Private Technology

: 106 Gaba shrimp

I saw Guan Mingning die unyielding, and even the maternal mother twisted his big arm to kill him, and the old couple didn't know what to do.

Wu Guanming is now a more or less an identity person. It is impossible to split his head and cover his face like a hammer when he was a kid. Let ’s say, he just smiled and listened to this kind of rogue.

"Otherwise, you can come and take care of Xiaoming first. After all, he is here alone, and eating is a problem. When he is at home, he is too lazy to wash underwear and socks with a washing machine." After a stalemate, Guan Dao and Guan Ma discussed When they got up, they ignored the mood and expression of the son who broke the news, mainly because they both felt a little itchy about the girl in Guan Ming's mouth.

"I'm here, what are you eating at home? It's like you're washing your underwear at home." Guan Ma glanced at Guan Dad, the small expression looked at Guan Dad, and then looked at Guan Ming, as if looking at the waste father and son.

I drew a twitch, and Guan Dao had no confidence in refuting in this regard. "Then what do you say?"

"This ..." I didn't expect my wife to let go, and the management mother was also a little helpless.

"You two discuss slowly, if you can't come anyway, this marriage, there is no way to get married." Putting his hands on the back of his head, Guan Ming said leisurely.

In fact, even when they came here, they were just staring. Unless the domestic marriage law is the same as in Japan, they can only stare.

"You child, how do you say that, I am your mother!" Guan Ma taught her son to be a set, the tone gradually increased, and the last voice was a bit like singing a drama.

"Oh, I just remembered, let's ..." Guan Dian patted his knees suddenly, but the words weren't finished yet, Guan Ma fisted on Guan Dad's shoulder, and the ganged Guan Dad crooked. Fortunately, both of them Sitting on the sofa, or else I might be able to stick to the ground.

"What do you think about it? What do you think of?" The management mother has a characteristic. When training her son, there can be helpers, but not opponents ...

"Shrimp for my son! Gaba shrimps are almost smelly!" Guan Daddy stood up and looked upset. He felt bad for no reason. Although it didn't hurt, he lost face, especially Guan Ming was still there. With good joy, Guan Dad gave Guan Ming an unhappy look.

"Oops, there are still gaba shrimps? I have been stunned for a long time." Guan Ming heard that there were gaba shrimps, and he drooled.

Everyone who has been to and lived in Daocheng knows what a gaba shrimp is, in fact, it is a shrimp about five centimeters in size with two large tongs, but as a Daocheng person, I think the most authentic way to eat is cold, not cooked. The cold sauce is eaten cold, but it is eaten raw. Because it cracks and cracks when eating, it is called gaba shrimp.

Although he ’s from Daocheng, Guan Ming feels guilty that he does n’t know the scientific name of the gaba shrimp. He just knows that this thing is delicious. Unfortunately, this thing is about the season. Now in August, the gaba shrimp Rarely.

"Oops, it's broken, hurry up, old man." When the management mother heard it, she couldn't care about training her son, and hurriedly asked Guan Daddy to get the suitcase in the room.

Gaba shrimp is a marine life. It is raw and clean, and it is clean. Although it is an offshore organism, it is susceptible to pollution. Compared to more than a decade later, this is not called pollution, but there is a problem. In the summer, Once the gaba shrimp is dead, it will quickly smell. At the same time, the dead gaba shrimp will breed bacteria and should not be eaten raw. Therefore, for the people of Daocheng, the dead is completely worthless, and the living and dead are at the same time. The price It is almost 5: 1, and the market demand can be seen from the price.

Guan Ming stubbed from his small mouth, but also followed the old couple buttocks to the room to see luggage.

管 Guan Ming couldn't live at home, mainly because the place was small. Although Guan Dao and Guan Ma hadn't lived in a worse place, Guan Ming had the conditions to provide good, why should he live in a poor place.

Open the suitcase, there is still air-conditioning inside, open a large box, which is a sealed food packaging bag, which is full of gaba shrimp, but with sharp eyes, you can see a white strip one or two centimeters thick under the packaging bag At the end of the job, the thing was officially air-conditioned, and there was no water in the bag.

The old couple is a morning plane, and it is not yet noon. If the gaba shrimp is still alive in the morning, there is no problem eating it now.

"This is solid carbon dioxide?" Guan Ming asked with some uncertainty.

Solid carbon dioxide is commonly known as dry ice. This thing is volatile, but volatilization will absorb heat, so it has a cooling effect. At the same time, unlike ice cubes, there is water. Melting dry ice becomes carbon dioxide without water, so it is called dry ice.

However, Guan Ming knew how much this thing was explosive. It was amazing that he could pass the security check.

"This is dry ice. It took a lot of effort to get it from Director Wang. I got on the plane once and got off the plane once, and I was afraid that the gaba shrimp would be broken. If it wasn't for you, I would use this kind of humanity?" I do n’t know the scientific name of dry ice ~ ~ But I know this time is asking for help. After all, in this era, the acquisition of dry ice was also a troublesome task. The result was that this bag was less than two pounds of gaba shrimp, but Who makes his son like and have face.

"Come on, hurry up." Guan Ming urged behind the old couple. The father and mother took the effort to bring this thing over. It wasn't stupid. I mumbled and went to the kitchen. When I came to the suite before, I've visited it, so I know where the kitchen is.

Xi Guanming took the time to call Liu Mengmeng and said that he would not eat with everyone at noon. He wanted his family to reunite. Liu Mengmeng naturally understood that.

I do n’t care if my dad is not someone else, so naturally I wo n’t get stuck in time. As for the holiday, it ’s even easier.

I know that the father and mother come, the kitchen is full of food and seasonings, and the gaba shrimp is cold to see personal taste. The steward prefers spicy taste, but it is best to wait until it is just mixed, because the soup is not completely filled with gaba shrimp. Soak it. Now it just hangs on the shell. If you have to eat it, fish it from the bottom up and eat it with sticky soup.

As a result, it wasn't even last night for lunch. The gaba shrimp let him eat half of it, while taking a cool breath, he couldn't help but continue to eat, and the mouthful of gaba made a noise.

Strange to say, Guan Ming is an islander who likes shrimp and clams other than prawns, but he doesn't like crabs. Whether it is hairy crabs or bread crabs, it ’s no problem to eat gaba shrimp raw, but drunk shrimp and cold octopus The fish did not eat.

之外 Shrimp other than prawns, such as gaba shrimp, pippi shrimp, auspicious lobster, lobster shrimp, etc., and so-called prawns refer to shrimps such as prawns.

Zhi Guanming came to Shanghai to start a business in his life, but he didn't expect that there wasn't, or that he could not find any gaba shrimp to sell. For him, this was a big torment.

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