Liang Xiaosu heard that Wang Li was calling her and calling her "elder martial sister, elder martial sister." she knew that Wang Li was coming, but she didn't know why Wang Li was here? This is the hospital. She's in the hospital!

She didn't want to wake up. She just wanted to sleep like this, sleep forever, and meet her two babies in heaven——

She dreamed, she dreamed of her two lovely babies, they are so lovely, so lovely! They wave their hands and feet and giggle at her. Their smile is like the most beautiful and splendid flower in the world, which makes her heart drunk——

She walked towards them, trying to pick up the two lovely children, but when she approached them, the two babies suddenly disappeared! Instead, there are ou Xiaomei and Ou Xiaoli's two terrible and ferocious faces! Look at her in such a terrible way! Yelling at her——

In that dark room, Ou Xiaomei's terrible eyes seemed to devour her alive!

"Go to die, go to die with your children - ha ha ha ha -" Ou Xiaomei's voice echoed in her ear so creepily that Liang Xiaosu was thrilled! She tried hard to cover her ears and didn't want to hear their voice, but it seemed to enlarge infinitely and poured into her ears!

"Return my child, return my child!" Liang Xiaosu yelled at them, "please give me back the baby --"

"Ha ha ha - do you want children? Go to hell, you damned little fox spirit -- "with that, Ou Xiaomei kicked her hard again——

"Ah - ah -" Liang Xiaosu only felt that her stomach hurt so much that she felt as if she had died——

"My child, my child -" Liang Xiaosu grasped something tightly and opened her eyes forcefully. However, reality really hit her head——

That day Li Chengyu told her that the child was gone! The child is really gone!

Liang Xiaosu immediately fainted again! She doesn't want to live, she really can't live! If the child is gone, everything will be gone for her! She wants to protect the children with her life, so there is no more! The child she and Li Wang are looking forward to most is gone! She hid herself from her parents, family, friends, classmates and the whole world, just for the sake of these two children! However, she is waiting for such a result! Her baby is gone! The child is really gone!

Liang Xiaosu fell asleep like this! She refuses everything. She just wants to sleep like this, and sleep forever, so that she can see her children. In heaven, she can take care of them and take care of her poor children who have disappeared before she can see the world——

However, just now she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her hand, and then she felt her hand being held in her mouth. The warm feeling was so familiar and kind-hearted. Then she heard someone shouting in her ear: "elder martial sister, elder martial sister, I'm Wang Li, I'm Wang Li --"

Oh, Wang Li! Why you? She cried in her heart. Tears came from the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to see him at this time! She didn't want Wang Li to see her like this! Wang Li, why are you here? Why are you here? And where did her favorite music come from? Why you?

Liang Xiaosu tears, she dare not open her eyes, she does not want to see Wang Li! No, she doesn't want Wang Li to see her like this!

"Elder martial sister - elder martial sister, open your eyes and look at me. Elder martial sister, I'm Wang Li, I'm Wang Li! Elder martial sister -- "Wang Li continued, looking expectantly at Liang Xiaosu, holding her hand tightly in her palm.

Liang Xiaosu slowly opened his eyes——

She saw the figure in front of her vaguely, and then it became clear slowly——

It's Wang Li! Wang Li! Wang Li looks like Wang Cheng! Why you? She kept shouting in her heart. Her lips moved, but she couldn't speak!

"Ah, elder martial sister, you really wake up, you really wake up!" Wang Li exclaimed excitedly, "elder martial sister, you finally wake up --"

Liang Xiaosu looked at him with tears in her eyes. She wanted to speak, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something. She couldn't say it——

"Elder martial sister, elder martial sister --" Wang Li approached her head and looked at her excitedly. "Thank God, you finally wake up!"

Wang Jie heard Wang Li's excited cry, and she couldn't help coming out of the bathroom!

When she saw Liang Xiaosu really opened her eyes, she was shocked!

Her silly son really woke this woman up! It's incredible! She could not help but shed tears!

"Come on, call the doctor!" Wang Li said excitedly, and then pressed the call switch at the head of the bed.

Director Lin will arrive soon. What accident did he think happened to the patient?

Came to the ward to see, but found that Liang Xiaosu woke up! This is beyond his expectation! He knew that Liang Xiaosu could wake up, but director Lin still felt very strange to wake up so soon!

Look at this young man in front of you. He is really the son of sister Wang, the nurse who went to the office yesterday to ask about the patient's condition! I didn't expect that he could wake up the patient!

Director Lin went to Liang Xiaosu and immediately gave her a general examination.

After a busy time, director Lin looked at Wang Li and said excitedly, "young man, you have created a miracle! You have proved with your practical actions that patients who enter deep sleep can wake up as soon as possible through the communication between relatives and friends! Thank you! If it wasn't for you, the patient might not wake up for a while! Now the patient's body is still relatively weak, you do not disturb her too much, let her rest, give her supplementary nutrition, so that she can get better as soon as possible! The patients haven't eaten these days. They all rely on nutrients to maintain their physical fitness. From tomorrow on, you can arrange for the patients to eat, mainly liquid. Soup and porridge are better. Keep the patients warm. They can't be too hot or cold. The patients need to take good care of themselves. "

"OK, thank you, director Lin. when her sister comes, I'll tell her right away!" Wang said.

"When her sister comes, you ask her to come to my office. I have something to say to her." Director Lin said.

"OK," sister Wang nodded.

Director Lin left after a few words of advice.

Wang Li is so happy! He immediately came to Liang Xiaosu's side, looked at her and said softly, "elder martial sister, you wake up. The doctor says you are great! As long as you have a good rest and take good care of yourself, you will get better soon! Come on, elder martial sister

But Liang Xiaosu couldn't hold back his tears!

She looked at Wang Li with tears in her eyes and wanted to say to him: "why do you want to wake me up? Why don't you let me sleep like this? What's the point of living like this? My children are gone, my everything is gone! My heart is dead. What's the point of my life? "

Liang Xiaosu thought, tears gurgling down.

She closed her eyes and let the tears fall on the pillow.

"Elder martial sister, don't cry, elder martial sister!" Wang Li, looking at her sad appearance, said painfully. He picked up a paper towel to wipe away her tears. "Elder martial sister, you wake up, and you will get better soon. You should be happy! Elder martial sister, your parents must be at home waiting for you to go back? Elder martial sister

Listening to Wang Li say "Mom and Dad", Liang Xiaosu's heart is even more painful!

How can she have the face to go back to her parents like this? How can she go back to see them when she makes herself look like this without telling them? How does she face them? Mom and dad gave her so high expectations, thinking that she was studying abroad, how could she know that she made herself so scarred and ruined her whole life?

She dare not go back! However, she really wants to go back and see her father and mother! I don't know if my father is better? Last time I met them in the hospital, she was very close to them, but she didn't dare to see them! She felt ashamed of her parents! She owes her parents so much!

"Don't cry, elder martial sister. You are already weak and can't be sad any more! If you're tired, just close your eyes and have a good rest. I'll be here with you, OK? " Wang Li said in her ear.

Player is still playing soft light music, listening to very comfortable!

Liang Xiaosu closed his eyes and nodded gently.

Yeah, she's tired! Very tired, very tired, physically and mentally tired! She felt like she had really died once! She has already gone to the gate of death, and almost went in. I don't know who pulled her back! If only I could just walk in! She will no longer have to worry, no heartache, no worries, no tangled heartache!

But what about parents? What about parents? She is the only child they have! If she died, how could her parents bear it? Her parents are old. If she leaves like this, it must be a heavy burden in her parents' life! She can't be so selfish! Anyway, she will live well! For her parents, she has to live well too! Her life is not only her own! When her parents raised her, she didn't have time to repay them. Did she have the heart to leave them behind? no Absolutely not! Liang Xiaosu, although you have suffered heavy losses in your life, you still have to live a strong life! You have to live well for your parents!

Liang Xiaosu thought of his parents, tears flow more!

She knew that she had no reason to sleep like this! She doesn't have time to sleep like this! She must live well! We must live bravely! Even if the world gives you the most cruel blow, you have to find a reason to live!

"Elder martial sister, did you nod? Elder martial sister, I know that you are the strongest and will get better soon! " Wang Li took her hand and said, "elder martial sister, I'm sorry. I broke your hand just now. Do you still feel pain?"

Liang Xiaosu reluctantly opened his eyes, looked at Wang Li and shook his head! She told him that she didn't hurt any more! What is this pain? She has experienced the biggest pain in her life. Maybe nothing will hurt more than that!

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