Private Technology

: 1,131 seconds

Simply communicating with Ding Zhi, it is still relatively formal to refer Liu Mengmeng and Ding Zhi to each other. Although the two have known each other for a long time, considering the importance of this project and multi-party cooperation, Guan Ming does not want to Some are not, which causes the problem to occur frequently.

There are still two weeks left until the research team is set up, but this does not mean that Guan Ming has a two-week break.

First, according to the money paid for the full amount of time, all volunteers in the first phase were fired, and then the three underground floors were upgraded.

In addition to some expensive equipment, the more troublesome is the simulation of the external environment.

In an experiment on external environmental animals, a paleontologist suggested that if the environment (oxygen content and air content) of the dinosaur era can be simulated, can ancient genes be induced to cause animals to return to their ancestors.

It makes sense that if the external environment is the age of the dinosaurs, this return to ancestry is not a bad thing. In a way, this is also an alternative implementation of Jurassic Park.

As for whether it can be achieved, this requires further experiments, and Guan Ming also said that it is not possible to succeed.

Guan Ming wears a mask on the third floor of the company. He looks a little scratched when he looks at the refurbished expansion. The expanded space will be renovated every one or two years. It is mainly used for experiments by large teams. The laboratory in Ming Dynasty is well-organized. It is about enough space for Guan Ming to use.

"How long can it be done?" Guan Ming couldn't help asking as a robot was passing by in front of himself carrying a toughened glass.

"It still takes 8 days to get it all done, including 7 days of upgrade time, one day of maintenance time, and the assembly space for purchased equipment has been reserved in accordance with the specifications. As soon as the equipment arrives at the company, it can be installed immediately." Guan Ming's head A sphere hovered next to it, and the sound of the double star came from here.

Although the anti-gravity device was not applied to the home because of Mu Xiaoxiao, this does not mean that Guan Ming and Shuangxing have no idea in this regard.

The anti-gravity spacecraft may also need the necessary facilities such as a star device and helium 3, but some small levitation equipment can fully use the current AC power at home to charge, which is a little shorter.

"One week and one day is okay. In addition to the equipment, Liu Mengmeng also has some small animals for experimentation. I remember to produce a batch of human brain chips for installation in animal brains. A set of animal experiments was issued on it. Human brain chip content, you go to analyze, if there is nothing wrong, then follow this. "Guan Ming nodded and said.

The previous attempts on the human brain chip are larger than those of Guan Ming, mainly because Guan Ming is limited by individuals.

The above has long thought about using the human brain chip to orient the 'production' of the required animals. Taking anti-drug dogs as an example, the human brain chip is implanted with data on various drug 'tastes', such as 'death' and 'fear'. Concepts such as', add concepts such as' loyalty ',' brave ',' struggle '.

Although due to individual differences and subtle differences in the cultivation process, the final anti-drug dog does not have 100% of the same personality and memory, but in a broad sense, it is at most only a difference between heroes and anti-heroes, which are all under 'justice' Different branches of it.

However, Guan Ming does not need to do this in this animal experiment, as long as he can understand animals that understand human words and are not afraid of life and death.

"Good boss," Shuang Xing replied.

After a round of inspections by the company, Guan Ming quickly rolled home for lunch.

Rarely saw Guan Daddy at home for lunch, Guan Ming couldn't help thinking of Mu Xiaoxiao's claim that Guan Daddy had suffered a blood loss in Macau last night.

The old man often went to Macao, probably because of delusions. He spent money back and forth with Guan Mingming. He never spent money from other people and family trusts, so as not to get anything wrong.

If you think of it this way, even if the old man has a blood loss, there is a limit.

"Dad, are you going to take your sister out with me instead of taking me out?" Gracefully Mu Xiaoxiao tied his bib, then Guan Mengxi, who was sitting on the child's seat, put his hands on his hips and tried to pout. Express yourself unhappy.

"Why do you say that?" Guan Ming sipped a spoonful of soup and motioned to everyone to start eating.

My stupid girl, compared to your sister, I want to take you out more. Unfortunately, my father, I'm a useless person. I actually rely on your sister in life science, so sad!

"Hmm ~ my sister has told me that you will take her to the company to play with me in a while, but not me!" After that, Guan Mengxi's mouth flattened even more.

Guan Ming heard the words and looked after Meng Yu. This dead fish eye was usually fed. Today, he went to feed his younger brother with liquid food.

You are so special, I am overcast!

"It's not fun, it's taking your sister to see a group of particularly good old grandpas. You have to look at them all day and see if there is anything you can do to help you up. Dad is afraid you are tired, so I am not going to take you. Guan Ming and Yan Yue said in color.

The gene of Guan Ming's counseling was passed on perfectly. The son still can't see it now, and the two girls are one by one.

As long as the word "awesome" is displayed, Guan Mengxi promises to be short of breath.

"So, that ... you have to take good care of your sister ..." Sure enough, just now it looked like a bit of a grudge, and now he immediately persuaded.

Looking at the younger sister with eyes looking at the late stage of cancer, Guan Mengxi couldn't help but pinch the other's head, for fear that this would be the last lunch.

"Don't you tell my dad not to take me with me at this time ~" Guan Mengyu couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he didn't struggle. If he broke away, he might have been a young lady who only had two slaps. It lasted two hours.

Guan Mengyu felt that he was already very powerful, and did not need to be touched to become bald to become more powerful.

"My sister has grown up. Be obedient. I ca n’t always rely on my sister in the future. My sister will often be away from home because of filming, so you must be brave!" Raised a small fist ~ ~ Meng Xi cheers on her sister.

Why should God be brave!

With the corner of his mouth twitching, Guan Mengyu wondered if he could take this opportunity to apply for a plan to sleep alone at night.

"Don't be tired over Xiaoyu, she's still growing and don't get tired anymore." Guan Daddy's expression was magnificent and serious.

Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao talked about the arrangements for Guan Mengyu last night, but this morning it was Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Mengyu who announced to the whole family, so it is not unusual for the old man and old lady to know about this.

Although the young granddaughter is still young, in the eyes of the elderly, it is good to go and see more. Anyway, if the family has money, it will waste a little time at most even if it is trouble.

"Huh ~ Do you still know Xiaoyu has a long body? You ..." After a pause, Guanma didn't say anything, but the old lady's face didn't look very good.

"Haha, did my dad make a mistake?" Guan Ming laughed, thinking that Mu Xiaoxiao used the word "blood loss" to describe it, which seemed inappropriate. This posture seemed to treat the house as a whole. Immediate sense of sight.

"The mistake you made is so big!" Guan Meng couldn't help but adjust the door and raised her, so that Mu Xiaoxiao's mother was persuaded and put her head in the bowl like a quail, for fear of being implicated.

"What about eating, what are you talking about?" Pushed Guan Ma a bit, Guan Da's face was a little awkward, probably in front of her daughter-in-law, the old man couldn't get through.

PS: My registration is 8000 / day, the ghost knows if I can finish it, try it, and it doesn't crime anyway.

Normally, I should save the manuscript now and leave it until the beginning of next month to start the activity more, but not to mention taking a day off this month, I still owe more N, so I write as many as I can.

Every day, day 2 is the normal update status, and 3 is more relevant. It mainly depends on the code word status.

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