Private Technology

: 139 Bridges of Virtual Reality

Guan Ming didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to apply for incubation, because Guan Ming, an incubating university student who is about to become a junior, is simply a fake.

Mu Xiaoxiao is now very stupid and won't ask too many questions about Guan Ming and school, but what if he asks Guan Ming class in the future?

It is more troublesome for college students to find someone across departments, but it is only for comparison. Even if Guan Ming can memorize all the buildings and locations of the incubation eggs, he can't pass this level.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't think so. First of all, the brand of incubating eggs is hard. Secondly, it is also very cool to find a junior and old bird as a backer. The most important thing is that she and Guan Mingshu have been killing and killing.

If it wasn't for her failure to pass the math department, maybe Mu Xiaoxiao had actually signed up for the math department.

However, if Mu Xiaoxiao really applied for the Department of Mathematics, Guan Ming estimated to throw the keyboard directly, GG Simida.

Until leaving Mu's house, Guan Ming didn't accept the money that Mu's father handed in. It was estimated that there were one thousand or eight hundred people, but it was not possible to report to Yongquan, but it also showed that he did not want to owe Guan Ming money, even if it was give more.

Uh ...

The product launch conference is held as scheduled. The term refers to the time arranged by Guan Ming, at the end of June.

Because I have already announced the approximate content of this product launch when I was invited before, the people who came here are very neat, and no one will ignore this cross-generation product.

"I'm bothering you this time. This is a new product from my company. You can take it home and try it. If you have any questions, you can always feel feedback." Guan Ming looked at himself in the mirror and said.

"Wait for a year, and finally wait until this day, I really want to hurry home and try, you know, I am a loyal user of holographic projection!" Lu Ning held a paper bag with a light tone, and the paper bag was a dynamic projection device.

This is the third time that Lu Ning has applied makeup to Guan Ming, but this is the first time that he has received Guan Ming's products. Although he did n’t give much money, even his business expanded to Guan Ming washing and blowing, but Lu Ning It's Gan Zhiruo.

The application of static projection is too wide. It was so widely used that Luning thought that it was just an entertainment electronic product.

When looking for Lu Ning's make-up before, it was a test of Lu Ning's immediate response, but now if the celebrity finds Lu Ning's make-up, he will first ask the other person to make a static projection, and then look at the static projection to figure out how to respond to the request to make up.

Because makeup is a time-consuming and low fault-tolerant industry, if you want to become a big player in the industry, you must first know every makeup, and holographic projection provides this condition!

"If you just like it before, then after you use this product, you will find an indispensable electronic product in your life, just like a computer phone." Guan Ming joked.

"The previous static projection can no longer leave my life." Lu Ning told the truth.

"It's almost time, I'll go down first." Looking at the time, Guan Ming said.

"Exactly, let's go together." This is the lounge of the building. Of course, Lu Ning would not stay here alone.

Uh ...

"Hello everyone, I'm Guan Ming. There are many people here today. I hope no one will be absent, because you will witness a great miracle!" Standing on the podium, Guan Ming looked at the people in the audience, in his heart A little nervous, even if he has had such an experience.

The audience laughed, and they all applauded with excitement.

蒙 Liu Mengmeng knows the gold content of this product launch. In order to prevent the media from playing big names, he specially wrote today's product information on the invitation.

The results are also very gratifying. Even Guan Ming, who disappeared in front of the media for almost a year, even a simple sentence can cause warm applause.

"The second-generation operable holographic projection is also a dynamic projection that everyone expects, which is what I want to introduce for you today." Guan Ming's voice suddenly rose a decibel, his voice was agitated.

Later, Guan Ming walked to the lecture table next to him and wore two 100% covered metal gloves. At the same time, he said, “If it ’s just a simple conversion from static to dynamic, it wo n’t take long, but I think that every time The update of the hardware must first have enough breakthrough points, otherwise a little bit of updating the fifth generation, the tenth generation, or even more, is just stealing money from users. "

"First, let me show you the effect of dynamic projection." Through a small microphone attached to the collar, Guan Ming's voice covered the entire lecture hall without any difference.

With Guan Ming's voice, everyone in the lecture hall put their eyes on the small black box squared on the floor of the lecture platform. From the appearance, it is not much different from the previous generation of products, but when Guan Ming clicked with the mouse, A projection on the same stage appears over the little black box, which is a running horse.

The left hand was closed and stretched forward, and then opened. The original half-meter horse instantly expanded to a length of two meters, as if it were a real horse running in the air, but unable to advance by one centimeter.

The large screen behind Guan Ming flashes the picture synchronously, magnifying both Guan Ming and Steed on the podium.

"WOW ~" The endless sound even converged into a large noise. Even if you are psychologically prepared, you can't help but be surprised after seeing this scene.

Although he knew that Guan Ming would not blindly release information, he did not expect that he would actually complete the dynamic holographic projection!

It's as if people always slumped the technology ten years later ~ ~ When and static projection was just launched on the market, people think that static projection is just that, but it turns out that even static projection has its application scope It is also very wide.

The reporters don't even know how to guess the application direction of dynamic projection.

Out of the podium, Guan Ming stood a little far away from the holographic projection and said, "It is well known that the operating part of the first generation of holographic projection is actually controlled by three points, while the operating part of the second generation extends the control In the two palms, metal is used to replace leather, and some people will ask, what is the point of doing this, is the texture of metal better than leather? But seeing is believing, because this is a bridge between virtual and reality! "

Guan Ming was close to the holographic projection, and saw two metal hands suddenly appearing next to the horse. Guan Ming's hands splayed forward, then he clenched his fists and pulled back strongly. On the holographic projection, the horse's head shoved to Guan Ming's side. , The original rhythmic running has also become a lot messy. You can even see the steeds grow big mouths, silent growls and swinging their heads, but they are pulled by the reins. The other end of the reins is like a giant. control!

The eyes of everyone on the stage were widened, and even some people couldn't help but stand up and wanted to see more clearly. The people who had been quietly watching the Ming performance couldn't help talking.

They only thought that dynamic projection is just a dynamic processing of projection on top of static projection, but did not expect that the so-called dynamic projection, the so-called second-generation operable holographic projection can be combined with virtual and reality!

PS: When the college entrance examination is in progress, you must cheer more. The college entrance examination is very important!

Thank you for the five rewards of one piece of Chinese cabbage. After seeing a row in the background, I thought the data was wrong ~ Thank you for your support!

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