Private Technology

: 1045 pure electric design

Then the problem comes. An engine is usually a few hundred kilograms, and the volume is mostly 700 * 450 * 450. Where are you going to plug this thing?

There is no place for the front face, and there is no place for the rear butt. Under the traffic jam?

Good guy, an engine alone is half a meter high, plus data like the construction site, the seat needs to be 1 meter vertically!

On the head?

No, there is a sunroof on my head. The poem “Parking Maple Evening” is so beautiful. It ’s more fun to see the scenery than the engine, and if you put your head on it, the whole car ’s center of gravity is too high. Every turn is easy to roll over.

"Boss, otherwise design a pure electric wheel motor?" Shuangxing has been paying attention to Guan Ming, naturally knowing why he is worried.

The wheel motor is similar to the battery of a battery car. Using this thing can eliminate the clutch assembly, transmission, differential, rear axle, drive shaft and other components. The volume is absolutely reduced, and the structure is also reduced. The most typical are electric motorcycles and ordinary motorcycles. The car is gone.

Most importantly, the four wheels are independently controlled!

However, the use of in-wheel motors is not without its disadvantages, such as increased unsprung mass.

The quality of the unsprung spring has a lot to do with the acceleration, handling and stability of the car. Theoretically, the light weight is good, but this is not a racing car, it is just a means of mobility, and the operability requirements can be reduced.

Graphene batteries have a wide range of applications. Although the range of influence is wide, both mobile phones and laptops can be used, but this technology has a relatively better performance in the military field than other products under Guan Ming. Weaker.

Therefore, Guan Ming applied for patents on this type of widely used civilian and weak military technology, then produced graphene batteries in-house, and sold them to mobile phone manufacturers, notebook computer manufacturers, and so on.

And this kind of technology, Guan Ming is also licensed to the relevant national enterprises for free, they can produce it themselves and pay a sum of money each year. For example, the battery used in the Long March 5 is the graphene produced by the country's Guan Ming technology. battery.

"If it is an in-wheel motor, then the amount of graphene batteries manufactured by the company will increase a lot. If nothing else, this thing is also an explosion, or is it the type that is supplied globally. Can the company's small factory arrange it?" Guan Ming Think about it and ask.

Although this model is ugly, it is naturally ugly to the depths, and the ugly and ugly things are also very marketable.

"We do not need to add additional production lines. The production of graphene batteries is based on volume. We can completely increase the unit price. If the boss cares about domestic related companies, it is entirely possible for the state to intervene and give a government subsidy. That's it. "Double Star combined with Guan Ming's previous ideas and gave his opinion.

Guan Ming: "..."

This is really good people have done for the country.

However, if you think about it, thanks to the country's ability to toughen Guan Ming, otherwise Guan Ming will not be so smart.

Even if holographic projection is used, other technologies can be classified as technical monopolies. This kind of monopoly is best known as Microsoft, and Microsoft has experienced several splitting crises.

And like Microsoft, Guan Ming is also a natural monopoly. His products not only created industry rules, but also revolutionized the entire Internet industry.

The most important thing is that the country controls Guanming. If it doesn't, it will control this fat house. It may not be able to maintain a family business.

"Then the in-wheel motor, if there is any 250 running half of the car running out of power, then you can only blame the local government charging pile is not done." Guan Ming shook his head, brain to fill the "speed and passion" racing There was no electricity at the half of the race, and then everyone got out of the car and grilled on the roadside.

If it is an in-wheel motor, it will be very easy to operate in space. Although the car will definitely be very light as a whole, if the iron plate is strong, it will still have the ability to resist natural disasters such as storms.

Although it was not a hybrid vehicle before, Guan Ming chose to use the function of manual driving, and applied the two driving modes switching provided to Great Wall before. However, there are still differences between left and right driving positions in foreign countries. Guan Ming needs to do design Two sets.

The model is ugly and wants to make money, so it can only work on the function. Although it is a 4-seater car, in Guan Ming's mind, this thing is still functionally closer to a mobile gun car. Single-through, the front windshield adds a layer inside to make an AR screen. When driving manually, the navigator directly hits the map on the windshield, and it can even make the windshield impermeable, of course. When the transparency exceeds 35%, you can only drive automatically. At the same time, the self-driving monitoring equipment in the car turns on automatically and cannot be turned off, so as to avoid the driver throwing the pot to the unmanned system in a car accident.

In addition, there are holographic projections at the four corners of the roof to ensure the user's entertainment to the greatest extent. After all, happiness is the most important.

The vehicle intelligent system does not need to be improved. The current set is very suitable. Similarly, the vehicle radar does not need to be improved. After all, this is not a tank.

Sporadic, Guan Ming wrote ten pages of data requirements. Although it hasn't finished writing yet, it took an afternoon.

"Dad, dad ~" After seeing Guan Ming out of the door, Guan Mengxi got up and rushed to hug his thigh, and his head was hitting Guan Ming's lower abdomen.

Having seen Mu Xiaoxiao's tooth grin, Guan Ming naturally didn't want to try how much the impact force was, so he cushioned it with his hand in advance to avoid injury.

"Xi Xi is back, are you having fun?" Crossing her armpit, Guan Ming held Xiao Budian, feeling a little pressured.

Mu Xiaoxiao will do a physical examination of the child every month. The three most important items are height, weight and teeth.

The twins are fraternal twins. At present, it can be seen that they are different. Although there are some differences in appearance, they are equally good-looking, but the younger sister is 130 centimeters tall, but the younger sister is only 110 centimeters.

For weight, the younger sister weighs 26 kilograms, while the younger sister weighs only 19 kilograms.

To be honest, the younger sister's early development is really smooth, and one younger sister can hit the eight younger sisters without much effort.

"Okay, dad, let me tell you a secret. Today I saw my mom's fans. The two fans are looking for moms to take pictures!" The movement with ears is loud, and Guan Ming's eardrums are shaking.

"Mom's fan? She will have fans?" Shaking his head and trying to wake up, he also expressed his attitude.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is very beautiful, but there are more than one billion people in the country. Baby, there are more beautiful women. Fan fart. Besides, after going out, ordinary passers-by can't recognize who is who.

Du Niang, "Like Jack Ma", can make a row for you.

Once again, the **** makeup photos of some celebrities can scare you to watch the third issue of "Entering Science."

"Yes, yes, there are two little aunts who jumped and called mother's name and wanted to come over to take pictures, but Uncle Zhou stopped them, and we came back afterwards." At the end, Guan Mengxi was very sorry and didn't know It is not regret not to have contact with the fans, or regretted not to play well.

Hand pressing the scales, Guan Ming was not Mu Xiaoxiao. He couldn't hold on even for a minute, walked to the sofa, sat beside Mu Xiaoxiao, and placed the child on his leg.

"Okay, and fans, it's rare." Looking at his wife's face on purpose, Guan Ming teased.

"Is that, is it Mu Muxiao's fame? Look at the beauty of this flourishing world, that's quite small ~" He raised his forehead like a white swan, his delicate neck and fair face, looking at it from the side, It's three-dimensional and looks great.

It's a pity that the last sentence of the Northeast is really hurtful!

The father and mother are not in the lobby, so she will be so waves, otherwise she must be leather now.

"Wang's fame? Well ... I think I have the right to speak on this point." Guan Ming drove in earnest, and Mu Xiaoxiao raised his cheek to look at Guan Ming, and looked upset.

"What about them later? They have photos? How were the photos handled?" Gong Ming looked at her elder daughter, Guan Ming straightened the steering wheel and asked.

"I heard Zhou Wu said that everything has been deleted. It's a pity that I'm wearing a beautiful dress today. If I didn't bring my children and parents, I would be able to take photos with the fans." .

The goods come fast and go fast, just like children.

Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao can live in the eyes of the general public, but the elderly and children at home are not suitable at present, so Guan Ming still recognizes this treatment, but he is more curious where this fan came from, saying: "We two You have makeup on shows and meetings, can you recognize them? "

As one of the four major Asian magic arts, the big makeup technique can really turn decay into magic. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a face change. Look at those makeup tutorials and see the differences before and after makeup. I want to recognize It's really hard to be alone.

When Guan Ming was able to lurk in the Mu family for so long, there was no leak, and it was also because he was interviewed and had makeup ~ ~ So when he was naked, Mu family even Mu family The community can't help who he is.

"Brush video, dear, nah na, look at how many fans your most beautiful wife has ~" proudly Mu Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and clicked out the video for Guan Ming.

Not to mention how many likes each video has, let's just say that attention is currently sprinting to the tens of millions.

It's been less than a month to play this video!

"Cut ~ 蹭 my heat and, besides, do I have other wives besides the most beautiful wife?" Guan Ming pouted, and when Mu Xiaoxiao was mad, he first put the child in his arms and then slipped Dada went out to air.

In the middle of March, the temperature of the imperial capital is about 10 °, and the lowest is about 0 °. Compared with the south, the air humidity is much lower, so the wind feels more ‘hard’.

Wearing a woolen coat, it feels like a fat little pony.

After seeing it, the security personnel quickly walked to the position five meters behind Guan Ming and hung from a distance.

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