Private Technology

: One thousand seventy-two meaning of happiness

The successful holding of the bidding conference was not unexpected, because those who wanted to do something could not get in, and those who could get in did not dare to do things.

A one-day tender will complete 1/107 of all orders, with a total order price of 51.3 billion yuan.

The proportion looks relatively small, and the amount seems a bit large, but in fact today's order is only the annual production of domestic related enterprises.

Similarly, orders such as sand and plants have not yet been activated. After all, you have no place to put Guanming, and there are no military orders in this tender, so the proportion will be much smaller.

After that, there may be various accelerations, at least Guan Ming thinks so.

"It is indeed two trillion women. Madam Guan's efforts in charity are obvious to everyone and admired by everyone at the same time." An executive carrying red wine walked to Guan Ming, and the business touted that came from Zhangkou was opened. The situation.

"This is the boss of Ander special alloy manufacturer Wang, and today won part of the order of titanium alloy." Seeing the person, Liu Mengmeng quickly introduced to Guan Ming and his wife.

In terms of quality alone, Guan Ming can be very polite to say that as long as others can produce it, he will certainly be able to produce it, but the production line really depends on the production line.

In Guan Ming's vision, the artificial island has the ability to fly and needs to float on the water, so its own weight must be controlled and its own hardness must be high.

Titanium alloy is the material with a larger demand and core in the concept of Guan Ming, and it is also the main material used in aircraft.

Titanium is a light metal with high strength and high temperature resistance. Titanium metal can also be used in some load-bearing places, but I do n’t know which model of the titanium alloy the boss of the round-eared big-ear king. After all, there is more than one type of titanium alloy required today. .

"Hello Boss Wang, Xiao Xiao's words are just doing her best, and I hope Boss Wang doesn't mind." Guan Ming shook hands with the other party and said.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao was holding Guan Ming's arm, and a relatively reserved smile appeared on his face.

Just glanced over the waiter's tray, and a bit sorry for the Coke that was about to get it.

Tonight, I want to work with these people to socialize with the society. The stewardess also thinks that using a grandmother of grandmothers is not a big problem. At this rare opportunity, Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to drink 2L of Coke, and was disturbed by the people.

I'm mad, and I'm smiling ...

The boss Wang didn't bother Guan Ming and his wife much, and in just three or two minutes, the fat pier retreated. After all, there were still people waiting in line.

Guan Ming and his wife are not mascots, but definitely bosses from all walks of life want to come up and walk around for a familiar presence. After all, at present, everyone only has one year's orders. If there are orders next year and one year, Then everyone can definitely use all the profits this year to expand production.

Unfortunately, Guan Ming did not disclose anything.

Dinner belongs to the situation of self-service banquet. There is no thigh girl singing and dancing, because the bosses present each find a good chat partner to expand their business.

The whole dinner lasted about three hours, and all Guan Ming retreated with his daughter-in-law.

"I'm really tired today." After getting in the car, Mu Xiaoxiao lay on Guan Ming's leg, and then took off his shoes by splitting the two long legs straight up on the diagonal. It's trivial to say that the skirt slipped down to reveal the underpants.

In the "Fu Xing Kid", let ’s take a look at the two sets of Ram's leopard print. Mu Xiaoxiao has not only played the role of COS once, but also likes violent gestures such as leopard print, and Guan Ming ’s annoying dog series Pants are another story ...

Guan Ming turned a blind eye to the underpants with the bald Jenny tortoise, because he always felt that the goods seemed to suggest something. For example, after Guan Ming got up this morning and found that his thigh was bitten by a mosquito, Mu Xiaoxiao I began to sing 'friction, friction, the devil's pace'.

"It's ok to be tired, but tonight, you are also very happy ~" Her right hand naturally dropped, and Guan Ming scratched her chin.

It may be related to philanthropy. Mu Xiaoxiao tirelessly recounts the relationship and positioning between Guanming's corporate order and charity to those bosses who come up.

To use a comparative metaphor, it is that doing charity is equivalent to improving sesame credit, and the size of the order for doing business with Guan Ming is equivalent to ant flower owl and even various lending platforms.

As long as you do more charity, as long as you really do charity, the companies that Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao can control will increase the cooperation with the other party.

The more you do, the more support you have here.

"Hey, Cola drinks well." Patting his flat stomach, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a stupid smile in his happiness.

The clothes were blocking and no crisp sound was heard, but it was also very interesting.

Can't help but Guan Ming teased him and said, "Are you fit every day, isn't it good to drink Coke ~"

Guan Ming doesn't have much research on fitness, and the most intense sports after marriage are nothing more than that, but more or less, they still know the food of the fitness people, what are barbecues, desserts, milk chocolates, most of them are insulated, and soda is also like this.

"Not good? I just indulge occasionally, asshole. I don't show you this **** every day when I work hard so hard. If I'm not happy that day, I will become a fat man every minute and die!" Tooth, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the goods with a mischievous look.

My mother is doing fitness every day. I ’m COS anime character. If you do n’t know for whom?

You a big pig's hoof!

And Guan Ming, who does n’t know if it ’s too big for his brain, thinks of a ball-shaped and ball-shaped figure for a moment, and then adds a face portrait, he still prefers Matsushima, Xinheng, etc., but These salty fishes that had made Guan Mingyue unable to get ashore actually went ashore, and they were not aggressive at all!

"Yes, yes, it's all for me, you're great ~" Rubbing his dog's head, Guan Ming perfunctoryly insincerely.

Probably think that just letting him go like this will make him feel unhappy, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and bite the fat, dumb and tender tender belly.

Although it is blocked by clothes, it feels soft when it tastes good.


From teaching to be a man to calling dad, Mu Xiaoxiao fully interpreted what is called counseling will.

I came back late, and it was more than nine o'clock when I got home. The two rubbed their backs and lay in bed to sleep.

Guan Ming is still thinking about the transformation of the artificial island, but Mu Xiaoxiao was awake.

The slender forefinger does not have prominent nails, but it is trimmed beautifully.

At Dantian, the slow and delicate fingernails and the fingernails that feel slightly irritated will feel like a molecule that is doing irregular movements. No one is sure whether the finger will poke into Guan Ming in the next second. In the navel.

Through the quilt ~ ~ Guan Ming directly gave this finger to pia on his belly, then folded his chin to see what this idiot lying in his right atrium wanted to do.

"Husband, you said ... how about I re-enter the rivers and lakes?" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a serious expression, but his tone was full of uncertainty about the unknown.

"Re-entering the rivers and lakes? You didn't go in the rivers and lakes, okay, I went into my bed before finishing college, which way do you come back?" Guan Ming teased subconsciously.

Perhaps in Guan Ming's mind, the so-called ‘giving you happiness’ should be that you can live the life you want on the basis of a full-time wife.

Regardless of whether it is hand-made or even a tailor, she will give whatever she wants.

What is given is Guan Ming's definition of marriage and Mu Xiaoxiao's happiness, and what is gained is Mu Xiaoxiao's happiness and his own satisfaction, which is hidden like the dark side of the moon.

However, Guan Ming never thought that giving was a proactive way, and it was Guan Ming's own definition. This definition may not be Mu Xiaoxiao's favorite, even if Mu Xiaoxiao is now living as Guan Ming wants. .

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