Private Technology

: 1,256 dead and reappeared

Time is fair, especially for living things. There is only forward, there is no retrogression. Even if the speed is faster than the speed of light, there is no way for the individual to let the body go back to the past. Early content.

The white-haired Guan Ming was lying on the bed, and at this moment he clearly felt the passing of life, and he knew that he should have reached the limit.

He did n’t live to be 150 years old, even if he is not yet 100 years old this year, but he refused to use eternal medicine. Although this thing can return to youth and live to 150 years old, Guan Ming believes in the unknown and other than science. Mysterious existence.

After so many years, neither the animal experiments nor those who have ever taken immortal drugs have lived a theoretical upper limit. In Guan Ming's eyes, this should be something that reminds everyone and reminds people not to exceed a certain limit. Don't try to do anything.

On the rattan chair beside the bed, there was Mu Xiaoxiao. In addition to her offspring, there were giants in this country.

Unfortunately, to this day, neither Guan Ming nor Mu Xiaoxiao have the time to take care of this group of people at the pinnacle of power, and the giants have not complained. Even if only on the age, Guan Ming and his wife are both taller than these giants. A generation, let alone a topic of achievement.

"Hungry or not, you haven't eaten for many days." With white hair like snow, Mu Xiaoxiao's dry hands held the same dry hands, and they were full of wrinkles like the old bark, no longer smooth and slim.

Gently shook his head, Guan Ming grinned, and his teeth were full, leaving only three teeth left. His lips were concave and looked very dry. His voice was very weak, "No, I'm not hungry."

Mu Xiaoxiao, who didn't bother with the giants and his children and grandchildren, looked at the age spots on his face. Although he had no energy, Guan Ming smiled reluctantly, "It just happens to lose weight. It doesn't look good when I'm fat."

Unfortunately, Guan Ming's voice is very weak. If there is no small speaker, it may be necessary to lie on his mouth to hear what he says.

"It looks good, it looks good." Bent over, Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and helped Guan Ming frizzle his hair. He was also smiling, but Mu Xiaoxiao looked much healthier than Guan Ming.

It may be due to gender, or it may be other, but everything shows that Mu Xiaoxiao must live longer than Guan Ming.

And near the door, there was a weeping cry.

The hospital has issued a critical illness notification. Guan Ming's physical functions have reached the limit. The doctor said that Guan Ming could not see the moon rising today, and the double star said that Guan Ming may lose his breath at any time.

Now I can say something, it can be regarded as returning to light.

"Remember, when I first looked at you, you were still slim, and then you became fat. A fat is a lifetime. I never wanted to grow old and lose weight. I didn't take care of you ..." said Then, Mu Xiaoxiao cried.

Opening his mouth, Guan Ming wanted to say too much, but he didn't have the strength to say it. The three teeth that were not next to each other were like dead old trees, and they were no longer a magic weapon to attract children.

"Xiaoxiao, you have done a good job, don't cry, Minger and we will accompany you." Holographic projection projects several elderly people, all gray-haired, that is the father, the mother, and the father Mu Mu, etc., analyzed the memories of their lives through the double stars, and then simulated feedback on the information collected at the moment.

Like real people, just like real people.

The palm of his hand weakly shook Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, even though there were thousands of words, but Guan Ming was still unable to speak, he could only look at her with a smile. Suddenly, Guan Ming saw her when she was in full bloom. When she was lively and naughty, she saw her gentle and virtuous, and watched her grow up a little bit from the young girl and then gray hair again.

Beyond the concept of time and space, Guan Ming seems to have browsed all the pictures of his life in an instant, but in each picture there is Mu Xiaoxiao, and only Mu Xiaoxiao is recalled.

In the monitoring equipment, that should have become a straight line, Guan Ming has not yet converged to smile.

Crying behind him, everyone instinctively stepped forward and looked at the deceased Guan Ming. Only Mu Xiaoxiao was still sitting on the rattan chair and still holding the hand that had no feedback at all. Tears and laughter were mixed. .

After all, Guan Ming failed to die after Mu Xiaoxiao did.

The next day, an obituary was issued, and everyone was sorry for Guan Ming's death, and they all missed Guan Ming's past, and they all thanked Guan Ming for the goodness he brought.

"Xiaoyu, you should have the cloning technology." Sitting in a wheelchair, Mu Xiaoxiao asked, looking at his still young second daughter.

Guan Xiaoyu had achieved what Mu Xiaoxiao had expected, but Guan Ming didn't like the short-lived appearance, so Mu Xiaoxiao accompanied him to grow old.

"Yes, but ..." Looking down at his mother, Guan Mengyu was hesitant.

Cloning, or the technical difficulties of cloning people, has been successfully overcome. Guan Mengyu once asked Guan Ming whether to clone a replica, and then asked Guan Ming to ‘borrow the soul’, but then Guan Ming refused, and now ...

"Then help me to make two bodies, one is Guan Ming, the other is mine. For the sake of being my mother in this life, will you help me?" I did n’t order, I did n’t ask, Just an old man begging.

"... You ... My dad told you?" Guan Mengyu asked a little hardly for a moment of silence.

"Why would he tell me this? Not all children are as clever as you and your sister, but you are all my own children like Xiaoyou." Leaning in and holding Guan Mengyu's hand, the latter also took advantage of the situation Squat down and look up at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I'm not stupid, just a lot of things are your dad's idea, everyone is happy, there is no need to say everything, just know." Looking down at Guan Mengyu, the smile on Mu Xiaoxiao's face And kindness.

"But ... but ..." Guan Mengyu couldn't accept this fact for a while, she always thought that she was posing well, even she had accepted the settings of this life many years ago, but did not expect that it was not just her Even Meng Xi was discovered.

It was discovered by this person with the “lower limit of housekeeper IQ”.

"Oh, rain, Mom, please, please, see how I have treated you for so many years, and help my mother." When Guan Ming passed away, he never trembled, but now he trembled and touched the pipe. Meng Yu's face was enough to see how excited she was.

"Okay, where are you going ... I mean which city are you going to go with my dad?" His eyes were red, Guan Mengyu knew that Mu Xiaoxiao was about to leave him.

"I don't know. Look at your dad's meaning. He said that the male lead is outside, the female lead is inside, and the outside world is still your dad." After receiving a satisfactory response, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled happily, she subconsciously After touching the back of the head, there was a slight tingling. The newly implanted human brain chip had not healed the outermost wound. However, this wound represents hope, the future, and infinite possibilities.

Later, Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at the ceiling and murmured: "Mu Xiaoxiao, knowing in the old age, knowing in the old age ... I don't know if I will be beaten again this time."

Without snoring, Guan Mengyu looked up at Mu Xiaoxiao, instantly.

The April wind blows the cherry blossoms, just like the same cherry blossom rain, attracting couples to take pictures.

"Stupid! I can stand you down from the tree, otherwise you look good tonight!" A seven or eight-year-old boy stood under the tree and looked up with his hands on his hips.

On the cherry tree, a girl of the same age sits on a tree branch and grimaces, "Hahaha ~ What a joke, even if I go down, you must make me look good at night!"

"Your sister, believe it or not, I tickle you for five minutes?" The little boy growled under the tree ~ ~ The little sister is coming down, it is too high. "A couple came over, looked up, looked down, and then looked up to persuade.

"If you don't go down, he'll hit me when I go down!" The girl shook her head firmly, a posture that could not survive.

"Little brother, beating your sister is not good. Hurry up and persuade your sister." The troubled couple turned back to persuade the boy.

Rolling his eyes, the boy waved his hand impatiently. "What a look, he is my daughter-in-law."

"Uh ... primary school couple?"

"You are the elementary school ... stupid, don't run!" He responded impatiently. Suddenly, the boy yelled angrily after the boy saw the girl sneakily crawling down from the tree and sneaking to the park door Catch up.

The couple looked at each other, only to hear the breeze confusing the childish voice: "Lao Tzu ... but handsome ... Yanzu!"

(All done)

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