Private Academy System
51 Curse of the quiz
Stepping to the front of the class, Ensen clapped his hands five times at different intervals to make a basic rhythm.
This act immediately got the students' attention, well all but the two people sitting in the back row, Warren and Brian.
Deciding to clap louder this time, he repeated the same rhythm while staring at the two.
"Oh!" Warren shouted as he realized what was going on.
Unlike Warren, Brain simply looked down in embarrassment as everybody in the class had been staring at them.
Lightly clearing his throat to regain everybody's attention, Ensen began to speak. "Alright, so this is your guy's first real class so I'll just go over a few things before we start."
Pausing for a moment, Ensen looked at the teacher's desk with two separate stacks of paper. One stack had five pieces of paper with the class schedule printed out on each one.
Walking over to pick up the papers, Ensen continued with his speech "I'll be giving you a piece of paper with the schedule of your classes for this semester, so do your best to either keep it or memorize your classes. If you lose it somehow it is not a big deal, but please do your best to keep it."
Grabbing the papers, Ensen began to walk around the classroom and give each student a copy of the schedule.
There were a total of four different classes in total at the moment at Evergreen Academy, English, Math, Music, and Gym. Although Gym was currently run by Ensen who… was not the most qualified teacher. But for the moment it would be fine.
Although Ensen would love to have other important classes such as social studies, science, and similar things, he simply did not have the manpower at the moment.
As things stand right now he was teaching three different classes. While there were only five students, Ensen was trying to do his best to create a lesson plan that could be used for other classes in the future which limited his time by quite a bit.
While Ensen didn't particularly mind all of the busywork, if he took on too much work at once the quality of the work would severely decline, which was the one thing Ensen didn't want. After all, this Academy was supposed to be an elite institution in the future, he couldn't go around designing subpar lesson plans.
"Alright, now can somebody tell me what class this is supposed to be now? Look at the schedule to see." Ensen asked, making sure that the students understood how the schedule worked. Even though it seemed pretty simple, he wanted to be sure just in case.
After a few seconds, Leah raised her voice and said "Right now is… English, principal."
Nodding in agreement, Ensen continued "That is right, so I'll be handing the classroom over to Mr. Gerhardt who will continue."
Looking towards Gerhardt who had been standing next to the door since he arrived at the classroom earlier, Ensen slowly walked towards the back of the classroom to spectate as Gerhardt began to stiffly walk upfront.
'Oh, is he nervous? Well, luckily there are only five students here for now, if there were more I wouldn't be surprised if he fainted.' Ensen thought as Gerhardt began to speak.
"Welcome to English everybody. Now I understand that people may have varying degrees of knowledge about the English language, but no need to worry about that. I will make sure that every student will learn as much as they can this semester." Gerhardt said.
Pausing for a moment to seemingly consider how to properly phrase the next part, Gerhardt said slowly "Now there will be just a simple quiz to determine where all of you are at which you will have 30 minutes to complete.."
As soon as Gerhardt stopped speaking, audible sighs filled the room.
'I guess everybody hates tests, fair enough.' Ensen thought.
Making eye contact with Gerhardt, Ensen tried to signal something with his eyes.
Noticing the odd behavior Ensen was showing, Gerhardt turned his gaze towards him and simply stared at him for a few seconds before realizing what he had been trying to signal.
"This quiz will not be marked or affect your grade in any way, it's just to find out where we should begin our class." Gerhardt clarified.
Although the students seemed a little better after hearing that, they still weren't too keen on taking a quiz.
As Gerhardt began to hand out the quizzes that had been lying on the teacher's desk beforehand, the students had begun to work.
The questions varied in difficulty, from putting proper punctuation in sentences, spelling, and similar things.
Anabella, Brian, and Stephen seemed relatively composed as they slowly answered the questions whereas Leah seemed more nervous than the others, evident by her slowly tapping her foot.
Warren on the other hand had… an interesting reaction. He seemed to be having trouble focusing as he stared outside the window for a long period of time before even taking a glance at his sheet. After that, although he had been able to make a little bit of progress he still seemed to be having trouble focusing.
Mentally making a note for himself to keep an eye on Warren's focus level in class for the next few days, Ensen leaned on the wall as the 30 minutes that the students had to work on the quiz slowly passed by.
"Please put down your pens everybody. Thank you for writing the quiz." Gerhardt said as he walked around and collected the sheets.
After he collected them all, Gerhardt returned to his desk and took a quick glance at the papers to make sure everybody had written their names.
"Alright everybody, I will look through your quizzes later today and evaluate where we are currently at. But at the moment, let's write a journal entry. I will not be reading your journal, I will simply take a quick glance to check that you have written something. Each class will have a brief journal writing period with a different topic each week, this week's topic is about your favorite season. So state your favorite season and write why you like it so much." Gerhardt said calmly.
'He adjusted rather quickly, while he still seems a little nervous it is way better than before.' Ensen thought.
Satisfied with how Gerhardt had been conducting his class so far, Ensen decided to do some work while the class was going on.
Quietly walking towards the door, Ensen decided to head towards his office.
Even though he had his own personal room, he had not checked the place out before even though he helped furnish it.
Opening the room to the principal's office, Ensen noticed a rather beautiful oak desk in the middle of the room with a cushioned chair in front of the desk for visitors to sit. On the desk was only a computer at the moment as Ensen did not personalize the office yet. There was also a small coffee table and couch to the left.
A rather large window was on the left wall, giving vision towards the front of the school, although the blinds were currently closed.
Nodding in satisfaction, Ensen walked over towards the desk and sat down. Quickly starting up the computer, he proceeded to do research about various topics for the rest of the time.
A while later Ensen looked at the time and noticed that it was about time for the class to end.
Getting out of the seat and stretching his arms, he began to return to the classroom.
Slowly opening the door to try not to cause a distraction, Ensen sneaked to the back of the classroom, although everybody had noticed him entering.
Luckily for him, he seemed to arrive at the perfect time as Gerhardt was just ending his class.
"Alright everybody, that concludes the first English class. I know the quiz may have been hard but I'm sure you all did well. If you have any questions about class today or questions about the class going forward, please talk to me later." Gerhardt said calmly.
As he had finished, Gerhardt looked at Ensen as if asking 'What should I do now?'
Mentally laughing at Gerhardt's expression, Ensen slowly walked towards the front of the class with a smile on his face.
"So that's your first class done, I hope it was alright. So now is math class, then there will be a little break afterward."
Beginning his teaching, Ensen soon broke his student's hearts when he declared that there would be another quiz similar to earlier in English.
However he really couldn't help it, none of them had any formal education so Ensen really didn't know anything about their knowledge in the slightest.
It seemed like it would remain this way for a while for new classes as Ensen's recruiting pool mainly consisted of those either too poor or in too remote of a place for proper education.
As such, it seemed like he would be destined to break his student's heart's in the future.
This act immediately got the students' attention, well all but the two people sitting in the back row, Warren and Brian.
Deciding to clap louder this time, he repeated the same rhythm while staring at the two.
"Oh!" Warren shouted as he realized what was going on.
Unlike Warren, Brain simply looked down in embarrassment as everybody in the class had been staring at them.
Lightly clearing his throat to regain everybody's attention, Ensen began to speak. "Alright, so this is your guy's first real class so I'll just go over a few things before we start."
Pausing for a moment, Ensen looked at the teacher's desk with two separate stacks of paper. One stack had five pieces of paper with the class schedule printed out on each one.
Walking over to pick up the papers, Ensen continued with his speech "I'll be giving you a piece of paper with the schedule of your classes for this semester, so do your best to either keep it or memorize your classes. If you lose it somehow it is not a big deal, but please do your best to keep it."
Grabbing the papers, Ensen began to walk around the classroom and give each student a copy of the schedule.
There were a total of four different classes in total at the moment at Evergreen Academy, English, Math, Music, and Gym. Although Gym was currently run by Ensen who… was not the most qualified teacher. But for the moment it would be fine.
Although Ensen would love to have other important classes such as social studies, science, and similar things, he simply did not have the manpower at the moment.
As things stand right now he was teaching three different classes. While there were only five students, Ensen was trying to do his best to create a lesson plan that could be used for other classes in the future which limited his time by quite a bit.
While Ensen didn't particularly mind all of the busywork, if he took on too much work at once the quality of the work would severely decline, which was the one thing Ensen didn't want. After all, this Academy was supposed to be an elite institution in the future, he couldn't go around designing subpar lesson plans.
"Alright, now can somebody tell me what class this is supposed to be now? Look at the schedule to see." Ensen asked, making sure that the students understood how the schedule worked. Even though it seemed pretty simple, he wanted to be sure just in case.
After a few seconds, Leah raised her voice and said "Right now is… English, principal."
Nodding in agreement, Ensen continued "That is right, so I'll be handing the classroom over to Mr. Gerhardt who will continue."
Looking towards Gerhardt who had been standing next to the door since he arrived at the classroom earlier, Ensen slowly walked towards the back of the classroom to spectate as Gerhardt began to stiffly walk upfront.
'Oh, is he nervous? Well, luckily there are only five students here for now, if there were more I wouldn't be surprised if he fainted.' Ensen thought as Gerhardt began to speak.
"Welcome to English everybody. Now I understand that people may have varying degrees of knowledge about the English language, but no need to worry about that. I will make sure that every student will learn as much as they can this semester." Gerhardt said.
Pausing for a moment to seemingly consider how to properly phrase the next part, Gerhardt said slowly "Now there will be just a simple quiz to determine where all of you are at which you will have 30 minutes to complete.."
As soon as Gerhardt stopped speaking, audible sighs filled the room.
'I guess everybody hates tests, fair enough.' Ensen thought.
Making eye contact with Gerhardt, Ensen tried to signal something with his eyes.
Noticing the odd behavior Ensen was showing, Gerhardt turned his gaze towards him and simply stared at him for a few seconds before realizing what he had been trying to signal.
"This quiz will not be marked or affect your grade in any way, it's just to find out where we should begin our class." Gerhardt clarified.
Although the students seemed a little better after hearing that, they still weren't too keen on taking a quiz.
As Gerhardt began to hand out the quizzes that had been lying on the teacher's desk beforehand, the students had begun to work.
The questions varied in difficulty, from putting proper punctuation in sentences, spelling, and similar things.
Anabella, Brian, and Stephen seemed relatively composed as they slowly answered the questions whereas Leah seemed more nervous than the others, evident by her slowly tapping her foot.
Warren on the other hand had… an interesting reaction. He seemed to be having trouble focusing as he stared outside the window for a long period of time before even taking a glance at his sheet. After that, although he had been able to make a little bit of progress he still seemed to be having trouble focusing.
Mentally making a note for himself to keep an eye on Warren's focus level in class for the next few days, Ensen leaned on the wall as the 30 minutes that the students had to work on the quiz slowly passed by.
"Please put down your pens everybody. Thank you for writing the quiz." Gerhardt said as he walked around and collected the sheets.
After he collected them all, Gerhardt returned to his desk and took a quick glance at the papers to make sure everybody had written their names.
"Alright everybody, I will look through your quizzes later today and evaluate where we are currently at. But at the moment, let's write a journal entry. I will not be reading your journal, I will simply take a quick glance to check that you have written something. Each class will have a brief journal writing period with a different topic each week, this week's topic is about your favorite season. So state your favorite season and write why you like it so much." Gerhardt said calmly.
'He adjusted rather quickly, while he still seems a little nervous it is way better than before.' Ensen thought.
Satisfied with how Gerhardt had been conducting his class so far, Ensen decided to do some work while the class was going on.
Quietly walking towards the door, Ensen decided to head towards his office.
Even though he had his own personal room, he had not checked the place out before even though he helped furnish it.
Opening the room to the principal's office, Ensen noticed a rather beautiful oak desk in the middle of the room with a cushioned chair in front of the desk for visitors to sit. On the desk was only a computer at the moment as Ensen did not personalize the office yet. There was also a small coffee table and couch to the left.
A rather large window was on the left wall, giving vision towards the front of the school, although the blinds were currently closed.
Nodding in satisfaction, Ensen walked over towards the desk and sat down. Quickly starting up the computer, he proceeded to do research about various topics for the rest of the time.
A while later Ensen looked at the time and noticed that it was about time for the class to end.
Getting out of the seat and stretching his arms, he began to return to the classroom.
Slowly opening the door to try not to cause a distraction, Ensen sneaked to the back of the classroom, although everybody had noticed him entering.
Luckily for him, he seemed to arrive at the perfect time as Gerhardt was just ending his class.
"Alright everybody, that concludes the first English class. I know the quiz may have been hard but I'm sure you all did well. If you have any questions about class today or questions about the class going forward, please talk to me later." Gerhardt said calmly.
As he had finished, Gerhardt looked at Ensen as if asking 'What should I do now?'
Mentally laughing at Gerhardt's expression, Ensen slowly walked towards the front of the class with a smile on his face.
"So that's your first class done, I hope it was alright. So now is math class, then there will be a little break afterward."
Beginning his teaching, Ensen soon broke his student's hearts when he declared that there would be another quiz similar to earlier in English.
However he really couldn't help it, none of them had any formal education so Ensen really didn't know anything about their knowledge in the slightest.
It seemed like it would remain this way for a while for new classes as Ensen's recruiting pool mainly consisted of those either too poor or in too remote of a place for proper education.
As such, it seemed like he would be destined to break his student's heart's in the future.
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