Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-four has abruptly stopped before showing

The general giant really did not expect the problem of drug output. In his knowledge, there is a double star, that is, starting 24 hours a day, accurate and efficient.

There is no doubt that there are no problems with funds, which means that raw materials can be transported without interruption.

If the two are matched, it does not say that the high-yielding resembles a sow, but it is also three or five per litter, and the number of two or three parcels per year is correct.

"Is it a matter of raw materials?" The chief giant asked.

"In fact, the drug is currently a chemical pharmaceutical, which requires high purity, so the output is relatively low, and it has to undergo fermentation ... Well, even if the process is very complicated, even if the raw materials are adequately supplied, the production process is time-consuming and wasted , Are limited to the output of drugs, even limited to some specific raw materials and production processes, this has not yet accounted for the cost of drug production, if you really convert, a gram of gold is not an exaggeration. "Looking a bit aggressive General giant, Guan Ming had to make a long story short.

Although Guan Ming is not very clear about the drug mechanism, Guan Ming is familiar with the entire process, and it is not difficult to glance at the giants.

"It is probably you. Others haven't done it on such a large scale." The chief giant shook his head with regret.

There is no doubt about Guan Ming, because the giants have their own channels.

Did not ask anything in detail, because the giants did not want to show more extravagance.

I once saw Guan Ming's robot. Everyone thought it was the limit of Guan Ming, but later told everyone that the robot was just Guan Ming's toy, and it was not his favorite and most precious toy.

No one is sure if Guan Ming will develop something more powerful in the future. No one will bet on Guan Ming's future. Even everyone is anxiously and patiently waiting for Guan Ming, waiting for his experiment to succeed.

Even if there are people who are old and dying, and people who want to restore their youth, everyone does not want Guan Ming to see what he does not want to see.

"Many domestic companies only see the wealth brought by high-tech, but ignore the massive funds of research projects. I am not sure of some things, but in my opinion, ordinary companies should invest a certain percentage of their annual income into Research on new products. "

Guan Ming remembered the Tencent he often scolded in his last life. Perhaps it was in the subconscious that Tencent's "research" was just copying other successful cases. It was a soulless research.

But there is no accident in success. The so-called soul may just be Guan Ming's lack of knowledge of some things.

In this life, from the beginning to the present, it has been said that Liu Mengmeng's success was only a coincidence, which is her personal luck, because her ability is not worthy of her position and salary.

But from Guan Ming's perspective, her success is inevitable, because she gave up the most important professional demands, because her ability is not only professional ability, but also ability to make flattering and so on.

Similarly, there may be too many enjoyable bosses in the country like Guan Ming, so the investment in research can not help reducing n grades.

"This is indeed a problem. By the way, I heard that you want your twins to take the college entrance examination. Is that why?" Now that you have the answer, the giants don't want to waste more time on it, even if the answer is not friendly. And today, the giants have to talk to leaders of other countries alone.

"Uh ... indeed, I think it's okay to mention morning college if the two children are here. Xiao Xi's side is famous to be early, and Xiao Yu's side wants to let her contact more, and then cultivate her ability of independent experiments. "The giant giant turned a little harder, and almost flung Guan Ming.

"How's the lesson? I looked at the information, Xiao

Rain's grades are very good. Xiao Xi might be a little worse. "

The academic performance of Guan Mengxi ’s younger sister is not a secret to the total giants. According to the evaluation, Guan Mengxi ’s achievement is considered a middle-class talent at the senior third level, 211, 985, etc. She should not consider it. It's a bonbon's life, but in her current age, it's a bit scary.

Guan Mengyu's performance is much better than Miss Sister. 211 and 985 are fixed, but you may not want to let Miss Sister lose his face. Guan Mengyu's score is similar to Miss Sister, but this is Shown on the premise that there are many blank questions.

The chief giant is not worried about the performance of the two minors, but the mentality of the two minors, especially Guan Mengyu. The chief giant is afraid that one of them will accidentally destroy the old one.

"You also know that Xiao Xi is following Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yu is following me, but in the exam, I ’m not worried about Xiao Yu, and I ’m a little uneasy over Xiao Xi. I do n’t want to leave my child too far away from home. Isn't there a film school on the Shanghai Stock Exchange? Help out and get Xiao Xi into it. "Guan Ming is shameless.

Probably because he didn't educate his child well, Mu Xiaoxiao drank his head and didn't dare to look up.

She ’s so mad, she ’s so smart… but she ’s so bad, but she ’s so bad that she knows. Is it because this child has n’t enjoyed socialist brutality this time, or has her mother not learned how to tickle steel?

Self-denial Mu Xiaoxiao.jpg.

"Hey ~ your kid, how dare you say that!" The chief giant was mad at the shameless spirit.

I have never seen anything so shameless!

However, since Guan Ming has spoken, the chief giant must give face. After all, in addition to Guan Mingxi's father, Guan Mengxi also has a talented sister Guan Mengyu, and a younger brother Guan Mengyou who has not yet been weaned.

"Which school is Xiaoyu ready to go to?" The general giant then asked ~ ~ Guan Ming knew that when he heard it, at least the premise of asking this is that the two children can take the college entrance examination and go to college.

"Fudan, it's Xiaoxiao's alma mater, which happens to be in Shanghai." Guan Ming tilted his head to look at the idiot, and the idiot looked up in time, his eyes filled with ... complicated?

Wait, Lao Tzu said that Fudan wasn't hatching, did your idiot IQ go offline? ?

"Okay, look back, you need to prepare some procedures for the two children to take the college entrance examination next year. There should be an art examination in the art college. Don't let the process go down, so that there will be no discussion afterwards. If there is a cultural lesson, there is one in Xiaoxi It takes time to prepare for the year. The grade must pass. If she can pass the exam, she can't get it. It's useless to find anyone. "The chief giant can ask and pay attention to the genius of the child, but he cannot push a grade. Poor students go to college, the giant can't afford to lose that person!

"It must be, this is what it should be." With a grin, Guan Ming nodded for a while. For one year, Guan Ming felt that Guan Mengxi would be fine.

"Okay, you guys are busy, my time is here too." Looking at the watch, the chief giant began to stun people.

"Oh, then you're busy, let's go first." With a idiot, Guan Ming broke away roundly.

In the office, the chief giant paced back and forth to think about the problem. After a few minutes, he went to the office to pick up the phone and called, "It's me, the venue stopped beforehand ..."

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