Private Technology

: 116 negotiations

Liu Mengmeng dealt with the company's affairs. This is a well-known thing inside the company. Since Sun Yanan called, there may be a reason. Thinking of what she said to Guan Ming before, Guan Ming probably guessed what was coming People.

I should be here for technical inquiries, but Guan Ming didn't quite understand why he came down to ask for permission first.

"President Guan, I'm really busy." Seeing Guan Ming entering the office, Qian Junhao, who was sitting on his side, immediately got up, and the smile on his face increased by three points.

"The building is just starting to use, there are a lot of things that I need to do by myself, but I neglect the secretary of money." Guan Ming stepped forward and shook hands.

He said this, but Guan Ming didn't take much apology on his face, but looked curiously at Qian Junhao and Bian Chengwen.

Sun Yanan was unfamiliar with Bian Chengwen, so she met once or twice. Obviously, Sun Yanan had forgotten the name of Bian Chengwen, or his face and name were not right.

"Is there anything wrong with the school's supercomputer?" Guan Ming stretched out his hand to draw a guise, and the three took their seats.

Sun Yanan had been with Qian Junhao in Guan Ming's office before. At this time, he also poured tea to Guan Ming.

"School affairs are not busy, but it is a shame to say that, since your software and hardware are submitted for review, I have begun to decipher what you handed in. The hardware is easy to say, but the software is really clueless." Bian Chengwen didn't hide anything, What is said is very straightforward.

"Professor Bian ..." Guan Ming mistakenly did not know what to say. Although he knew that the above part would definitely be researched or something, but the problem was in his presence, and this was too direct, and everyone Euphemistically, Guan Ming is not without the possibility of handing over technology, after all, he is so enthusiastic.

"Don't blame the old side, he likes to flip this technology, and this is also a rule." Qian Junhao waved his hand and explained from the side.

Language must be euphemistic, and the results must be clear.

Although this is only a verbal arrangement by a superior, Qian Junhao dares not to be sloppy, but it is written here ...

也就是说 "That is to say, do you want all the source code of my software today?" Although it feels inexplicable or even uncomfortable, but Guanming can only reach this conclusion by linking up and down statements.

"Hi ~ that's not the case." Qian Junhao quickly waved and denied, and then gave Bian Chengwen an angry look. "You too, so old, you can't speak too much."

Although Bian Chengwen is a think tank, Qian Junhao is qualified to complain such that the two are friends and are also arranged to do the same thing together.

Although the superior did not say who arranged to come in contact with Guan Ming, anyone who has seen Guan Ming's files and reports knows that Guan Ming's circle of friends is not large. Active or passive, acquaintances are always better than strangers.

"Why are you here today?" Guan Ming was a little confused.

"That's it. After the last product launch, we were very interested in the dynamic projection you proposed. At the same time, the country also has research in this area, so we hope to cooperate with you in this regard." Qian Junhao was afraid of Guan Ming Thinking wildly, declaring today's purpose.

"Cooperation? And me? Cooperation between the state and private enterprises?" Guan Ming asked uncertainly. This is not ten years later. Although reform and opening up are still in place, the extent is certainly not as large as in the future. It is difficult to imagine Qian Jun. Hao would actually make such a request. Obviously, this was not the decision of Qian Junhao alone. He was only pushed to Guan Ming for negotiations.

"Yes, that's true, but you don't have to worry about the country pitting you or anything. In fact, this kind of cooperation is of great benefit to you." It is Guanming who is valued above, not Guanming's money or What, naturally, will not be squeezed with high pressure.

"The span is a bit big, I'm still a little bit stunned, can you talk about the benefits first?" Guan Ming squeezed his temples, and he found something that didn't seem to be step by step as he thought.

"The first benefit is that countries can provide a lot of hardware that is rare in the market and also on the international front line." Bian Chengwen said at this time.

Guan Ming nodded, but there wasn't much sense in it, because even with the common hardware in the market, he still hasn't got the same static projection. At the same time, the world's top hardware is always laboratory-grade, because no matter how On the front line, it is not possible to price the unit at several million dollars.

"Second is also good for your family and company. After all, with this cooperation, at least in many cases, there will be less trouble. Presumably your father's unit knows that it is also good for your father." This sentence is Qian Junhao said that he had read the report on Guan Ming, at least he was a filial child.

"My parents don't even have to, I still expect them to retire early to live with me." Hearing Qian Junhao said, Guan Ming smiled and waved.

He doesn't worry about whether the father and mother will come over now. After all, it's all a matter of time. In the time when Qian Junhao and Bian Chengwen were talking, Guan Ming also considered the advantages and disadvantages of this cooperation.

There are many advantages. In addition to what they said just now, in the future, if the company launches any product, there will definitely be extra points in applying for listing. If something happens to the company, from the government side, it will take care of Guan Ming to a great extent. Company, do n’t forget that the guard at the gate is still arranging people at the school. If they cooperate, the guard work will probably be more severe than expected.

There are also disadvantages, mainly whether Guan Mingneng can monopolize the market.

什么 What is the most profitable in the world, the answer is only 'monopoly'.

An exclusive market will definitely be much easier than competition, and at the same time, it will make more money. There is no bidding and no homogeneous products. Making money is the same as printing money.

As far as technology leakage or something else is concerned, Guan Ming doesn't care about it, because holographic projection is not a heavyweight product for Guan Ming, just like a computer. Only by popularizing the computer can the related industry chain be further improved.

Of course, no leak is best.

"I don't know if you have a son like you, your father should be happy or annoyed." Hearing Guan Ming's words, Qian Junhao also said with emotion.

"I want to ask how is the cooperation method, and how is the patent divided and the market placement problem after the research." Some things cannot be rejected, Guan Ming simply asks clearly, and does not care about the other party. Sorry.

"You don't have to worry about patents. They are jointly owned by the country and the civilian market. The military industry can only be developed by the country. At the same time, you are not allowed to get involved in the military industry in this regard. Accordingly, in addition to yours in the market, Outside ~ ~ there will be no other companies involved in the civilian industry. "These things are the conclusions reached after discussion.

There is still a big difference in the cooperation methods above. For example, the state and Guan Ming joint venture an enterprise to jointly run a company. After all, as long as it is not blind, you can be sure that the market is extremely broad, but the problem is that Guan Ming is not full The need and cooperation.

At the same time, there is no sufficient reason for reform and opening up to the present, and there is no need to pick pork skins.

Finally, the final decision was made, indicating that the country is not involved in the civilian market.

It is rare to have such a promising company in China, and it must not be casually ruined. I said that it was not for the Guanming company to justify.

In the final analysis, the development of science and technology is still the desire of the people. The United States is strong in technology. Less worse.

Although in terms of state constitution, socialism will definitely be stronger than capitalism in the later period. After all, the power of a country is not a company or a family can resist.

But at this stage, China needs to have such a top card to show the state's support for folk science and technology. Perhaps a joint venture with an enterprise will increase the country's income. Overall, this increase does not mean anything.

Needless to say, the future strength of BAT, and BAT itself is flooded with a lot of foreign capital. Even so, the country did not say to re-establish a BAT.

PS: Thank you Zuo Dengfeng, and the bet ~ Thank you for your support.

May is about to pass and June is coming soon. Little friends, are you ready for tomorrow's formation? I wish you a happy holiday in advance, love you ~

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