting the right person in the right place. It's the same truth."

Liang Xiaosu's hands holding the teacup were slightly stunned. What's the meaning of Chen Tong's words?

The right person in the right place? Is she not suitable? Or is it appropriate?

Liang Xiaosu put down his tea cup and looked at Chen Tong. His eyes were full of doubts.

"Ha ha - Secretary Liang, do you feel that some changes have taken place in your Municipal Youth League Committee recently?" Chen Tong asked with a smile.

Liang Xiaosu's big brain seems to shine in an instant! Through!

"Yes, since Secretary Kong came, a group of young people there have become more energetic -" Liang Xiaosu said with a smile. "Kong Shuji is good at singing and dancing, which has a great influence on them."

"Ha ha - the Communist Youth League and Municipal Committee are all young people, and they should be full of vitality! Only in this way can the work of the Communist Youth League be done more vividly - "Chen Tong said, taking a meaningful look at Liang Xiaosu.

Liang Xiaosu understood that Chen Tong was saying that she was unqualified! As the Secretary of the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee, she is not active enough and energetic enough to lead the Youth League Municipal Committee well!

But peacock is quite energetic, very suitable for the leadership of the Communist Youth League!

Liang Xiaosu picked up the boiling water and rushed it into the purple clay pot. Then he poured it into three small cups evenly.

After filling the third cup of tea calmly, Liang Xiaosu said with a smile, "secretary Chen, I am a quiet person by nature. Am I not suitable for the work of the Communist Youth League Committee?"

"Ha ha -" Chen Tong burst out laughing, laughing so happy, so bold, so unbridled.

Liang Xiaosu seems to be the first time to see Chen Tong laugh so heartily.

However, she did not understand how Chen Tong could laugh so happily for her words?

Did she say what he wanted to say, to his liking?

"Secretary Liang, you have the grace to accomplish great things!" After a while, Chen Tong said with a smile, "your character is quiet, steady, not publicized, and you are a great general."

"Secretary Chen is flattered," Liang Xiaosu said with a smile. "Quietness is my nature. It's inherited from my father. Just like making tea, I've been influenced since I was a child and naturally cultivated my temperament."

"So that's what you are. The general's demeanor is not made up. It's a natural temperament. I think you have such a temperament -" Chen Tong said. "So, the small temple of the Communist Youth League Committee is not suitable for you. You should go to a platform with more potential to give full play to your talents and advantages."

Liang Xiaosu immediately listen to the heart "clatter" about!

Chen Tong really thinks she is not suitable and wants to change her!

This is not to give her a better platform, but to make way for the peacock! Make room for peacocks! Let peacock take charge of Xinjiang Municipal Youth League Committee!

Peacock this woman, really powerful! She won the position of secretary of the Communist Youth League without any difficulty!

Since peacock's first day in the Communist Youth League, Liang Xiaosu has felt that she is fierce and different.

The arrogance in peacock's eyes reveals the ambition in her heart, the ambition of conquering the city at any time.

Just, Liang Xiaosu did not expect to come so soon!

Peacock has been in the Communist Youth League for more than three months! Just want to cover up the sky and blow her away!

It's too awesome!

Liang Xiaosu really understands the power of women's shortcut! It seems that only a woman like peacock can do such a thing!

Only Chen Tong can do it!

Even if you want to get the position of secretary of the Communist Youth League, you don't need to be so anxious, do you?

Liang Xiaosu's face turned pale from the scarlet moment just now!

She didn't know where Chen Tong was going to move her.

Where can her political experience go?

As a leader, she has no experience and has been in the Communist Youth League for less than a year. Now she is going to be expelled! Where can she go? Where will Chen Tong let her go?

Liang Xiaosu did not know that her heart was like falling into a bottomless abyss. For the first time, she realized what helplessness was.

From a small secretary to the Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee, she never thought about it. From the position of deputy secretary of the county Party committee to the Secretary of the Communist Youth League, she never thought about it.

However, she knew that it was all because Wang Li was pushing her and supporting her. She didn't have to think about anything, so she went up so easily.

Now, she left Li Wang and didn't want to get any higher position through him any more. She originally wanted to stay in the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee, a place with little power and oil, for a few more years. Even if she stayed up until she was a little older and went to a more leisurely unit to take up a post, she didn't have any power.

However, I didn't expect the change to come so suddenly! She hasn't been Secretary of the Communist Youth League for a year. Someone is going to drive her away in such a hurry!

This is something she never thought about!

Now, she does not know where she will be thrown by Chen Tong and what kind of political embarrassment she will face in the future? Is it true that he has never been able to enter the mainstream position and has been marginalized since then?

Liang Xiaosu's hand trembled obviously, and the tea spilled from the cup.

Chen Tong saw Liang Xiaosu's subtle changes clearly. He couldn't help but feel funny: why isn't Liang Xiaosu calm at all? She has such a big backstage to support, but also so low-key, it seems that this is not a normal official woman's mentality. Officialdom women, once associated with power, once associated with big people, are very overbearing and publicity. If you put a peacock like Liang Xiaosu, you may become arrogant! But Liang Xiaosu is so cautious, so low-key, never played any temper in front of him! On the contrary, she is always so introverted, so modest, so careful!

Just like now, she was a little nervous!

Chen Tong didn't know what she was nervous about? Are you worried that Chen Tong will take away her power? Give her a worse position?

Does he dare? Does he want his political future? How dare he offend Li Chengxin's woman? Lend him a few courage, he also dare not!

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