Private Technology

: This is just a brave novel, nothing more

This is not a rigorous novel, please do not look at this novel with rigorous attitude!

I'm just a science fiction enthusiast, not a tech practitioner. I don't know if Newton's gravitation is absolutely reliable. I don't know if Einstein's "The Theory of Relativity" pry open Newton's coffin board. I don't know Elon What are Musk's rocket recovery technologies?

I don't know if the controllable fusion temperature will be thousands of degrees in the future.

I don't know that antigravity should be realized by magnetic field.

I don't know how the photon computer works.

I don't know what conditions are needed for quantum communication.

也不 I don't know that those superconductors have the best performance.

I don't know what the unit of supercomputing per second means.

太多 There are so many things I don't know, I really don't know everything.

I have a book friend who does n’t understand Baidu. I ’m Baidu. I do n’t know how to write Baidu, but if I can write on Baidu, there will not be so few science fiction novels. Some things are not as simple as Baidu.

I originally wrote this novel just to satisfy my personal vanity, but soon, I felt that it was already a burden, and a heavy burden.

I used to think that even if I did n’t write a novel well, I should be the best character writer, but I ’m sorry, but I found that even across the screen, sometimes I was really helpless and helpless, and I did n’t want to What did you say?

So far, I have only deleted a few comments, duplicate advertisements, and one scolding post by two book friends. The rest of the posts, whether it is support, check-in, or spit, I will not delete them. I will refine them all. I Look at each one, and I try to reply to each one, but I suddenly find that I have nothing to say, not because I can't say it, but I'm tired.

Can you imagine that some book friends deliberately found out my post, and then commented that it was really junk, and then a new post said that the author was really junk, and then a third post said that the novel was too poisonous and retreated.

I remember that I sat there in the computer for about five minutes, and then added fine, then said I'm sorry to waste your time and so on.

还能 What else can I do, delete posts? Scold back?

I have never asked for anything extra, nor have I asked for something extravagant for book friends. Except for daily requests for recommendations, I never said, "Begging for rewards" and so on. I even made money on the shelves. Try to drag things backwards, because I know that many book friends have the habit of watching piracy, and many book friends hope to extend the mood of the public chapter.

I can say without exaggeration that I will be available at the beginning of this month. I once asked the responsible editor about the issue of the shelves. I said when this book will be available, and the editor said that you can save it when you save it!

I have a manuscript. I have six or seven chapters in my manuscript. It's okay to put together ten chapters. Is it enough for me to deal with the day when it is on the shelves?

I'm not a rigorous science fiction novel. To put it plainly, this is a personal biography under the name of 'science fiction'. Please don't look with rigor.

I can't write science novels. I don't have that rigorous thinking and perfect theory.

I can't write a chapter without bugs, perfect people can't even write a chapter without typos, please don't look at this novel with a rigorous attitude.

I don't know what other science fiction novels are like in the face of these tweets. I don't want to delete posts, even now, even tweets.

I can't say: "Look at it, don't look at it", because I used to be a reader.

But I want to say that when you have the desire to vomit, why not try to relax, because you are so serious that you ca n’t help voicing, which will affect your mood.

From the plot to the person setting, I have n’t done enough. I admit that there are many bugs and many poisonous points, and even some readers groan while watching. Maybe this can be regarded as inseparable, laugh ~

I have a book friend telling me, don't worry about those who talk, be yourself, write what you think about.

OK, I survived the poisonous point of "Liu Mengmeng" in the first place. It ’s amazing that I have a little less behind me. This point I resisted the vomiting. After all, people are located here. I can say rudely, even if it ’s the most. 'Guanming', people set up less than 1/2, Liu Mengmeng didn't even finish 1/3, who can deny a character, even if it is the virtual character's past, the sadness and joy?

I can even say, why do I use the title ‘Houhou Xiangning has a kind’ to highlight the new character Li Minghui?

But technology-oriented bugs, I think it's impossible to be unaffected.

Many book friends said that what I want to see is the collision of science and technology, the rise of the country, and the commercial war. Why do you write a romance for me!

But every time I write a technology, if you swipe the screen, I really can't write.

Super calculation put electricity at home, this was leaked a long time ago!

But here I am, the air conditioner is more than 2000 yuan a month, do you believe it? I'll give you my address. How about you in person? And the super calculation at home is part of the operation and part of the non-operation, how much electricity does it take?

Well, I can count 10,000 yuan a month for electricity bills, but I am a novel, I am bragging!

In real society, how can I find ‘Mu Xiaoxiao’.

How can I find a senior **** who is waiting to die like Liu Mengmeng.

How can I find the golden finger that can see technology?

I'm bragging ~ ~ Don't take it seriously, if you take it seriously, how can I brag about it.

I do n’t want to have nuclear fusion in the future. I do n’t want to talk about material problems at the temperature of hundreds of millions. Let ’s just put the company in the book. Is there a place to put it?

科技 The science and technology of this novel has only developed to the present. Before I can blow Niubi into space, you just dragged me below. I can't really blow it.

When I wrote a novel in the science fiction category, it showed that I was mainly science and technology, but this 'technology' was formed under my personal bragging blessing. It is not real technology in reality. If I really understand everything, Do I have to write a novel? I have been a researcher at any research institute. Maybe I won the Nobel Prize.

But I'm bragging, old iron, I'm really bragging!

Please do n’t take my bragging part as real. You are tired, and I ’m tired. Why are we suffering for each other? I wrote awkwardly, and you do n’t like it, do you?

I will also add more refinement to the book review area. I will also follow my original thoughts and not delete the posts, but maybe I will not read every book review, every book review will be reviewed, I am really tired.

A lot of people say that the book review area is to ‘raise’. I do n’t want to discuss with you how harmful a trough comment is to collection recommendations. It ’s meaningless, at least it ’s meaningless to readers.

Let ’s do this first. This novel may be on the shelves in the near future.

Finally, no matter if you have supported or vowed me now, or now support or vowed me, and support or vowed me in the future, I still have to say thank you.

After all, your time is wasted, even if it is just reading my bragging time.

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