Private Technology

: 1068 Military and Commercial Grade

"Come back so soon ~" Looking at Guan Ming in surprise, Mu Xiaoxiao had no idea that Guan Ming would return so soon.

I left after breakfast, but I came back before dinner. Are you going to play the trapeze game?

"As soon as I don't look at it, you make a fool. Xiao Xi is so young and scrambles around Xiao You, Xiao You is not light, what if Xiao Xi doesn't grow up after Xiao Xi!" Guan Ming said angrily, Come over and bend over to untie the strap.

"No, no, Dad, I am so old ~" Guan Mengxi said proudly without resistance, and at the same time carefully dedicated his brother to his father.

"Xiao Xi is awesome, come and drink water at Grandma's side." Clapping her hands, the tube mom called the little dog like a funny dog, and there were two milk bottles on the coffee table ...

Ignore why there is a Northeast accent in the local people in Shanghai, and the housekeeper Mu Xiaoxiao has grown up in the Northeast. It is normal to speak the Northeast dialect. Fuyuan loves the round-faced Northeast dialect than Guan Ming. 6 Well, nothing wrong!

Putting down the SLR, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly took over the child from Guan Ming. Although her husband had a larger tonnage and height than himself, his arm strength was really weak. "Husband, I want to take the children with me What do you think of lavender in Chongming Island? "

Settle the children together, holding Guan Mengyou, Mu Xiaoxiao said to Guan Ming.

"Just go and say hello over Oda." Guan Ming nodded, no opinion, anyway, the child was early, and rested for a day or two without delay.

In the case of lavender, it blooms in late May. The lavender festival in Chongming Island is more famous. Specifically, Guan Ming, which was opened last year or the previous year, can't remember. Anyway, when he came to Shanghai to find an old lady to discuss the marriage, Mu Xiaoxiao brought He went to see it together.

How to say, I have not been to Provence, but the scenery on Chongming Island has made Guan Ming feel the ideal Provence scenery, provided that there are few people.

"No, I want to go with us, my parents, my parents, my parents, my children and you, and you." With the mother at his side, Mu Xiaoxiao could not perform color lure and child tone, just use his shoulders Gong Guanming belongs to the spoiled version of Jiao.

"... In May, I may be very busy." Hesitating, Guan Ming's expression of regret was on his face.

There are a lot of things to discuss with the giants today, including some arrangements for artificial islands this month. The first is the military transformation of artificial islands, and the second is the tender for commercial low-level orders. The military design drawings are completed and approved above. Guan Ming must also take the time to come to an order tendering meeting for a domestic military industrial enterprise, and strive to arrange all orders as soon as possible.

It can be said that throughout May, Guan Ming was basically idle.

"When you don't need you, you can idle every day. When you use you, you can push back and forth. You think about it!" Guan Ma murmured for Mu Xiaoxiao, taking twins to the left and right, watching Guan Ming's eyes were a bit wrong.

Probably the reason why women will be more careful, the management mother knows Mu Xiaoxiao's daily life more thoroughly, apparently not a little girl who is too dwelling, these years have changed into a dwelling.

When Guan Ming does not go out, she does not go out. When Guan Ming goes out, she often does not go out.

Sometimes she wants to take her out to play, and she also worries whether this makeup will make people feel too superficial, that makeup will be too old-fashioned, etc., even when going out, she must strictly control her temper and attitude. Wear a proper smile and temperament.

Rarely she invited once, but her son refused, which made Guanma very unhappy.

Are you married to a wife or a nanny?

"It's okay, mom, anyway, it's a month anyway, it's OK in June, it's more flowering!" Do not want to make her mother-in-law angry, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly rushed over to face to face, Guan Mengyu sandwiched between the two adults bent down At least the head will not be squeezed.

For such a naive mother, Guan Mengyu has long been used to it, and even his body has formed conditioned reflexes.

"So what, then I'll get busy first, and try to finish the work sooner." I found that my old lady was still a bit angry, Guan Ming quickly persuaded to the study.

The lavender festival runs from late May to late June. If Guan Ming is not given time, then everything is good to say. As for now, if you want to go out in late May, you must complete the work as soon as possible.

Thinking of his frustrated expression that his wife had just flashed, Guan Ming raised his body fat and decided to work hard and work hard!

"Is the order graded ready?" Guan Ming asked in a chair.

"The boss has been made, please see." After that, Double Star controlled the holographic projection on the desk and made two projections in the air.

Order grading is the work arranged for Guanxing on the way back from Guan Ming.

The general direction is divided into two parts, military and commercial. As the name implies, military refers to military and certain confidential orders, while commercial refers to non-secret and non-confidential orders. As for orders other than military, orders are not called orders. It was all made by Guan Ming, and it belongs to the laboratory level order.

Military and commercial orders are from 1 to 7, a total of seven levels.

The highest level 1 military order is 2 sets of 8 stars, 12 small units, two sets of star-like controllable nuclear fusion equipment, and the lowest level 7 commercial order is the island city's gold and silver beach sand orders.

Judging from the current design drawings, Guan Ming can only bid for military level 1 orders and commercial levels 5 and below. The remaining orders have variables. After all, the drawings need further improvement.


"The demand for orders such as sand and soil is unified to the commercial level 7." After carefully looking up and down, Guan Ming pointed to several commercial grade 5 sand orders.

Guan Ming has relatively high requirements on the beach. In addition to fine particles, he also has requirements on color.

Jinyin Beach may be understood as Guan Ming is an islander, nostalgic for his hometown, but pink beach, red beach and the like, there is no way for Guan Ming to think that this thing must be advanced.

You know, Guan Ming's pricing is different for orders of different levels. Guan Ming doesn't want to be slaughtered because of this kind of sparse beach sand. Amazing Guan Ming himself spends a lot of money to break down to make sand!

Don't talk about pink and red at that time, even green, blue and even translucent beaches can be made.

If the beach formed by smashing synthetic diamonds is expensive, luxurious, and easy to steal, cubic zirconia is completely fine. It is better to buy that thing, at least it can be lighter.

"Good boss." Shuangxing reduced resources such as sand and soil to the lowest level of quotient 7.

"The cement was adjusted to military grade 4. I remember that the country has developed bulletproof cement in the past few years. It should not be so strong. It should be one or two grades. Please note in this regard."

"Jingdezhen's handicrafts have been adjusted to Shang 5 level, and some foreign crafts ..."

Guan Ming reviews each item one by one, and strives to allow domestic enterprises to eat and eat well, while abroad, it is sufficient to retain only a certain amount of profit.

It is better to unite the world than unite the whole country. One family is not as good as the country to make money. At least this attitude is beneficial to the society, and it is also required by the society, so as not to be eliminated by the times. There are few concerns.

"Boss, your trip today is to go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange." The next day, Guan Ming was going to go to the squatting study in the early days for review, but was stopped by Double Star.

"Oh yes, is it about land? Already made an appointment with the Shanghai tycoon?" After a step, Guan Ming looked at the sink in the toilet, and then began to shave with a razor.

"Yes boss, the military requirements were integrated and sent to the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the early hours of yesterday morning. It is no surprise that the Shanghai Stock Exchange will forward the demand to you today."

"Okay ... Xiaoxiao, I'll go to Shanghai's big brother, will you go?" Looking at the stupid sitting on the toilet like an angry bird, Guazi's face staggered into a red circle. The face was quite interesting, and Guan Ming couldn't help laughing at it.

The impact of the environment on people is relatively large. It may be due to common living. The colony in Mu Xiaoxiao's body is developing in the direction of Guan Ming. Good effects such as the improvement of IQ have not been seen for the time being, but the bad effects have already It's obvious.

Constipation is not a disease, it is terrible to block the door!

"Go ~ dead ~" Gritting his teeth and cutting his teeth, Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the toilet with her knees in the back, her elbows resting on her knees, her face looking at Guan Ming improperly.

"Hahaha, then I'll go down first, and hurry down for breakfast ~" He patted the head of the idiot, and the constipation king withdrew his expression, withdrew one step in advance.

Guan Ming has a habit. Before meeting some important people, he will figure out the possible dialogue and subsequent reactions, although the effect is not good for Guan Ming.

However, he was pondering casually, but was interrupted by Xiao Budian.

"Dad, why isn't mother coming down to eat? Brother will wake up in a while ~" Sitting at the table, Guan Mengxi asked anxiously, but did not move the tableware first, at least she knew that she had to wait for the family to arrive, then The adults must start with ~ ~ before she can start eating.

"Mom came down in a while. Did Xiaoxi have class today?" Looking at the big girl, Guan Ming smiled more.

Guan Ming is fed up with Guan Mengyou's anti-human biological clock. Under the calculation of double stars, he has changed this small biological clock, and because infants and toddlers spend more time sleeping, they will always have breakfast at home. Just woke up, which is very gratifying.

"Holiday today, my sister and I are not in class ~" Wrinkled his nose at Guan Ming, probably his unhappy father and father are not interested in himself.

"Dad is going to meet the big brother of Shanghai, will Xiaoxi go with him?" Although Guan Ming did not want to see the person above him, he did not object to contact with his children, at least when he was young. In that case, you can't get in touch with politics.

"Don't go, don't go, afraid!" He quickly shook his head and waved his hands, even leaning back.

Guan Ming: "..."

PS: Sorry, the previous chapter was blocked. I will go to the next chapter first, and then go to the previous chapter.

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