Private Technology

: 1,103 analysis and flag insertion

"Hee hee, Guan Ming came out, goal: restaurant!" Just like riding a horse, Mu Xiaoxiao cheered and jumped forward with his right hand. There was a stance of running horses.

"Let's go ~" Guan Ming was driven, even a little lighter.

Whatever the double star threats, Guan Ming is not a sage. He can't take care of the steward after ten thousand years. If he can, he is more willing to make Mu Xiaoxiao happy.

Regardless of how Meng Yuyan's medicine works, as long as it is effective for Mu Xiaoxiao, what about the outside world.

A yoke bound in my heart broke silently.

Maybe even Mu Xiaoxiao, who is happy for her "planning", doesn't know how colorful and colorful the future will be.

"Let me down, hurry up, my parents and my mother are all there!" Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly whispered, grabbing the door frame.

The upper body is completely detached from Guan Ming's back, with an attitude of 45 ° inclination, and he will not let go of his life.

Mu Xiaoxiao usually doesn't mind playing cute or stupid in front of Guan Ma and Guan Da, but she doesn't want the old people to see the pictures of her and Guan Ming too, they always feel a little embarrassed.

After all, it may not be because of blood relatives. If it is in front of Mu's father and Mu's mother, Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks will be thicker.

"Say, who doesn't know who in the family, hurry up!" Guan Ming's biceps groaned faintly, and he didn't know whether the touch from the palm of his hand made the dopamine secretion strong, or the naughty boy after marriage.

At this moment, Guan Mingte expects his family to see the picture of his wife-in-law and the shame that Mu Xiaoxiao may appear at that time.

"Oh yeah ~" whispered softly, but the strength to break free was great.

Guan Ming held it in his heart, but his arm did not resist, and Mu Xiaoxiao told Guan Ming what it meant to be an arm but a thigh.

After jumping to the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao ran to the restaurant in a hurry, without waiting for Guan Ming.

Guan Ming followed with some regrets, but the problem was not great. Mu Xiaoxiao was the best at courting himself. This product developed a set of courting conservation laws according to the law of conservation of energy: t (totality) = g (guanming weight) * h2 (please ask afterwards) = g (tube weight) * q (please ask beforehand).

what? The first half is the mass energy equation?

Come here, the hammers and nails are all taken. Einstein's coffin board is not strong. Let's add a set of nails.

"What's the matter, everyone is waiting for you to eat." Seeing Guan Ming came here, Guan Ma complained, as to whether he heard Mu Xiaoxiao's voice just now, the elderly did not mention a word.

"There's a lot of work, eat and eat." Guan Ming laughed, and then Zhang Luo ate.

Although Guan Mengyu's alert was much relaxed in her mind, Guan Ming inevitably observed her for dinner today.

Normally, the salty fish that is light and light like a small transparent fish has developed a medicine that can mediate the secretion of the human body. This is not easy.

Endocrine is not produced out of thin air. The intake of external food has an impact on the growth of the body, but the human body has its own limits, such as the number of times the body cells divide.

Not that you can live a long life by eating and drinking every day.

But to a certain extent, Guan Mengyu has broken this limit, such as the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, which consumes more than just vitamins such as calcium.

Compared with Guan Mengyu's concealment of the drug mechanism, Guan Ming cares more about whether this mediating endocrine is at the cost of branch cell division.

Summer insects can't talk about ice, Guan Ming does not doubt the scientific research strength of a traveler with a scientific background. Such branch cell division at the cost of adjusting the human body may shorten people's life, but also has the prospect of research, such as through Drugs to stimulate the secretion of adrenal hormones, and then various kings on the battlefield.

As for the premise of not dividing cells or increasing the number of cell divisions, Guan Ming felt unlikely.

Imagine that a scientist who can synthesize more modern drugs would be surprised that the binary star or even the human brain chip may have a high level of science and technology before crossing the world, but it is definitely limited.

"Open your mouth, ah ~" There is a piece of braised pork, a green bean sprout and a dozen grains of rice in the small spoon. Guan Mengxi holds it under the spoon with one hand, and carefully gathers it in front of her sister.

Guan Mengyu didn't want to resist anything anymore. Anyway, she couldn't fight each other. If she resisted, the younger sister would be unhappy. The one that impressed her the most was that she cried and fed herself while eating.

What's so special, old lady is the most wronged, okay!

But forget it, there is no place to be angry with this younger sister, after all, she is also kind, especially since she is holding on to herself every night saying that she wants to inherit her mother's big breasts, and she must not follow her father.

Amazing my sister!

Opening her mouth and raising her head slightly, she waited until the other person's spoon scraped her door and made sure to scrape everything into her mouth before she closed her mouth and chewed the food.

The meat was as delicious as ever, although Guan Mengyu didn't like meat very much.

"Huh? Dad, do you want to feed your sister? No, my sister is mine!" Seeing Guan Ming's eyes drifted all the way, Guan Mengxi raised her chest, and passed her sister, very proud + proud Said.

My stupid sister ~ ~ That's your father, you are all his!

Rolled his eyes, but Guan Mengyu said nothing, looked at Guan Ming with a dead fish eye, not sure why she would pay attention to herself today.

You have watched at least 18 times in less than 1o minutes of eating, 7 of them stared at 5 seconds, which is weird.

The day before yesterday, the flower pot was broken by the younger sister. At the same time, she also had the courage to take the mistake and kissed her grandma to get forgiveness.

Yesterday, my sister secretly stole my underwear to Rhubarb, but I didn't say anything.

There is no need to consider the words ahead, but today's words ... Liu Mengmeng?

Guan Mengyu thinks it should be a drug problem. After all, Liu Mengmeng and Meng Liting are a pair. With reference to this unreliable aunt Ma Zi, it is likely that the drug caught the attention of his dad.

What a headache ...

Although Guan Mengyu is superficial, she is full of inner drama, but she usually has no object to communicate with. After all, Guan Ming's alertness to her is still obvious.

"Your, it's all yours, not only Xiaoyu is yours, Xiaoyou is yours, all right!" Shake his head helplessly.

I only hate that the dining table is a bit big, otherwise Guan Ming can definitely hold this small head.

"Hey, hey ~" It was probably learned from her mother-in-law. She was a little girl, but she laughed, but it sounded good.

"In the future, my younger brother will take care of my sister. In the future, I must take care of my younger brother like my younger sister." The deliberate child voice, Mu Xiaoxiao dip the peeled shrimp in soy sauce, and then feed it to Guan Mengxi.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao always thinks steamed shrimp is an evil way, but the girl likes it.

"Hey ~ it must be ~ I, I will take care of my brother!" There is food in his mouth, and Guan Mengxi vaguely vows, waving his right hand in the sky as if inserting a flag.

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