It's a good chicken blood stone. Judging from the texture of the stone, it is very lustrous and shining. What's more surprising is that this slightly square seal stone is carved with a very beautiful lion. The bright red part of the stone starts from the lion's head, and then extends downward like a gorgeous red glow. Its color is scarlet than cinnabar. It's really wonderful!

Li Chengxin naturally knows that this chicken blood stone is valuable.

The earliest chicken blood stone found in China is from Yuyan mountain, Changhua County, Zhejiang Province. Later, we found Balin chicken blood stone in Balin Right Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. In the 1990s, chicken blood stone was found in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Hunan, Yunnan and other places. As the present Changhua cinnabar (mercury mine) is coming to an end, the output of chicken blood stone is quite limited, and the market price is enduring.

There is also a fabulous and beautiful story about chicken blood stone.

In ancient times, it is said that there was a kind of divine bird called "bird lion" in ancient times, which was very aggressive in nature. One day, looking for food and flying over Yuyan mountain, I saw a phoenix hatching eggs. I had a bad idea and attacked her. The unprepared Huang was bitten off her leg. Feng arrived at the news, shared a common hatred and defeated the "bird lion" together. Although the Phoenix was victorious, her blood flowed and dyed the whole Yuyan mountain red, so she became a shining chicken blood stone as beautiful as jade.

The chicken blood stone in front of us is of very good quality. It should be the product of the authentic Changhua cinnabar mercury mine.

Li Chengxin is fond of calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, the four treasures of the study and so on, and the seal stone is one of the most favorite things for people who love calligraphy.

At present, the most valuable stone in China is Tianhuang, which is ten times more expensive than gold. It is said that gold is valuable and Tianhuang is priceless. The second is authentic chicken blood stone. A good chicken blood stone must be of great value.

As soon as Chen Tong came in today, he came to such a red house. Naked. Naked. Li Chengxin was shocked by his confession.

Because between Chen Tong and him, has always been relatively flat, there is no deep contact. For people with ordinary relationships, Li Chengxin definitely would not accept such expensive gifts from them.

In front of this valuable chicken blood stone, although Li Chengxin looked like it, but he did not dare to move on to it.

"Secretary Chen, what are you doing?" Li Chengxin raised his head and asked unfriendly.

"Governor Li, I picked up this stone by chance. Experts say it's of good quality. It's a good material for making seals. I think it's a waste to put such a good thing in my place, because I don't understand it at all. Governor Li is an expert and a calligrapher, and he has a lot of research on it. Therefore, I think it's most appropriate to give this stone to governor Li! " Chen Tong said with a smile, a modest face.

"Secretary Chen, let's talk about our work and some actions after your letter to Jiangshi. I'm more interested in this. As for this stone, to tell you the truth, I don't understand it. I haven't studied it. Calligraphy is just like doodling. It's nothing to be concerned about Li Chengxin looked at Chen Tong and said with a smile.

Chen Tong heard what Li Chengxin said and knew that Li Chengxin was rejecting him.

Chen Tong also knows that Li Chengxin doesn't accept other people's things easily. Once he does, it shows that the relationship between this person and him has reached a very unusual stage. It is said that Lin Yu is like this, so is Guan Xiaochun.

Chen Tong naturally wants to have a good relationship with Li Chengxin. According to Li Chengxin's current momentum, it is very possible that he will be in charge of Jiangnan Province in the future. Wu shuolin, Secretary of the provincial Party committee, is an old man. He is estimated that he will be able to work for at most two years before he arrives. If he can, he will go to the Central Committee. If he can't, he will retire at the National People's Congress.

Chen Tong and Wu shuolin have a good relationship, but if they can have two cups of tea, why only one? It is absolutely necessary to have a good relationship with Li Chengxin in the affairs of officialdom.

"Governor Li, if you say that, you'll turn Chen Tong off!" Chen Tong was very embarrassed to say, "your calligraphy art has a high attainments, almost no one in Jiangnan province can compare! This stone is really worth the money for people like you who appreciate it. "

"Don't talk about the stone again," Li Chengxin said with a wave of his hand? I'm interested in this

Chen Tong had no choice but to sit down, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He thought for a moment and said, "report to governor Li, I have felt a lot since I wrote to Xinjiang city for more than five months. Xinjiang city is not in a big situation, but the situation is relatively complicated. Yuhe county is a national poverty-stricken county, and its economy has not been fundamentally reversed. Guihe city is a county-level city with good economic conditions, but there are also many disputes caused by the economy, The chaos of public security in Donghu District, especially near the railway station of Xinjiang city, is a fatal blow to the foreign merchants who come and go to Xinjiang city. Many people have heard that they dare not transfer from Xinjiang city. If they can make a detour, they can make a detour, and if they can hide, they can hide. For a city like us, which has few opportunities, it is equivalent to blocking a gate that can accept visitors from all directions. Great people have said that Xinjiang is a good opening and a city brought by the train. However, this opening has not brought good results, on the contrary, it has brought great negative effects

Chen Tong said so many "bad" consequences at one go, which is tantamount to denying all the work done by his predecessor. This predecessor is Lin Yu.

Lin Yu has worked in Xinjiang city for more than six years. From mayor to Secretary of the municipal Party committee, although he has not made great achievements, he has also made steady progress. The economic and social development of Xinjiang city has made good progress. Li Chengxin has a deep understanding of this.

When Li Chengxin heard Chen Tong's words, he naturally turned gloomy.

If Chen Tong is smart, he shouldn't say such words at this time. At least he can't say such words in front of Li Chengxin, because Lin Yu is Li Chengxin's person and is still the housekeeper under Li Chengxin. To deny Lin Yu like this is to deny Li Chengxin's vision. This is a very serious problem!

"And how did you do it?" Li Chengxin asked with a gloomy face. He took a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"Governor Li, economic development is a long-term effect, which can't be achieved at a single touch. Of course, we must focus on the overall situation of economic development. Everything is for economic development and social prosperity. However, if we want economic development and social prosperity, first of all, we need public security and stability, social harmony, and let foreign businessmen be willing to come to Xinjiang city. Only in this way can Xinjiang city be open to welcome visitors from all over the world. Only in this way can the investment environment attract businessmen. Therefore, the first thing I wrote to Jiang city is to do a good job in public security, mobilize all the police forces, make sure that there are people on patrol 24 hours a day, add eight mobile police cars, and arrive at the scene within 10 minutes after receiving the police in the urban area, striving to build the most peaceful and peaceful city in Jiangnan Province -- "Chen Tong said, a little excited.

Li Chengxin's face was still gloomy.

In his early years, the public security situation of Xinjiang Railway Station was bad. He had heard about it for a long time, and Lin Yu also managed it. After a period of time, it worked. How did Chen Tong become such a bad situation here? This problem has been raised and the investment environment has been affected!

"Everything depends on persistence! If we can't stick to it, the counterattack will intensify and become more rampant! If this situation is really what you said, it is not only the problem of disorderly public security, but also the fact that the unstable factors in Xinjiang city are so strong that successive public security bureau directors are unable to beat down this small group of people. This is the root of the problem. It's a good thing to mobilize the strength of police officers to patrol 24 hours a day. The police's bounden duty to protect the people's safety has been brought into play again. However, it is not enough to rely on this alone. We must look at the essence through the phenomenon and remove the power behind this unstable factor before the problem can be completely solved! " Li Chengxin said sternly.

Chen Tong hurriedly said, "governor Li is right. This is the second and most difficult step to take."

"The greatest ability of the cadres of the Communist Party is to do the most difficult and difficult things well! Otherwise, how can you serve the people? " Li Chengxin stares at him and says.

"Yes, yes!" Chen Tong nodded and said, "it's just that there are too many forces involved. Chen Tong needs the strong support of the governor!"

"As long as it is good and in line with the fundamental interests of the people, we have always strongly supported it." Li Chengxin said.

Chen Tong nodded and said, "thank you, governor Li. I - I know what to do!"

Seeing him like this, Li Chengxin said with a smile, "it's good to know, but it's not enough to know. We have to do it. It's the king's way to do it!"

"Chen Tong will do it. Please rest assured, governor Li!" Chen Tong stood up and said that he knew it was time for him to leave.

When he left, Li Chengxin asked him to put away the chicken blood stone and said, "take this stone back and treasure it yourself. I don't understand it and I don't need it."

Chen Tong also wanted to explain, let Li Chengxin accept, Li Chengxin's face has been so gloomy, he did not dare to speak, so no longer speak. However, he has one more important thing to report to Li Chengxin.

Chen Tong thought about it and said, "governor Li, after I came here, I learned about the forced demolition of Yuhe at the beginning of this year. The biggest responsibility here is Zeng Lei, the county magistrate. Liang Xiaosu, the Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee, has no responsibility. She always disapproves of forced demolition. She also went to work in the house of the forced demolition object several times. Before finally taking action, Liang Xiaosu advised Zeng Lei to think twice before acting, Zeng Lei was determined to go his own way, which led to the demolition and death incident that shocked the whole country. Liang Xiaosu was seriously injured in this incident and was removed from his post. It's hard to say. After the study and decision of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, it has been decided to restore Liang Xiaosu to the post of deputy secretary of the county Party committee. Today, I have brought this restoration document. Tomorrow, I will announce it in Yuhe county

Li Chengxin's expression had a moment's amazement! He didn't expect that Chen Tong still had this consciousness, and he even knew to restore Liang Xiaosu to his post, which surprised him so much!

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