Private Technology

: 1090 Foreign Investment Promotion Association

Looking at Guan Ming, who was very contrived, Mu Xiaoxiaoming knew that he didn't exert much effort, but he let go with satisfaction.

In fact, she didn't care about her IQ ranking in the eyes of her children, or before or after, and if she was n’t a kid, maybe 99 of 100 people thought that Guan Ming was smarter than her.

But this kind of problem, right, send a proposition. What Mu Xiaoxiao wants is not a true IQ comparison, but to see that in the eyes of children, they prefer father or mother. Still more love mom's statement.

As a result, Xiao Xi answered incorrectly, and Xiao Xi's dad was ‘dead’.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was no longer angry, Guan Ming shook her hand with a smile and said, "You are the smartest at home, and you are the smartest than anyone else!"

It's not a strong desire to survive, but more to make her happy.

"Hmm ~ that's almost the same ~" Like a proud white swan, raising her neck, but with a smile on the corner of her mouth revealing her true mood.

"No, no, they are the smartest brother, the smartest brother in the family, and the smarter brother than anyone else!" Guan Mengxi was anxious. The little boy sitting across the street was restrained by a seat belt, but the flexible body seemed to be folded in half. In the same way, leaning forward vigorously, the fleshy little hand grabbed Guan Ming's back, struggled to look up, and looked at his dad stubbornly.

I wanted to say that the little boy knew an egg, but after seeing that little expression, the words changed to the taste of his mouth. He touched his little face with an empty hand, Guan Ming nodded with a smile, and said, "Xiaoyou The smartest, Xiaoxiao is the second smartest, okay? "

"But ... but my sister is also very smart ..." Glancing at her smiling mother and daughter, Guan Mengxi's momentum suddenly decreased, from the original affirmative tone to the consultative tone.

You ’re enough, I ’m not smart, do n’t you have any points in your heart, Xiaoyou ’s idiot who is stupid is going to die, do n’t say I ’m not as good as you were when you were a kid, is this role worth your maintenance?

I don't know why, Guan Mengyu's heart was sour.

He said he loved me for a lifetime, but in the middle of it, you went off!

"Well, Xiaoyu second, Xiaoyou first, who is Xiaoxi and his mother smart?" Guan Ming could feel the burning eyes of his wife.

If there are no children present, no matter how the proposition is sent, it can be a good shot, but if there is a child, the proposition may really be sent to death. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao can't get through, then he must be in Guanming. While regaining face.

"What about me ... or my mother?" I tried to talk about the thoughts in my heart, but found that my mother's smiling expression had bright white teeth, even at a young age, I couldn't help but survive.

"Hahaha ~" Seeing the child's performance, Guan Ming couldn't help laughing.

After returning home, Guan Ming played with the child for a while, and it took about an hour or so for the management mother to return. As for the management father, there is no need to say, and the opportunity will definitely go out.

Like Xiao, Mu Xiaoxiao smoothly followed Guan Ming into the study.

"Something?" Guan Ming was a little puzzled looking at the stupid man.

The study was not a restricted area. Guan Ming never said who could not enter the study, and did not say when it could not be entered, but his family took the initiative to divide the room into a restricted area.

For example, when Guan Ming is inside, the family will knock on the door first and then enter. If Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao are inside, let Double Star call them.

Specifically for Mu Xiaoxiao, there is a place where she owns her "office" at home, whether it is a gym or a tailor room, of course, for some viewing, it is mainly concentrated in the bedroom, usually at 8 pm to the second It's between 7am.

"Write a review, Xiao Xi's first movie, I will work hard to write it seriously, write the level, write the style!" Mu Xiaoxiao said bluntly.

Co-authoring also knows how bad you were before!

Guan Ming grumbled in his heart.

"Come on, I'm very optimistic about you!" No trick. Against this person, you can only encourage education, because Mu Xiaoxiao's previous mathematics results have proven that Mu's whip education is useless, except to strengthen the body It has nothing to do with IQ and performance.

"That's right, I'm a good student anyway. Do you want to know about Fudan University graduates?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows like a bald man in the movie.

"Don't play with this stalk, you've hatched eggs, and you've been to Fudan ~" Guan Ming waved his hand to the desk, angry that Mu Xiaoxiao jumped behind him.

Guan Ming is familiar with working with his daughter-in-law. He has had this experience both in his last life and in this life. Let ’s take the last life. Mu Xiaoxiao has been a guide, and Guan Ming has also helped her at home Passed the work of student attendance statistics.

However, she has a lot of leisure in her life, and Guan Ming may need to help her to choose one of several sets of clothes with different styles, or select the already ordered N series and watch them together.

I do n’t like to grab one to die, change my mind, Guan Ming began to deal with the artificial island. It was done the day before yesterday. Although Guan Ming did not go, he also mastered the briefing sent by Liu Mengmeng The content of this part.

The cumulative order amount for the bidding will be 371.5 billion yuan. When converted into US dollars, it will be around 90 billion US dollars. In theory, 900 million US dollars of charity funds will be used for charities in various countries.

Including domestic commercial tenders, Guan Ming signed RMB 422.8 billion in just one month, but the money must be given in installments. The perfect case is delivery within 12 months, if there is a delay If the quality inspection is unsatisfactory, let alone the other party will lose the final payment or even pay the liquidated damages. It will be very uncomfortable for Guan Ming to lose time and progress.

The standards and content of the two tenders are similar. In addition to ordering some necessary production and assembly equipment, more are custom materials, steel and certain equipment.

As expected, Guan Ming first erected the frame of the assembly plant, then erected the frame of the divided island, then filled the contents like building blocks, and then assembled the corresponding parts of the tempered glass outer wall as early as possible. Part, and then the process is repeated. After all the parts are done, it does n’t matter whether it is assembled in the sky or assembled in the sea ~ ~ However, this is not the final result. After the above steps are completed, The artificial island will probably be in the state of steel and steel like an aircraft carrier, and then it will need to start on it. Whether it is to build a hospital, hotel, or fill sand, vegetation, or even the aquarium fish in the interior, it will take a little bit.

What makes Guan Ming hesitant now is an order on a high-end infrared camera.

Foreign bidders are not only those foreign businessmen, but also members of the Ministry of Commerce in many countries. Guan Ming hopes to get an infrared camera and American businessmen place orders on the spot. The problem is that when the contract was signed, the US Department of Commerce rejected it. Although the scene is not so determined, just to think about it, the results are obvious.

Guan Ming was absent at the time. Liu Mengmeng said in a briefing that Wall Street capitalists said they wanted to invest in artificial island projects. In addition to investing funds, they also said they could lobby Congress to ensure that most orders in Europe and the United States were not implemented very quickly.

The high-end infrared camera is a very unfortunate thing, and it is indeed one of the US's bans on sales to China.

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