Private Technology

: 1081 Private beach

The elegant bedroom has a camera for shooting. It is to collect the material for chatting before bedtime. There are two large beds in the room. The whole room looks like a simple yet content theme.

"Sister, let me blow your hair." The hostess jumped over, holding the hairdryer flatly.

"Okay, please trouble you." Without rejection, Mu Xiaoxiao also understood that this was the other party's willingness. After all, there were so many shots. She didn't work hard to perform, and the post-editing was definitely a problem.

"Sister, do you usually wash your hair with your brother-in-law after you take a shower?" The hostess knew what the audience wanted to see, and consciously extended the topic to Guan Ming. The so-called brother-in-law was also from Mu Xiaoxiao. Counting up.

"He can't, he can't blow well, sometimes he deliberately put the bad flour into the air inlet, and I'll rinse it if it hurts." Although the corners of the eyes were complaining, he couldn't hide the sour smell in the middle. Dog food.

"Haha, brother-in-law is really interesting. I didn't expect him to dare to do this! I always thought that he was the kind of scientist in movies and TV shows. He knew work, work, work every day, wrote some formulas that ordinary people do n’t understand, and then Usually, there is no interest in life performance. "The hostess had no time to reflect on the taste of dog food, standing behind Mu Xiaoxiao, blowing her hair while holding her hair.

"I don't know about other scientists. If it were him, I don't think it's any different from ordinary white-collar workers. I regularly go to the company for scientific research every day and then come back for dinner and watch TV together at night. It's not as mysterious as you think."

Between charity and Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao is undoubtedly standing behind, and she also understands that gimmicks are also divided into quality. At present, Guan Ming has the highest quality topics.

"I heard recently that my brother-in-law wants to make an artificial island. Is this true?" The hostess asked in a timely manner.

"Of course it is true. I also participated in the bidding fair some time ago. For this artificial island project and all partners of the future company, we will ask the other party to give 1% of the total order price for charity. If it is really implemented, we will invite a third party to supervise it. We also welcome all sectors of society to supervise it. "Mu Xiaoxiao ran a wave of advertisements.

The announcement of the bidding meeting by Guan Ming and his wife is a warning and an attitude to the industry. In addition to presenting the charity idea of ​​the steward, Mu Xiaoxiao's participation in the show is also a publicity that the company is doing its best to do a good job Social responsibility that should be assumed.

Jiuxiang is also afraid of the alleys. Mu Xiaoxiao is just a tinker, hoping to make the housekeeper and company even heavier.

"The news said that it was more than 50 billion yuan of orders. That's 500 million. That's a lot!" The hostess murmured.

Looking at the hostess in the mirror, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that his acting skills were a little poor. The only thing he could praise was that his eyes were big enough and round enough.

"It's okay, don't change your mind if you have more money and less money. Don't belittle one's sake. My husband just said this when he was fine, just like Tang Seng." With a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao patted the other's hand It means no longer blowing hair.

"I almost forgot, sister, you are the world-famous 'two trillion ladies'!"

Then they talked for a while and went to sleep.

Yazhou is in the south of the country. No matter whether there have been negative news, but for Mu Xiaoxiao, everything is fine. She hasn't seen any social reality. It may be because of the arrangement of the program group or the security personnel around her. Deal with it.

After waking up the next day, Mu Xiaoxiao went to see the script.

According to the plan, we still need to shoot one day today. In the morning, we are going to fish, the lunch is the morning trophy, and the afternoon is skydiving. The dinner is the seafood dinner arranged by the program group and the puzzle activities are arranged. Dividing money.

Some of the projects submitted by Mu Xiaoxiao have been clicked off, such as tailors, irons, racing swimming, roller coasters, etc. Although it is a pity, when thinking of the parachute bag brought from home, Mu Xiaoxiao thinks it should be very It's interesting.

"Sister, try this, coconut roll, I heard it is very good." For breakfast, the hostess took the lead in grabbing a plate of some delicate food.

"You eat, I don't have much for breakfast." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled when he was afraid of the other's shoulder, and then saw the bodyguard next to the director holding a plate with shrimp and vegetable sandwiches inside.

On the other side, Guan Ming got up early for breakfast. Today, he does not need to go to the giants, but instead sits at home and experts to find Guan Ming's research plan.

This morning I heard Zhou Wu said that the giant had found a bunch of experts and professors to study the drawing parameters last night, mainly to measure Guan Ming's requirements for materials, and at the same time to compare whether the country has such materials.

Of course, the drawings submitted by Guan Ming will not be written with the data of a certain material. Many of them list the conditions, requirements and conditions of use of the material. Finally, it is the best to judge from the above. It's still not good. In order to prevent the above thinking, Guan Ming also deliberately found a few laboratory-level materials that are only available abroad.

At 9:30 in the morning, the door was knocked. Guan Ming opened the door and saw that he was old and young.

The old man Guan Ming knew that he was the head of a domestic metal materials laboratory. His surname was Sun, and the young and young Guan Ming had no impression and ignored it.

"Old Sun, I didn't expect you to come here in person." With a smile, Guan Ming shook hands with a guise.

"Hypocrisy, I don't believe you can't guess." The old man was also polite and gave Guan Ming a smile.

In fact, it's not difficult to guess. The giants' technology has always met with the think tank. Guan Ming has basically met. People are familiar with each other, but their faces are absolutely familiar. This old man impresses Guan Ming in addition to the important material think tank around the giant. The deepest thing is that I love joking. At the time, I also told Guan Ming that I wanted to have an in-laws, but the old man's grandson was seven years old.

Alas, the twins are only six or seven years old now. The age difference of the children is certainly not small. It is absolutely impossible for the cows to eat the tender grass alone.

In Guan Ming's eyes, there are only two cases where an old cow is allowed to eat tender grass. One is the steward's old cow, and the other is the tender grass outside!

It's like Guan Ming, this cow and Mu Xiaoxiao, 6 years old, two generations of ditch, and ...

"This is Liu Kai, the newcomer in my institute." He pointed to the young man and introduced the old man.

"Hello Mr. Guan, just call me Xiao Liu or Xiao Kai. Today I came to see the world with Sun Lao." Liu Kai put his attitude low.

After a moment of lingering, a bit of aftertaste, Guan Ming knew that Liu Kai should be a human brain chip user.

Guan Ming's achievements are outstanding but his age is relatively small. Correspondingly, he has a weak ability to serve the public. In addition, he rarely participates in some conferences or anything. In the scientific research circle, you can use Guan You to refer to Guan Ming. Most of them are Human brain chip users.

Because only when you really use this thing and really feel the charm of this thing can you have different respect for Guan Ming.

"Come in and say, I don't know what materials you can give me today. I'll say it first. If the quantity is too small, I will turn to the giant to sue." Nodded at Liu Kai, Guan Ming looked at the old man nonsense.

"Since the giants have arranged for me to come to you, it means that you are useless to find giants. I will explain to you in advance that some materials are really impossible to provide, not because they are not for you, but because the country does not have them at the moment." Follow Guan Ming In the study, Sun Lao was also polite on the single sofa, while Liu Kai on the other side looked around, and then found a tea cup and started to deliver tea.

"No, I have such a high demand?" Signaled Liu Kai to sit down, Guan Ming looked at the old man in disbelief and asked.

"I wo n’t say more about those high-parameter requirements. I wonder. Do you buy artificial diamonds in tons? If they are artificial, they are also grams!" Looking at Guan Ming, Sun Lao shook his head for a while. .

Artificial diamond, also called artificial diamond, has a wide range of applications in the industrial field. Whether it is a semiconductor heat sink or a geological drill bit, it is a very good material.

But the problem is that this thing currently has a big gap. On the ton to buy, is this ready to build a man-made diamond man!

However, it should be noted that not all diamonds are diamonds, which is a bit like the relationship between oysters and oysters. Youzhongyou are diamonds and oysters.

"Uh ... I want to make a diamond beach for my family to play. Naturally, it is expensive, but there are difficulties in channels and quantity." Some lies cannot be said, after all, the purpose of diamonds cannot be concealed.

Guan Ming's small factory is currently processing anti-gravity equipment. There is no excess productivity to make artificial diamonds. There is no way. Guan Ming has to go to the state for support.

In fact, in Guan Ming's plan ~ ~ man-made diamonds are only part of the private beach, and the gold and silver beaches are also in the plan.

However, gold is a value-preserving product, and the domestic and foreign income is the same. If silver is a huge reserve, you don't need to trouble the country.

If you want to form a sandy beach, natural diamonds are really a bit troublesome. Unless polar bears open diamond inventory, and artificial diamonds are also available abroad, the production price will definitely be different from the direct supply of the country. After all, if this thing is really an order, it will also be domestic. It will definitely make money. Anyway, it all costs money. Why do you need to make money for foreigners?

"... It's actually a beach?" His lips sulked, and Sun Lao looked at Guan Ming incredibly.

What a pity!

PS: This month's reward, thank you: nopil, Zhu Lijun, climbing the wall to fold red apricot, gg521, floating feathers and falling feathers, Fengyun God Emperor, red sword, two white cranes, book friends 20170517171527560, red sword, Ava, thanks for your support !!

Oh roar, the hot August is over, I do n’t have air conditioning, I ’m looking forward to September ~

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