Private Academy System

56 First otherworldly studen

The bidding war raged on for a few minutes before it stopped itself just over 100 points, 105 to be exact.

In reality, Ensen wouldn't directly gain anything from this deal as the points would go to paying off the loan he had previously taken from the system.

However, with the 105 points gone from his debt, it was reduced to a very modest 15 points which could easily be completely cleaned after he completed his next mission.

'That's not bad.' Ensen thought.

As the auction came to an end, he heard a knock on his door.

Standing up, Ensen tried to straighten up both his clothes and hair slightly before opening the door.

On the opposite side of the door was a rather old lady in her mid-sixties who had a kind smile.

She wore casual clothes, and although she seemed rather aged she moved with grace and elegance that was uncommon for her age.

"It's nice to meet you, Sir. I am Karina Vaughn." Karina said with a gentle smile on her face.

Looking at the odd sight, Ensen invited her inside.

"Would you like something to drink, Karina?" Ensen asked carefully, trying to be nice to his guest.

"No thanks, I'm just here to inform you that I was the person who won your education offer. Of course, I'm too busy to attend school so I will be sending one of my younger apprentices if that is alright with you." She said with a gentle voice as if she was nature herself.

"Yeah, I have no problem with that at all. As long as your apprentice passes my requirements they can freely come to learn." Ensen said carefully, still cautiously about the penalty for accepting students below the minimum.

Nodding in understanding, Karina proceeded to make some small talk for a few minutes before excusing herself.

"That was… weird. Who was that lady?" Ensen asked.

[She is the host of the Heavenly Medical System, she's been the host for a rather long time too.] The system informed him.

"For a long time? Do systems change hosts often?" Ensen asked in curiosity.

[Not intentionally, it's just that the majority of systems revolve around conflict. Even Karina is not excluded from this, she had battled oppression by numerous forces for the majority of her time as a host.]

Nodding his head in understanding, Ensen felt happy that his system was rather peaceful. After all, he would not last long in her position at all.

After staying in the room for a few more minutes to see everything wrap up, Ensen returned to his world. With his body laying on the couch once again, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning as Ensen awoke, he felt incredibly refreshed besides the small ache in his back.

Ensen spent the rest of the week focusing on teaching his classes. While both math and English had a pretty solid start, music and gym were getting there. As Ensen spent more and more effort trying to refine the rough plan he had made, he noticed that the week simply flew by.


It was now Friday, with the last class of the week about to wrap up the students were naturally excited for a break.

While all of the students truly did appreciate the opportunity to learn at the Academy, it was only natural that a break would be good for them. Ensen was no different, the week had been exhausting for him due to all of the adapting and new experiences he had such as teaching new classes.

As Ensen drove the students home with Stephen in front, he grew curious about something.

"How was your first week of school guys?" He asked kindly.

"It was good," Stephen said calmly as he kept staring out of the window.

"I wish I could go into the forest again, but it was fun, especially gym class!" Warren said.

Nodding in the satisfaction that they were both happy about their classes so far, he turned his attention to Anabella.

"What about you Anabella?" Ensen asked.

Unlike the others, Anabella simply raised her hands and formed a thumbs up with it.

'I'll take it.' Ensen thought.

"Well that's good, I hope you guys keep enjoying it then," Ensen said happily as the orphanage had appeared in their sight.

Soon after they arrived at the orphanage.

"I'll pick you guys up like usual on Monday, don't forget. Have a good weekend guys." Ensen said as his students were beginning to exit the car.

After they had left, Ensen began driving further into the countryside.

As he drove further and further, the number of buildings that he passed began dwindling.

'Why do I have to go all the way out here again?' Ensen thought in resignation. After all, he still had a while to go to get to the location.

[The Heavenly Medical System is sending her host's apprentice to this world, I already told you that.] The system replied with an annoyed tone.

"I know that part, but why do I need to go all the way into the countryside for it? Why doesn't she just send the apprentice to the school as you do with Gerhardt?" Ensen asked in agitation.

[You really think Heavenly systems are as strong as me? Gerhardt is able to get here safely because I am the one transporting him, not his system. She doesn't have much influence in this world nor does she have much skill in the way of interworld transportation so the locations she can safely send her host are limited.]

Not wanting to fight the system anymore, Ensen proceeded to spend the next hour driving further and further away from his home. Although he did pass by some small towns in the process, the area was mostly filled with forests and lakes.

As Ensen pulled into a small rundown diner that only had two cars outside, Ensen asked "Is this where I'm meeting them?"

[That is correct, the apprentice will be sent here momentarily.] The system confirmed.

"Why… Why is this place so important? It's a diner in the middle of nowhere!" Ensen shouted.

[That is not entirely true. The Heavenly Medical System used to have a host on this world and this area was the place that she lived, so it has a special connection to this location. Although that was thousands of years ago so it would be more of a myth around here.]

Grumbling to himself as he got out of his car, Ensen leaned on the hood and looked up at the sky to relax.

After a few minutes, Ensen heard a small sound coming from behind him in the nearby trees.

Turning around, Ensen saw a rather tall girl who wore tattered clothes. Her face was covered in a thin layer of dirt, similar to her hair.

As the girl noticed Ensen looking at her, she stood up straight and began to speak nervously. "Hello sir, my name is Flora. I was sent here by the great lady Vaughn."

Looking at the nervous girl, Ensen sighed lightly.

'I can't believe Karina sent her like this. Couldn't she at least have given her decent clothes?' Ensen thought as he looked at the girl.

Hearing the sigh that Ensen gave off, Flora became even more nervous as she stood there as stiff as a rock.

"Come on, let's go get you some clothes at least," Ensen said as he walked towards the passenger side's front seat.

Although Flora had never seen this sort of machine before, she hesitantly entered the door.

Slowly shutting the door, Ensen walked over to the driver's seat. Getting inside, he pulled out his phone and searched for the nearest clothing store.

'I really do but a lot of clothes for my students.' He thought as he began making his way there.

He definitely couldn't drive around the city with Flora looking like that. Even if he could, he wouldn't allow himself.

After telling Flora to stay in the car, Ensen ran inside and grabbed some simple clothes that seemed to fit her.

As Ensen returned to the car, he drove until he found a small rest stop.

"Go into that room and change into these clothes, okay?" He said kindly, not wanting to scare the girl more than she already was.

As she slowly nodded, she tried for nearly a minute to open the car door before succeeding. A few minutes later she returned wearing new clothes.

Although the clothes weren't particularly high quality, more akin to the clothes his students at the orphanage had been wearing before he had bought them clothes, it would get it to tomorrow when they could actually get decent clothes.

Getting into the car once again, Ensen began making his way home. Throughout the long ride, there was barely any talking.

Luckily the traffic seemed to be on his side, as they eventually arrived home.

As they both sat in the parking lot, Ensen looked over to Flora and said "If anybody asks, just say that I'm taking care of you while your mom is on business. Okay?"

Although Flora was confused, she nodded in understanding.

Arriving in front of his apartment door with no trouble, Ensen decided to dig out the keys to Kaitlin's apartment from his pocket.

Entering it, Ensen showed Flora around the apartment before telling her how various machines worked. After describing to her how to use the shower, Ensen returned to his own apartment while thinking "I thought this was going to be easy."

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