Private Technology

: 1,119 I **** you today!

"Well, your cutest wife is online ~" Mu Xiaoxiao brought his BGM to the study room, sneaking around to Guan Ming.

"I don't want the cutest one, I want the cutest one ~" Glancing at the idiot, Guan Ming shook A4 paper, leaned Erlang's legs, and leaned on the chair.

Your sister, wasn't it quite arrogant before lunch, now one more hard!

When you hit me, you were so arrogant. When you begged me, you started to smile.

"Don't be angry, is it because I'm wrong, please let it go ~" I just wanted to say back that there was a dog outside Guan Ming. As a result, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyeballs slipped around and came behind Guan Ming. At the body, I was stuck in Guan Ming's own head with Guan Ming's back.

Looking down only to see Guan Ming's eyelashes, Mu Xiaoxiao grimaced, probably trying to find a psychological balance.

Unaware of the deadly behavior of the goods, Guan Ming squinted his eyes comfortably, very leisurely.

This kind of treatment is rare during the day. It must be this stupid thing ...

Guan Ming muttered in his heart.

Having been together for so many years, Guan Ming knew if she was constipated or dry as soon as she pinched her ass, so please herself. If you hold yourself back, maybe you can still enjoy a wave of COS.

Recently, these goods have picked older women to start COS. I do n’t know if it is Tsunade or Robin. Hi, so many older women with a loli body, it is difficult to choose!

"Say, what's the matter." Feeling the other party began to drill his own chin with his chin, Guan Ming pretended to be bland, but his heart was anxious.

Specially, I remembered that she was the one I couldn't do!

"Well, haven't you taken the drizzle to see the medicine, how's the development of the medicine?" He took a sip of the northeast flavor, and Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed Guan Ming's neck tightly.

It wasn't a threat of force, but a desire to make him feel full of welfare.

According to Mu Xiaoxiao's many years of experience, Guan Ming can't stand this kind of temptation. During the war of resistance, Guan Ming was a traitor who surrendered in minutes!

Did not feel the extra cotton, from the back of her head, she should be prepared this time!

"Ahem ~ it's okay, I'm doing a phase one experiment." I quickly gave the picture in my mind to 404, so as not to say something that shouldn't be said.

"When will the medicine be ready?" Just like a giraffe, maintaining good body movements, his neck stretched forward, his head bent down, and he tried to get a face to face.

She was a little uncomfortable, but rarely saw the goods so positive, Guan Ming felt pain and happy.

Force the fingers to stick to the document, but the index finger and thumb are constantly rubbing the A4 paper, and there is a sense of sight that the gray on the hand must be rubbed off.

"One year in short, three or five in long." Raising his hand, he removed the disturbing big face, Guan Ming looked at the data calmly, with a look of ‘obsessed with scientific research, unable to extricate himself’.

"Can you shorten the time? Husband, you are so powerful, so handsome and smart, you can do it well in advance, right ~" No annoyance, Mu Xiaoxiao's head decided to start from the flank and get Guan Ming's face Side trying to look back.

Unfortunately, the neck is not long enough. From Guan Ming's perspective, he can only see his side face, but he can also see this product squinting at himself with its awkward posture.

Damn, do you want to laugh at Lao Tzu and inherit Lao Tzu's credit card!

With the corners of his mouth twitching, Guan Ming couldn't help laughing!

"The drug is not other, it must be strict, especially this drug needs to be quantified. Once overdose, it may cause cancer!"

Guan Ming said truthfully, but he didn't want to steal the medicine.

Just as Guan Ming cherishes Mu Xiaoxiao, Mu Xiaoxiao cherishes Guan Ming, so in accordance with Guan Ming's wishes, he presents the best side he wants in front of Guan Ming.

Now that she has the opportunity to be 'young', even if she knows that the drug is still unstable, she still wants to try it in advance.

"Then I will eat a little bit and taste what it tastes, anyway, with you, I will definitely not have any problems ~" I think that the posture is very awkward, Mu Xiaoxiao turned around next to Guan Ming and squatted on the ground On Guan Ming's leg, he looked up eagerly.

Pouting, Guan Ming felt a bit pity, this natural pillow just left himself.

"It's useless to say that it's useless, I warn you, this medicine really has side effects, and you didn't fool you!" She lowered her head, and Guan Ming continued to look at the documents.

"I will COS, and form Asuna!" As he said, Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out his finger in addition to poking tube two.

Could not help shaking the file, Guan Ming was silent.

"Misaka Misaka!" Continued poking at another angle.

"Black silk and black Xue Ji!" Wow wow, the fluttering fruit reappears!

"Kimono to Hina!" The jab was scratched.

"JK Takasaka Kirino!" Continued to scratch.

"Sister Bama Mei without a head!" Roar, brother ~ It looks like you have an idea!

The file can't be read anymore, Guan Ming looked down at this stupid foolish man and couldn't help shouting: "Your sister, you have no head and you COS shit!"

It ’s scary. Okay, why do n’t you give me COS?

Take off your head and use the body cos?

Or just take your head off and COS a head?

"Well? It must be when it's not hanging, or else ... Putian Huayue, who has the biggest chest in the elementary school?" He looked at Guan Ming with a slight tilt, and hesitated slightly, Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"... Come here, stand up, I'll teach you to be alive again!" Guan Ming was silent, and then he pulled Mu Xiaoxiao like a carrot.

The second-time Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Guan Ming and walked out, seemingly the other party did not seem to give any promise.

Shen Qingqi Guan Xiaoming immediately went to look for Guan Mengyu. When he saw this little in the other's bedroom, Guan Ming said directly: "If your mother wants a medicine, remember that you can't give it if you get stuck. This medicine You also know the current side effects. In case your mother has more drugs, you won't be able to change to a young stepmother. "

Guan Ming didn't change his daughter-in-law's idea, and he also thought that he was not a little bit and didn't change his mother's idea.

"You don't say that I also know that I will control the source side, and I ’m not sure about the Double Star side, after all, my mother's authority seems to be not low." As if to make room for Guan Ming.

"Shuangxing, Xiaoxiao has been disconnected from all channels where I can access the drug, and Meng Liting and Baoan have also notified me." Guan Ming casually commanded.

"Good boss." Guan Ming's voice scared Guan Ming from the corner behind him, and Guan Ming sat down on the bed.

People are not scared until middle age!

what? Soft legs? Impossible, doesn't exist, I don't!

It is impossible to have soft legs, and it is impossible to have soft legs in this life!

"Who asked you to sit down!" After seeing Guan Ming sit down, Guan Mengyu climbed up like a cat with a furry hair, pointing at Guan Ming with an angry face.

"What are you pumping again, I'm yours!" Guan Ming pouted.

Damn it, take a look at middle-aged people, OK!

One or two, really when Lao Tzu ’s kidney is stainless steel? ?

"I'm disgusted ~ ~ Double Star, hurry up and change my bed linen, no, the mats underneath must be changed!"

吭哧吭哧 Climbed out of bed, Guan Mengyu with one hand on his hips and one finger on Guan Ming said, "Hurry up and take a shower, otherwise I will go to my grandmother to sue!"

He sniffed with his nose, and Guan Ming opened his mouth to explain something, but finally gritted his teeth but said nothing.

Mu Xiaoxiao You are an asshole, if I was not afraid of you messing around, I can make this mistake?

Long walked, Guan Ming killed the study as if he had eaten ten pounds of waist.

Stupid, I **** you today!

PS: Suddenly I saw a short station, and thought that there were chapters closed. I opened it, and it turned out to be a trial version event that only lv5 writers can participate in.

Scared me……

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