Private Technology

: 985 Tube Simulator

Guan Mingxin is so tired. He knows that he is not feeling well at this time, so he still tempts himself. Guan Mingchao wants to lift her up and hit her on the ground!

But let ’s not talk about whether you can fight now. At least based on Mu Xiaoxiao ’s past experience, hitting her is basically useless, otherwise the mother would not be able to lose weight and reduce stress by hitting her alone.

Mu Xiaoxiao is true

But think about this product in a month ’s time, Guan Ming feels that as a man, forbearance is fine, the old saying is good, for a moment calm and calm, take a step back to the sea and the sky!

"Bastard, what are you making Xiaoyu do for you?" Asked the 666-generation Muhao Ying Guanming, holding his own daughter-in-law.

Guan Ming has been deliberately delaying the progress of Guan Mengyu's work for a number of reasons. The most important reason is whether Mu Xiaoxiao will pose the same difficult task for Guan Mengxi, and let the child establish a relatively nonsense dream since childhood. At the same time, because of Mu Xiaoxiao's words, will Meng Mengyu ignore her sister all day?

"Huh? Did she tell you? No!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was looking down and playing, looked up sharply, looking at Guan Ming with a surprised look.

"I didn't tell me anything, I just asked for technical support." Guan Ming scratched his right to A.

Mu Xiaoxiao's long hair fluttered, and she usually looked good, but Guan Ming really tickled when she was lying down and sleeping. Guan Ming could not wait to cut her into a bald!

"Let's just say, at that time, I had to discuss with Xiao Yu and I couldn't tell you. I even smashed the double stars away ~" So proud of Mu Xiaoxiao, he didn't even care about the word "dumb".

I've been called a "dumb", but I'm still so happy. Is this a poor and happy performance after the IQ is barren to desertification?

Guan Ming pitifully touched the back of the goods. To be honest, Guan Ming has realized that the world is malicious to Mu Xiaoxiao. Mu Xiaoxiao was born with a specialization of ‘negative intelligence is infinite’.

"No, I'm just afraid that the light rain could get you something wrong, then what if you eat and use it, and your body is out of order?" Guan Ming.

Guan Ming didn't like the scientific research in biochemistry. In addition to the red meat and white meat that were a little scary when dissected, there were more internal and external differences.

The ancients had a saying that they can apply what they have learned, but to Guan Ming's side: R & D for the convenience of their own lives.

Most of the products under Guan Ming's initial scientific research were for the convenience of themselves. Similarly, the first users after the development were mostly stewards.

But when it comes to things inside the human body, Guan Ming is quite cautious. Even the mature, stable, and high-tech things such as the human brain chip have only been installed in the family, the rhubarb, and the rest have not been installed.

Therefore, it is not that Guan Ming does not believe in Guan Mengyu, but Guan Ming's natural rejection of biochemistry.

"Your head is amused ~ Xiaoyu is so big. Even if she studies something new ... isn't you and Shuangxing check it out? Even if you pass, I won't eat it, such a small thing , Let alone make medicine, even if it ’s cooking, I guess I ca n’t eat it, I ’m just giving her a goal to make her study hard, just like my mother encouraged me to be a scientist and be a person who contributed to the country Although in the end I became a woman who is a scientist who contributes to the country. "After saying a word to myself, Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming with the look of mental retardation, as if Guan Ming's IQ was off work early.

drug? Guessing according to the idea of ​​this product, this thing should be taken internally, Guan Ming pondered.

I thought about Mu Xiaoxiao's pre-marital medical report carefully. I think the terminal illness of mental retardation was not detected. Everything else is normal. So, this is the production of "brain remnants"?

After sorting out his thoughts, Guan Ming said, "Our sons will not say for the moment, because Xiao Xi Xiaoyu inherits my IQ, so I think you will set goals or three views on them in the future, and try to treat each other as if they are adults. To treat, during this time, Xiao Yu didn't ask me much about pharmaceuticals. Too hard work and too hard work is not a childhood that a child should have. "

Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming is not worried, but Mu Xiaoxiao, even the 'student' of Guan Mengyu, can be affected. Isn't Guan Mengxi, who is under the command of Mu Xiaoxiao, finished?

"Why not say our son? Our son will surely be smart too!" Rocket mallet, Mu Xiaoxiao hit Guan Ming a moment, his voice would be bad all of a sudden.

"Is this the point? The son is our two children, but so is the girl." Guan Ming pushed hard with a hand and took a bit of pork belly on her ass.

"His ... I know." Taking a breath, Mu Xiaoxiao bowed his head to the big man and said he was wrong.


Regarding Guan Mengyu's technique, Guan Ming is more at ease. At least in Guan Ming's opinion, Guan Mengyu is very close to the housekeeper other than him, and such things as "murdering" will basically not occur. And with Guan Mengyu's knowledge about Guan Ming's preparations, this little point does not need to kill other heirs to inherit Guan Ming's sesame credits and ant flower buds ~ ~ Although the progress of device simulation device development is slow, but This is also relative. If Guan Mingzhen worked hard, the efficiency would definitely scare Guan Mengyu to sit on the ground.

Stealing the drawings of many scientific research institutions around the world and inferring the theory of the equipment according to the 'instructions for use', the difficulty is not great for Guan Ming.

Although it is interdisciplinary, it's a good thing that Guan Ming has passed the physics side, and the biochemical side has dealt with it. In the end, this thing needs to be actually tested before it can be applied to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"It looks very rude ~" With his hands on his back, Guan Mengyu stood on the test bench like a little adult, and looked down at Guan Mingshe to design an organ simulator.

The organ simulator designed by Guan Ming has a total of 10 chambers, which are used to simulate 10 organs such as human heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, with a catheter in the middle as a blood vessel.

But from Guan Ming's point of view, this kind of simulation is only the first-level simulation, or a shortened version.

First of all, there are more than 10 important human organs.

Secondly, just take out a stomach. Ordinary people understand that the stomach is just an organ that stores grains and water to digest at the same time, but everyone has a large number of colonies in the stomach, and different types and numbers of colonies may finally Will show indigestion, rapid digestion and other phenomena, and the difference in colonies is affected by the external environment, such as the difference between North and South.

"No way, now I can only simulate to such a degree, I really do not know how to do biochemistry." Guan Ming spread his hands, saying that he had done his best.

"Don't be biochemical all day, the battery or the chemical thing, do you make graphene batteries differently?" Glanced at Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu habitually stumbled.

Guan Ming: "..."

MMP, is it too late to smash this thing?

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