Private Technology

: One thousand and thirty-fourth Open the word is the liver!

Guan Ming is the country's top brand. Whether it is technology or business, it is unique. The most important thing is that his thinking is very positive. The country will not be inferior to the meritorious service. Especially for Guan Ming himself, the giants will value it. All aspects and meanings are valued.

After all, the giants still expect Guan Ming to give birth to a bunch of little scientists, but it seems that Guan Ming's direct descendants are currently stingy. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao has expressed his desire to not regenerate, and the child still has two girls. Oh No, it is two women and one man, but I don't know if this child can be as powerful as Guan Ming.

But speaking, if Guan Ming's gene is free of any problems and can be optimized, then ...

The chief giant shook his head quickly, trying to abandon those strange ideas just now.

"In the recent period, your energy may be put on the proposals of the two sessions and the speech just now. Regarding corporate poverty alleviation, the final document may be in the second half of the year or the first half of next year. You can prepare first, according to last year ’s national Open the report and go to the field. After all, your words also have priority. "Said the giant.

"This way, okay, I will arrange it when I go back." There are too many poor areas in the country, and the first wave will certainly not cover them all. But since Guan Ming was asked to choose a place in advance, it means that Guan Ming was also intentionally taken care of. At least it will allow him to be more prepared and choose more directionally.

It is not too late for such matters. The policy given above is on the one hand, and the transfer of regional leaders is also on the other.

An upright leader is always better than the leader who eats a card. If you are not mistaken, this time the poverty reduction is likely to be the first wave of anti-corruption momentum of the general giants.

Then everyone talked and then broke up. The giants were not Guan Ming. They didn't have so much free time. Today, they could free up time to find Guan Ming and the housekeeper to chat and meet. They also brought together all the rest time today.

After returning home, Guan Ming found that his family was sitting on the sofa looking at the photos. There were three holographic projections on the coffee table, which projected more than a dozen different photos, each of which had the figures of the giant and the steward.

The child was not interested in the photo. Guan Mengxi was lying on the side of the mobile crib, holding his rattle to tease his younger brother, who was biting the pacifier and holding his hand to the rattle.

What is more haunting is that the shape of the **** is a hilarious version with red lips + two front teeth.

Guan Mengyu was a little helpless, wearing bib pants, standing opposite his sister, looking down at his brother, without any special expression or action.

Could it be that you were a sister-controller in your last life, so don't you get close to your brother?

Guan Ming doubted his little daughter's previous life wretchedly, "Kissxsis"?

No, if it is "kissxsis", the two young ladies and sisters in it are regarded as Meng Xi's template, and they have breast-fed their brothers before they even started to change baby teeth. .

"Come back ~ take a look, what do you think of this photo? You said that I can publish online?" After seeing Guan Ming's return, Mu Xiaoxiao beckoned and signaled Guan Ming to pass.

The holographic projection magnified the kind of photos that Mu Xiaoxiao said, which are photos of the giants and Guan Ming couples with newborns. There is no tube father, tube mother, and twins. In the case of newborns, there is a urine-wet cover. Does not count as a highlighted image.

"Alright." Sit down next to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming nodded.

In the photo, the giant giant sits in the middle, the other giant rings sit on the sides of the giant, the newborn is held in the arms of the giant giant, and the Guan Ming couple are on the sides behind the giant giant.

"Hey hey, the title is 'Blessing from the elders, debut in position C!' How, how, will it be very good ~" Mu Xiaoxiao magnified the photo again, squeezing the rest of the photos out of the projection area .

Guan Ming had a good time, wasn't it the debut of C, right in the middle? The dumb, fleshy little face, Guan Ming always felt that this boy would grow up to be as handsome as his old man when he grew up. Chic!

"Okay, you just have to look at it, I believe the giants will not care about you making fun of you." Guan Ming said with a smile over his wife's shoulder.

After all, this kind of photo is still a little negative for the giants, but since the giants have agreed to take pictures, it means that they don't care about this, and even this is one of the costs to appease Guan Ming.

The country has not yet opened the second child policy, so you dare to regenerate a wave, and no one has come to punish you.

Friend, do you really not see the country?

Don't forget, the public opinion on the Internet is led by the state. If you really don't care about anything, there may have been an estimated amount of fines for Guan Ming's second child on the Internet.

"Hoohoo, I'll post on Weibo, and you remember to repost, comment, like it ~" Mu Xiaoxiao gave out a stupid laugh, shaking his body, as if seeing the latest small video download progress is 99.99% Excited.

"Just help me with the operation. I have something to do." She patted her head, Guan Ming nodded towards her father and mother and walked to the study.

"Well, I forgot your account password. How much is it?" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his neck.

"I'm dizzy, what password do you need if you have a double star?" Turning his head and rolling his eyes, Guan Ming wasn't sure whether the IQ of this product was all melted into the milk, and it is not unreasonable to have a big chest and no brain!

"Oh oh, then you go, you are not needed here." Mu Xiaoxiao heard that, too, and waved his hand to signal that he could get away smoothly.

"Ah, hey, this brain has to be scooped!" Guan Ming turned his hips on his back, and turned back to be a trio of combos.

Lao Tzu is the head of the household. Do you dare to show respect to the head of the household?

"Open a fart, and quickly go back to work!" Guan Ma wouldn't trifle in a row, and glared at Guan Ming.

"Mom ~ You look at him, it ’s so bad that I grow old all day long. This time you watched it. When you did n’t watch it, it was worse than this. You often threatened me to blast my dog's head ~" Mu Xiaoxiaowan Holding the mother's arm, she started selling various complaints, and pretending to be tender and cheeky!

You son, you haven't changed, you're flat!

Guan Ming quietly slipped into the study, so as not to be scolded by his own mother, and also to enjoy the courtship of his wife.


"Social Attributes and Social Responsibility of Enterprises" was written for more than half. The format is fine. The content may be slightly lacking, but it does not matter. After all, the two associations represent the interests of the majority of voters.

Relatively speaking, more attention should be paid to the content of Tsinghua's speech, but this thing is considered Guan Ming's flickering skills.

Normally, those who are engaged in scientific research should be familiar with this area. After all, most scientific research workers report reports to apply for national funds vertically, or find companies to join horizontally. If this is not possible, there is no way to fool these people.

However, the degree of difficulty depends on the applicant. Compared with the Thousand Talents Plan, the Nobel Laureate is definitely more likely to be favored, even if the content written by the former is more 'forward-looking'.

"We have been talking about space mining, cosmic mining, and so on, but for us, you can always see farther than you can go, unless you can reach where you are in an instant like a movie ..."

"I divided space mining into three phases. The first phase was mining by humans to near-earth planets, the second phase was mining by robots near-earth satellites, and the third phase was remote mining. The three phases corresponded to life. Body, robot and vehicle ... "

"The earth is too small, as small as rare earths, gold, and oil are important resources, as small as the national per capita housing construction area does not exceed 40 square meters, space is the future of human development ..."

Beginning with a mouth, the rest is up to the editor.

Even if he hasn't told Guan Ming how to use backward technology to trade, Guan Ming is a fearless warrior, and his life motto is only one: open ord is the liver!

The speech was written well, except that the format is not so big, and the required data is not much.

In addition to artificially dividing the phases of space mining, it also highlights the importance of space mining.

For the former, because Guan Ming is the country's top card and belongs to the core figure of lunar mining, domestic insiders will not come up with a wave of iron, and those who do not know it will not be very iron.

Highlighting the importance of space mining is nothing more than adding weight to a country's possible transactions, striving to sell billions of dollars worth of goods.

"It's so literary. It took only 20,000 hours for the content of 20,000 characters to be small. I'm also very excited to be an online author ~" Guan Ming felt that his talent had broken through the sky, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Otherwise, I wrote a vest to write it, and it ’s called "How handsome is the ordinary woman". It must be popular on the Internet, and then be remakes of various TV series.

"Boss, this is just a full 1826-character speech ..." The holographic projection on the table lit up ~ ~ a shy picture was projected on it.

Guan Ming: "... nonsense, isn't 1826 characters twenty thousand small?"

"You're happy!" Shamelessly turned into a saluting gesture, and the bass of the double star became high, as if it were a soldier under review by the leader.

Those who are close to Mexico are black, or those who are nearly stupid are two?

Guan Ming feels that the double star seems to have changed, becoming more humane and naughty, but it doesn't matter. The overall feeling is benign development. It is really impossible for Guan Ming to format it, which is irrefutable.

"By the way, is dinner good? Xiaoxiao didn't seem to call me for dinner." I glanced at the lower left corner of the screen, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. I just wrote about it and didn't notice. energy.

"The boss, they thought you and the giants had eaten, so they didn't ask you to eat. The boss wanted to ask you if you want to eat, but the wife said that you can't disturb your work. You will come out to eat if you are hungry." Double Star faithfully reported on things at home.

Guan Ming: "..."

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