Private Technology

: One hundred and sixty-five good fruits (two / ten)

An inflatable mattress was placed in the pool, and Guan Ming was comfortably bathed in the sun. Although there were fewer watermelons in September, some late-ripening watermelons also tasted good.

On the shore is a small stereo, which contains the songs of Zhou Dong's latest album, which is said to be the latest, but it was actually a song from November last year.

Guan Ming likes talented people very much.

Like taking ecstasy, he arched on the inflatable mattress.

"Honestly, it's like pumping." Guan Ma wore a swimming ring around her waist, and came down two or three, almost slap Guan Ming down.

"You are going to play with my dad, we are not suitable." With a finger, Guan Ming pulled the sunglasses down, his tone was extremely helpless.

Recently, the news reported that the wind is not right. For this transaction, the domestic media have been declining, mainly because it is a trendy product, and it is still a hot product, so it is inevitable that some people will be upset. In good intentions, he still had a dark heart, and was leading to bad places.

And the newspapers and magazines that know what is going on ca n’t publish the truth of the matter. After all, the curve and the dynamic projection are not connected to each other. What ’s more important is that it ’s humiliating to say it. After all, it ’s Harm the interests of Guanming.

The compensation given to Guan Ming from the upper levels is not excessive for a country. The special services are fine, mainly for sealing, and not just for dynamic projection.

The darkness behind me cannot be explained under the sun. Some bad comments naturally affect the steward and mother. The old couple's original Maldives sunset red honeymoon trip was hurriedly interrupted, and they went back to see their son to see if his son was ill. It's a broken heart, or a cramp.

"Go, day by day, nonspeaking." Guan Ming gave a blank look, and Guanma didn't ask for help, but he climbed up on the inflatable mattress. As a result, the swimming ring on his waist was too big and he didn't wait for Guan Ming. Reflecting it, the ship capsized.

Looking at the daughter-in-law who fell into the water, the father turned his back, and he couldn't see or be upset. After all, the scene of his son being chased by his daughter-in-law was like trying to participate in it, and evolved into a mixed male and female doubles.

However, Guan Dian still has to cook.

Yes, Guan Dao personally cooks at noon today. Although Guan Ma is the chef at home, Guan Da rarely cooks, mainly because Guan Da is too lazy to do the cooking.

They all say that home is a harbor of the soul. After being wronged, they go home to find their mother and find comfort.

Although Guan Ming has always been cheerful and carefree, the old couple was afraid that their son would be wronged and said to themselves that the hard work of making money was to make them full of the world.

In my last life, Guan Ming lost love for a while and was in a bad mood, but to be honest, the overhead was really small. It happened that Guan Ming wanted to buy a house and keep it for future marriage. As a result, Guan Ming thought about this. It ’s my own house. I must make great efforts. I ca n’t let my parents refinance the house. As a result, Guan Ming took more than half of the funds from the small vault. Guan Ming later talked so much that he made things clear, and as a result ...

Helping Guan Ma out of the pool, Guan Mingshun threw the swimming ring in one hand and kicked him into the pool. There was a roar from his mother behind him. Guan Ming trot all the way to Guan Da.

"Haha, I ate something at noon today." Guan Dao and Ma's thoughts, Guan Ming also knew that they would naturally follow the wishes of the old couple, happy and heartless.

"Well, it's good to eat good fruit." There was a cigarette in his mouth. Today the wind is not strong, so in the open-air barbecue, Guan Da squinted his eyes and stared at Guan Ming.


After saying hello to the old couple, Liu Mengmeng followed Guan Ming upstairs, but she always felt that the old couple was strange. She used her woman's sixth sense as a guarantee.

"How is it today?" Guan Ming asked, taking a seat.

Because things are more important, Liu Mengmeng reports every night. During this period, there are more people in the company, and the security part has naturally been upgraded, so Guan Ming is not afraid that the exposure of the father and mother will affect their lives. .

Guan Ming will also pay attention to the rumors outside, and even use Double Star to eavesdrop on the other party's bottom line, but unfortunately, I probably know that Guan Ming's technology is 'black'. These guys are rarely inside the Double Star Building discuss.

"At present, Google should be the first to go out, because you said that you don't need technology, to be precise, you don't need civilian technology. The analyst photographed above said that there are two best trading directions. One is to collect BAT as much as possible. The second is to gain shares in foreign consortia to realize national industries. The second is to try to enter resource-based enterprises, such as iron ore and petroleum. "

"You don't need to take special care of American companies?" Guan Ming asked curiously. After all, this time the US-led transaction, and the United States is not an angel country ~ ~ As far as Guan Ming knows, BAT is The United States, one is Japan, the other is South Africa, and the resource-based enterprise, iron ore Rio Tinto is more famous, and for oil, American companies also have it, but this kind of resources ...

"Now it's the seller's market. This transaction is plain, it just opens a window, and the United States is only responsible for opening the window. As for who can climb in, it depends on the individual, at least that means it." Liu Mengmeng shrugged.

At first, she thought that this kind of transaction was imperative. After all, all the people came down, and to be honest, it also had political intentions. At the beginning, how many state-owned enterprises sold at a loss, so that many N people became rich.

But I did not expect that the loss was not as large as expected, or that this was originally a normal transaction.

"That is to say, they need to replace themselves with what we want?" Guan Ming's rare IQ went online.

"Indeed, this is our idea. Anyway, the resources we need are here, and who we trade with is our choice, but ..." Speaking of this, Liu Mengmeng hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Liu Mengmeng was always bold, and Guan Ming didn't expect her to hesitate.

"I feel like there are other deals on my head, the kind I don't know." Even in Guan Mingjia, even in the study, even if there were only two people, Liu Mengmeng was suppressing his voice, almost murmuring.

"Oh, there is no need to control this, we are not responsible." Guan Ming is very open-minded about this, and it is not good. There is no righteousness and morality in front of the country. In terms of volume, individuals cannot compete with the country. .

After this incident, Guan Ming did not pay much attention to the loss at hand. At least the country has compensation, and some things cannot be done with money, either personally or nationally.

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