Private Technology

: 1,133 inspirations and states

Guan Ming was really busy for a while now, laboratory modification, pit digging in the assembly plant, second-generation product updates, etc. Although many things are assisted by Double Star, some key content still needs to be gone by Guan Ming himself control.

Before the gang of scientists did not enter the field, Guan Ming needed to clear the field quickly to allow himself time.

Counting the time, Guan Ming felt that the unmanned artillery vehicle could be delivered in a while. Although it would leak to a certain extent that his research and development progress was very fast, considering the follow-up ...

No, follow up with Liu Mengmeng. Guan Ming has no way to look directly at the gun car, but if you look at it, it seems that you can delay it again.

There is no need for Guan Ming to be present in person. The robot's own detector is calculated to transform the 3D image visible to the adult eye. Guan Ming looked at the large pit in front of him and has only excavated it to a depth of about 30 meters.

"This is the man-made island factory?" Mu Xiaoxiao misses the man-made island. After all, she knows why Guan Ming built the island, and she is also looking forward to the scene of the island after it is made.

From a physiological point of view, everyone has their own characteristics, because the DNA in each person's brain cells is different. From a performance point of view, you can use the environment to affect your personality and cause different ideas, and ultimately affect your pursuit. .

Mu Xiaoxiao's pursuit is simple, that is, to reflect his own value.

Outside, she wanted to show the ‘Mrs. Guan’ that everyone needs, the kind of ladylike, dignified and beautiful.

At home, she has to show the role of daughter-in-law, wife, mother, etc. that the family needs.

There is no specific goal, just to adjust spontaneously as time and ideas change.

Now that the artificial island project is considered by the global people as a large international project to stimulate the stability of the global economy, Mu Xiaoxiao naturally needs to show a certain curiosity and desire, at least in the presence of Guan Ming, because in her concept, this is A manifestation of her value at the moment.

"It hasn't been built yet. In the future, it is really necessary to do some assembly inside." Guan Ming didn't notice the change of Mu Xiaoxiao's mentality, and made two gestures with his hand.

The pit in the 3d projection quickly became deeper and larger, and then the materials that were reduced by n times were rushed from the endless periphery to the large pit like the big bang, and quickly assembled into a building with a sense of science and technology.

This is a preview with animated effects, mainly for the idiot Mu Xiaoxiao.

"This level should be reached in September or October." Guan Ming volley pressed, the projection stopped, Guan Ming pointed at the projection and then pointed, the projection continued to play.

Guan Ming sometimes stagnates in key positions and then explains, sometimes thinking.

Although Guan Ming is very familiar with the whole process, the process of explaining is actually leaking and filling up. If inspiration comes, he will also make small corrections.

For example, he originally wanted to build the shell first, and then enrich the interior to ensure that the artificial island was relatively secretive, but he suddenly found that it seemed that it was quicker to get the star simulator and anti-gravity equipment out, and then it was faster to build in the air. For one thing, at least it will not cause greater pressure on the bottom of the big pit, and at the same time the bottom will not become a simple load-bearing part. Countless mechanical arms can be installed for bottom installation.

However, this inside-out construction can easily leak design ideas and important joints, so it is best to have a large cover on top to prevent satellite observation.


"This time is the twelfth time the other party has shipped this month. The Ministry of Science and Technology currently judges that the other party's rocket recovery technology is mature." A white man with a serious report on his face.

"How are our astronauts prepared?" Okui asked, rubbing his temples.

"According to the recent comprehensive assessment, astronauts have no physical problems at present, but due to a bit hesitant about living on the moon for a while, the psychological evaluation is always poor, and there is currently no full technical skills on the nasa side. At present, it is technically difficult to build a semi-permanent building on the moon, whether it is a spacecraft or a lunar module. "The white man continued to report.

"Dammit, is there any problem with the technology that has been traded? Now that science and technology are so developed, can't it increase the carrying capacity of the spacecraft?" Okui asked with some anger.

"It can be improved, but the increase is limited. At the same time, according to the report from nasa, there is no problem in the technology transferred. However, the rocket technology is a secondary technology. At the same time, the moon does not have a lift platform that we can use. Just rockets, we are It's hard to reach this level ... "Swallowed a mouthful, the white man said.

"... Leasing the lift platform? Impossible, they won't." Thinking for a moment, Okui asked and answered.

"The person in charge of nasa said that even if we can borrow it, we don't have mature rocket recycling technology, and the moon does not have the ability to make rockets at the moment ..." The voice was lowered, and the white man said with a guilty conscience.

"Fk, so many people are not as good as Guan Ming alone. What are they eating!" Okui roared, hesitated, and patted the table hard.

Compared to Austria's anger, the country is much more happy.

Although there was no ground-moon transportation before the lunar mining site, the lunar mining site was still working 24 hours a day ~ ~ In addition to accumulating n poly helium 3 raw ore, it also used excess time to refine helium 3, using To save space inside the mining site.

Twelve trips were carried back and forth in less than a month, and the purity was much higher than planned, which is good news for the country.

"Look, at present we have sealed 8 oil fields according to the plan. In the next 3 years, we will store a total of 32 oil fields in succession. At the same time, the exploration team will continue to find new oil fields. These sealed oil fields will be stored in the future. You can quickly restart at any time to restart oil production. "Deputy General Manager Zhong Qiming stood next to the giant and pointed at a map. The CEO of Zhong Qiming is currently on a business visit abroad.

"Well, people must be arranged. Do n’t lay off employees violently because of the oilfield storage. While considering the benefits of the company, you also need to pay attention to the lives of the employees. Similarly, although the oilfield is closed, those skilled Employees are also a valuable asset, and you should be careful with this one. "The chief giant looked at the map, and charged the chief with care.

"You have a point. At present, the company's party group is discussing this part. As a state-owned enterprise, we have the ability and obligation to assume more social responsibilities. At present, the initial plan is to go in three steps. For the technical backbone, we ... "Barabara, this vice president started to" invite merit. "

"The country is rising steadily and orderly. For every point that involves employees and people, we can not underestimate ..." After listening to the general giant, he commented.

In general, the chief executive agrees with the CEO's point of view and hears a smile on the CEO's face.

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