Private Technology

: 126 School Entrance

Guan Ming wants to show that she has no reputation, maybe some negative news will be suppressed now, but with the popularization of computers, many gossips ca n’t be suppressed at all. Senior Guan Ming is also a gossip man who pays attention to gossip, but mainly because of boredom.

Wu Guanming said that if any man really likes Liu Mengmeng, it is estimated that he has some kind of unscrupulous care.

"Hurry back to rest, it's too late, and it will take a while for you to go home. I will give you a reply on the contract tomorrow." Guan Ming started to bang Liu Mengmeng and let her rest early.

"Ha? But I live next door." Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming with a grim expression, totally unaware of what he was expressing.

"Oh, it turns out that you live in the company. I thought that your stay in the company would affect your pick-ups. I thought you didn't move in." Guan Ming heard that he had made a mistake and scratched his head.

"Come on, anyway, I am also the top of the company, so it won't be transparent to this extent." Liu Mengmeng couldn't help but talk, the ghost will move out to live ~

Not to mention how good the suites in the company are, but at least the door is the office.

Furthermore, although living in the company, it is not easy to bring people back, but the problem is that she has been busy becoming a dog recently, not to mention picking up girls, she feels no motivation to take a bath.

Finally, it is also the place where she suffers the most. As the company's second largest boss, it was actually ignored by the first largest boss!

Transparent world?

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention to this part before, you should take a break first." Guan Ming is a little apologetic. After all, people are ignored to such an extent, it is estimated that there is no one.

Given the other's physical condition, Guan Ming is still embarrassing.

Although I know that Guan Ming cares about her, Liu Mengmeng still feels unhappy. When he walks, his face hurts. This is also Guan Ming. If you change it, the broken thoughts are already the lightest performance. After Liu Mengmeng's words, she said that her teeth are still very good, at least in many actual battles, she still has a strong fighting force.

法律 In the knowledge / data sequence of Double Star, the legal part is the first sequence. Whether at home or abroad, the contract has pitfalls and loopholes. I don't know how many people have been pitted. Only by manual review will it be guaranteed that there will be no problems.

Once by Double Star, at least Guan Minghui will be at ease.

In the next two days, Guan Ming signed the contract one after another. At this moment, Guan Ming is no longer the Guan Ming of the previous loan, but is waiting for his counterpart to come and sign the contract.

Naturally, the signing of a contract also issued a public notice, which also aroused public opinion.

After that, Guan Ming promised to go to school every day to deal with the software part of the supercomputer, and at night he was slowly studying the metal 3D printer. At the same time, he had already discussed with Bian Chengwen, and he would start the dynamic projection project after a while.

Regarding dynamic projection, Qian Junhao said that the length of the research period does not matter, but compared with technology, the talents trained during the period is also an important point.

Guan Ming also realized the meaning, so it doesn't matter. Without pursuing the R & D cycle, Guan Ming doesn't mind bringing along these unseen researchers.

Uh ...

After a little time passed, when the first batch of holographic projections were officially put on the market, ordinary people discovered the superiority of this technology, not just a concept.

The market response was violent and hot, even exceeding Guan Ming's expectations, not to mention the media coverage.

In the application of static projection, the actual effect is better than Guan Ming's expected effect. In addition to the use of some normal industries, it also involves some improper industries. For example, European and American countries criticize it, saying that some companies have no publicity for the promotion. Bottom line, static projection involves bad H content. In this regard, Japanese players have expressed optimism about the market.

However, there are not many domestic reports in this regard, perhaps due to the protection of the local industry. However, in private, some static projections made by Japanese companies have gradually entered the market. Unfortunately, they cannot completely defeat the local piracy industry. Make some shy static projections, best known as: electronic hands.

It is only in the end of 2005 that the domestic summary of the anti-trafficking conference indicated that with the development of science and technology, the current cases are becoming more and more high-tech and concealed. The cultural relics will only appear in the final stage, and they will be used before. Static projection for cultural relic display.

Uh ...

Time seems to have passed a cycle, from summer to summer again, but each summer, for different people, there are different sorrows and joys.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the bell rang on time, and the originally quiet crowd outside the school gate immediately became restless. Everyone wanted to squeeze forward, sweat was evaporated, and the acid smell was permeated, but people endured the acid smell and looked anxiously at the school. Doorway.

"Auntie, don't worry, I think Xiaoxiao will be able to come out soon." On the school gate, Guan Ming comforted Mu's mother.

Today is the last day of the college entrance examination, and also the last subject of the college entrance examination, comprehensive.

Mu Xiaoxiao studied literature, so the synthesis is naturally Wenzong.

I gave Mu Xiaoxiao a full year of supplementary classes, which was an exaggeration to say, but neither Guan Ming nor the Mu family felt that it was too long in the past.

Guan Ming can't wait to fill Mu Xiaoxiao for another year, while Mu's father and mother can't wait to fill up seven days a week, and Mu Xiaoxiao's existence of the supplementary class doesn't make much sense, as if he gets up at 5:30 every day. Then wash your face, eat and go to school.

There are 52 weeks in a year, and Guan Ming has 52 make-up lessons.

About the 30th week, that is, around the beginning of this year, Mu Xiaoxiao's math scores have reached the average level, but Mu Ma thinks that 120 points can still be improved, so he did not fire Guan Ming ~ www. ~ Guan Ming feels that Mu Xiaoxiao's biggest obstacle to mathematics is no longer there. It is nothing more than memorizing formulas and then performing question type analysis. The final score is nothing more than the calculation process on the scroll and the final answer.

Guan Ming didn't want to cut off with Mu Xiaoxiao so quickly, so in supplementary mathematics, the supplementary content also covered the entire liberal arts category, from a whip by Zhang Juzheng to the Reform Movement of 1898, from the five production methods of Marx to IELTS Bell. Stewart's Axial Age Perspective.

After dying, Guan Ming changed from a math tutor to an all-round tutor, and has been tutoring Mu Xiaoxiao's homework until now.

Guan Guanming can be polite to say that if he is not going to start a company or engage in scientific research, he has no problem as a teacher of high Chinese, and he can also work part-time in math and English.

"This girl, don't be anxious or panic every day, it's really anxious to die." Mu Mu was not so calm. Although it was not possible to repeat the test, at the same time, in this era, repeating is not a shame, but for more For people, the college entrance examination is only once.

"It's okay, you know Xiaoxiao's grades, rest assured." Guan Ming, as a tutor, can't say that he can give Mu Xiaoxiao a bottom line. After all, he is still just a tutor.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you Rain Turtle for your reward, thank you for your support ~

结束 The first volume is over. Let me study what the first volume should be.

Alas, the number of words is less than 300,000 words. It lasts for nearly 50 days. Thank you.

There are many things I want to say, but after thinking about it, I still have to thank you, thank you for your support, and thank you all!

For the second volume, I hope that I can write better than the first volume. For everyone, I hope you can have a good mood.

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