Private Technology

: 163 compensation

Time is rich, and there is no class in the fifth class. Mu Xiaoxiao also follows Guan Ming behind him, half a step behind, staring forward without squinting, as if a volcano erupted in front of him at any time.

I walked out of the building and walked south, there was a sports field over there.

"The company suddenly arranged it, but I didn't see your military training report performance. It's a pity." Guan Ming had nothing to talk about. Although he didn't show up in person, the problem was that the camera tracked it ...

"It's nothing, just that everyone is walking together and shouting a slogan." Glanced at Guan Ming, then looked forward.

"How's the recent lesson? Isn't time too full?" Guan Ming wasn't sure how enthusiastic Mu Xiaoxiao was about studying, but the state of study left in high school should not be a problem for the current study.

"It's okay, I usually have a lot of free time." The breeze blows the hair, Mu Xiaoxiao squints, smooths the scattered hair, step by step, and follows Guan Ming to the end of the sun.

Uh ...

所以 "So?" Guan Ming frowned, looking at Qian Junhao and asking.

"I hope you can understand, everyone doesn't want to, but the situation is so, who makes us inferior to others." Qian Junhao rubbed his temples and had a headache.

"I mean, why tell me this, whether it's money or the market, these things are not important to me." After finishing, Guan Ming got up and left.

I stood by the window and looked at the distant car, Qian Junhao murmured: "It's not heavy or ..."

Uh ...

I was sitting in the car, Guan Ming was unhappy, even if the car arrived at the company, Guan Ming did not intend to get off, and Zhou Wu would not rush.

Wan Bian's classmate entered the referendum with the purpose of making Wan Bian independent. As the backstage of the United States, he proposed the introduction of dynamic projection hardware technology based on the rejection of A Bian. In this matter, there are other large and small benefits exchanges, and the so-called introduction is just a license. The introduction of civilization is permitted, including the research and development licenses after the existing technology. Of course, this introduction also requires funding. Or something else, it's all up to Mingming's request.

Although Guan Ming expressed his understanding, it was more painful to think about it. Guan Ming never thought about hardware updates. In simple terms, it is a set of hardware that is old, but it involves this kind of bending and exchange of benefits. Guan Ming It is impossible not to sell dynamic projection technology. From monopoly to full bloom, it is impossible for Guan Ming to restore monopoly again. Even if he updates the hardware or other things, Guan Ming can only dominate most markets.

Guan Guanming felt deeply how the state would be left behind. He was unwilling to think about whether there were people in the country to gain benefits. He was more willing to think that when the country suffers, people should work hard.

Dominate the world with one country, and supremacy of white people-the United States has always been a cloud covering the development of the country. Political, military, economic, and so on, you can see that cloud that is difficult to disperse, like the poison of bone erosion, and you want to make yourself And the country's move towards true freedom is far from perfect.

I went back to my office, Guan Ming greeted Liu Mengmeng and asked her to come over.

"After a while, someone will come to talk about the dynamic projection hardware technology, and then choose a house for sale, but it must not be a loss." Seeing Liu Mengmeng came in, Guan Ming confuse her.

啊 "Ah? Let's sell the technology of dynamic projection hardware?" Liu Mengmeng asked incredulously.

"There are some things you don't know, but the sale is for sale, but the price must be reasonable." Guan Ming did not explain the idea.

The country has a wall, and some negative news about the country has been basically blocked. This is normal and very socialist, so Liu Mengmeng did not know about the referendum on joining the United Nations.

"But ..." Liu Mengmeng sketched twice, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what to say, how to describe it.

"Sit down and say, this is the case, but the cooperation partner still depends on what we choose, and not only one can choose." Capitalist countries are still the most capitalists. Obviously, there is no one who can fight for the financial path. I know that online dynamic projection orders are now scheduled to be in the middle of next year, and the market is far from being saturated.

"However, we are not short of money, or even spend money. If it is counted as money, will it be too ..." Money wasted.

But the company has made a lot of money so far. The order of holographic projection equipment is more than ten or twenty per second, because it is a prepayment, a dynamic projection is 20,000, and the cost is 2-3 million per second. Income, coupled with the static projection and the revenue of "Magic World", even if tax is included, Guan Ming can proudly say that in this world, there is nothing he needs to save money to buy.

Of course, this is a situation where the market is monopolized. In the future, this number will be reduced a lot, but the horrible flow of funds accumulated in the early stage has made Guan Ming out of the realm of pursuing money.

"... enterprise shares, real estate, land, etc., except for talents and old equipment, everything else can be asked." Guan Ming frowned, thought, and said.

Guan Ming is not pursuing much money now. If he wants to buy it, then replace it. He will receive the company shares and the land and real estate. If he does not make money, he will store the land. When you have money, you will not be able to buy land real estate. Your house price has soared ~ ~ Well, this is just the Q spirit of Guan Ming personally.

"Well, I will arrange a comprehensive evaluation of the holographic projection market, at least it cannot be sold cheaply." Liu Mengmeng also felt Guan Ming's attitude, and it is imperative to sell.

Opening his mouth, Liu Mengmeng just wanted to say something. Guan Ming's phone rang. He raised his hand and saw that he almost didn't throw the phone away. The call came from the oldest man he knew.

"Hey, hello." Although he couldn't see it, Guan Ming still sat upright.

Liu Mengmeng looked and knew that Guan Ming was on the phone with important people, pondered for a moment, got up and went to the opposite corner of the room.

Liu Mengmeng never thought that the people he knew were bigger than Guan Ming, because she said that she also worked part-time, but she was just pushed to the front.

"Qian Junhao told you?" The voice on the phone couldn't hear joy and sorrow.

"Yes, Secretary Qian told me, I have no opinion here." Guan Ming should never be hard **** when it should be counseled, after all, **** is not.

"The promises you made were not fulfilled, not for domestic reasons, but you can rest assured that the country will not treat you badly. In the next few days, there will be a negotiation team to help you negotiate. In addition to this group, there are other compensations, such as ..."

After hanging up the phone, Guan Ming leaned on the sofa and thought quietly ...

PS: Thank you Wu Da Sheng Fei, book friend 150828232601916, old boy for giving a reward, thank you for your support!

I did n’t want to break the chapter because it will be a poison point tomorrow, but after thinking about it, it is here. After all, many plots promote the character transformation of the protagonist. Among them are joys and sorrows. Of course, this plot is not sad. , Tomorrow, I will go code.

Oh, by the way, it will be on the shelves tomorrow at about 12 noon.

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