Private Technology

: 111 Helps Never Seen!

There was a stance of 'Encore', Guan Ming returned, but he was not talking about cross talk, and neither was the wire under the stage.

"I still have a schedule in the afternoon, so if you ask questions, you can only speak at 12 noon, and everyone will raise your hand to speak, and there will be a staff member to give you Mike." Guan Ming had a wheat gram on his collar, so no need to speak. How loud can be heard by everyone.

I heard Guan Ming's words, and Liu Mengmeng quickly organized people to find a microphone.

"Hello President Guan, I am a reporter of" Game Pioneer ". I would like to ask, is this operable holographic projection done by you alone?" A reporter close to the aisle got the Mark style first. It is also close to the exit.

"I did it independently, time is limited, one question per person, the next one." Although Guan Ming was surprised by the other person's problem, it was just a thought, leaving a reporter who was reluctant to let go of the microphone.

"President Guan, I am a reporter of XX Daily. I would like to ask how much is the price of holographic projection."

"The unit price has not yet come out, we need to be cost-effective for the product. In fact, the exhibit you see now is made by my hand. There are not many employees in the company and there is no special factory. So for mass production, we will Choose outsourcers for mass production. "

There are two points when Guan Guanming chooses to outsource. First of all, if it is produced alone, there are no plots, production lines, etc. Even if Double Star officially manages most of the company's machinery operations in the future, the daily output will be small.

Second, production is only production, and production will cause some pollution. Although Guan Ming does not seek the beauty of the world, at least in his own living area, it is better to be cleaner.

Guan Ming does not produce civilian production in his own company, but the laboratory level and some military orders that may be made will still be carried out at the company.

不 The former is not discussed, the latter is also premised ...

"Administrator, will the holographic projection be distributed worldwide? In what form will it be sold and will it be a physical store?"

"Our company does not have the idea of ​​opening a physical store. Sales are mainly reservations, and reservation links will be opened on the company's website. We do not restrict foreign markets, and of course we will not ignore the domestic market."

He Guanming was talking bluntly, whether the reporter believed it or not, Guan Ming said so anyway.

From the current point of view, the main market of holographic projection is still in Europe and the United States, because from the perspective of per capita disposable money, the domestic economic level is not high. After all, this is only 2005, but the foreign market is different, mainly because of exchange rate issues. .

The exchange rate of the US knife and the soft sister coin is not small. In the future, although it is said that the per capita wage of the old American is the same as that of the country, it is only a few thousand dollars, but the problem is that people buy an apple for less than one thousand. It's not fun to pay for a month or even a month, right?

Of course, holographic projection will not be cheaper than Apple in the future, but the problem is that even if it is high, it cannot be too high. What Guan Ming needs is to make the holographic projection universal. This is an industrial layout. Only the holographic projection is universal. In the future, Guan Ming can rely on this to carry out industry alliances and deepen the market.

If you look at the holographic projection as a platform, Guan Ming is the rule maker and the game participant. He knows the limits of the rules and can even perform unknown activities based on certain loopholes. But others can't.

If TX spreads all industries that can be touched with Q as the starting point, then holographic projection belongs to spiders that can weave webs.

"President Guan, I am a reporter for" XXX ", I would like to ask ..."

来 All the domestic reporters are here today. At least no one is foolishly asking whether the technology will be shared during the whole questioning session. As long as the reporters have no brains, they can hardly think of such a mentally handicapped problem.

However, Guan Ming felt that it was because these reporters served domestic newspapers and magazines.

No one asked if the holographic projection would become a military product, because such questions were asked freely. Even if Guan Ming said, the newspaper would not pass and would not see the newspaper.

But I also asked the reporter vaguely whether Guan Ming had passed the inspection by the State Quality Supervision Department.

There are many steps to go from determining the model to being on the market. First of all, you must get approval. You must be allowed by the country before you are eligible to sell. It is like making a movie in China, not if you have a script. You need to submit the script for review before passing.

Of course, it does n’t matter if you do n’t pass or do n’t go through the audit, at most the movie theater does n’t arrange movies.

If Guan Ming doesn't review here, the holographic projection cannot be sold. At most, it's just playing by yourself, just like DIY.

The report has been printed, but the actual product has not been sent. Guan Ming thinks that the biggest factor that can affect the pass rate is still some links after the product launch.

"Sorry, take your time. I didn't expect it to last so long." On the plate is a piece of black pepper steak. It is said that the chef has had the experience of staying in the United States. He doesn't know if it is true or not.

The only people who ate at the same table were Li District Chief and Qian Junhao. The father and mother directly packed upstairs to eat. The directors Wang and Bian Chengwen were not at the same table, mainly because of the relationship between status and position. .

Qian Qianhao has military status, and Li District Chief is the biggest in politics.

"I didn't expect that the project you said was actually a holographic projection, young talents, you should tell me this news right away." Qian Junhao said with some complaints, mainly considering the issue of military supplies and technology leakage, the former Not to mention, even if the latter is protected by patents, for a country, patents are just for civilian use ~ ~ and laws are just artificial rules.

"I know what Secretary Qian is worried about, and I will limit the specifications of civilian products."

"Oh? You have time to talk to me about this, I am very interested in these." Qian Junhao also knew what Guan Ming meant when he heard it.

"Today's press conference is very exciting, but you should invite a secretary to do it right." Mayor Li Qu pointed his finger at Guan Ming, and said with some pity.

Only then did Guan Guanming understand what Li Zong was doing today, but it is true to think about it. To the extent that Li Zong has such a degree, there must be a backing.

"I was negligent, and I also considered whether to invite a secretary at that time, but considering that the Shanghai market itself is a big city, our company is just a small point in the Shanghai market, so I did not dare to invite a secretary." Guan Ming must be sure at this time. Will not force the **** Li District Chief, pick up the words to say nicely.

"You, I really don't know what to say about you. The secretary pays great attention to your company and provides a lot of convenience." Liu District Chang hated iron and steel.

Guan Ming's head has gone through the company's journey from the beginning to the present. Whether it is a loan or a land, whether it is a contractor or a school, although the time to start a business is short, he also feels that there is an invisible force to help him, let him With the smooth development to the present, let's not talk about the change of land properties, but the technical content of "Magic World" itself is left unattended or undisturbed, which is very abnormal.

In fact, Guan Ming always thought that it might be the deputy prime minister in charge of science and technology or a high-level executive under his back, but he did not expect that it was this one who helped Guan Ming!

If Guan Ming's memory did not go wrong, the big-named man who is famous for `` brying bribes '' will eventually confiscate 300,000 personal assets and soft sister coins ...

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