Private Technology

: One hundred and seventy-three 呲 1 land (ten / ten)

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Liu Mengmeng has a toothache these days, mainly because he got angry. He finally found the courage to go to the boss's wife to sue. As a result, his boss came to the company twice and then he did n’t come. I really want to quit.

But this is just thinking about it. She has more than one, and less one, and is too willful and bad for her body, so Liu Mengmeng decided to talk to Guan Ming.

"Anything? Don't worry, I'll talk about it next time. I have something here." He looked up at his watch. It was almost time for lunch. Mu Xiaoxiao made a special call to ask him to come out and prepare to pay the money.

For Guan Ming, money is not important, what is important is people.

"It's nothing, just a few words, boss, our company's dynamic projection has increased the proportion of orders falling these days, and there is a phenomenon of returning orders." Liu Mengmeng wanted to find a better point of contact and let his boss ask questions.

"Oh, it's okay, normal phenomenon." Guan Ming said absently, while staring at her, it was obvious that she had something to hurry to say, nothing to hurry.

"Boss, aren't we launching a new product? When can you come up with it? It's okay to get a concept first." Liu Mengmeng would not dare to sell any more, otherwise it would be easy to get kicked.

"This is the case, this is the case." Looking at the sky, Guan Ming felt that the sun in front of the house was a little bit sun, and greeted Liu Mengmeng to hide at the foot of the wall, at least without direct sunlight.

Liu Mengmeng is the second-largest company in the company. Guan Ming really has to explain something to him. If she is also confused, the company may not be able to stabilize in this period of time.

After knowing Guan Ming's thoughts, Liu Mengmeng's first reaction was to give a thumbs up, then he gave no praise, and at the same time his expression was sincere and unpretentious.

Although Guan Ming knew that most of the exaggerated ingredients were in it, Guan Ming smelled shameful and accepted the praise, and then let her get out of the way.

Liu Mengmeng finally got out of the way, but she said whether she would find a time period to let the wind out. Guan Ming said that this is to see Liu Mengmeng's own arrangements, but pay attention to time and market reflections. After all, this is a hardware start. Although there was no castration of civilian technology before the transaction, it is inevitable that there will be some flaws in this regard.

Civil and military programs are two types of programs. Although civilian technology is not exclusive, it does not mean that civilian technology can be used to decrypt military products. Otherwise, the state cannot decide to liberalize the civilian market.


"Well, so clear of soup?" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's cabbages, Guan Ming taunted.

Mu Xiaoxiao is happy without meat. Today he ate rice noodles and didn't order beef fillet or fish balls. Even from the soup color, it was very light.

"I'm afraid to put on the braces." Mu Xiaoxiao spoke carefully with her upper lip wrapped in the upper row of teeth.

"Can't make it, the doctor said that pay attention to oral hygiene, terrific after eating, brush your teeth, use toothpicks." Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao so talking, Guan Ming tried to be awkward.

"Huh." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded strongly, then gave a secret glance to the left and right, similar to the underground party. Then he pulled out a wallet from his pocket, brushed out the silver, and counted it. The red old man's head folded into a slap. The small square quickly plugged into Guan Ming's hand.

"Hold it yourself and go back and buy something to eat. If your mother asks, she said I took it. You manage my brother for a few thousand dollars a month, which is not worse than yours." Guan Ming's body Lean back and avoid.

"No, my mother told me to give it to you." Mu Xiaoxiao kept his arms outstretched, and his expression was extremely firm, as if he was not holding money in his hand, it was an explosive package, and Guan Ming was not a friend, a class enemy. .

"Pull it, and eat quickly." Guan Ming is unlikely to accept the money. It is better that Mu Xiaoxiao keeps the flowers himself. Although it is likely that he will spend it in the end, it does not matter.

This is the school cafeteria, not a restaurant room. The passing classmates looked at Mu Xiaoxiao strangely. I didn't know what kind of illness this female classmate had, and it was pretty good, but this action was a bit mentally handicapped.

There was sweat on his head, his face flushed, and his insistence was not rewarded. Mu Xiaoxiao had to put the money back in his pocket.

"Did you laugh at you after putting on the braces?" Guan Ming saw Mu Xiaoxiao unhappy and asked.

"There aren't a few." The voice was a little dull, and she felt an upset attitude.

"Oh, I heard Ma Sister said, that stinky kid told Ma Sang to scold him back. I heard that one kid was still being stabbed?" Guan Ming said easily.

In fact, this was only known after Guan Ming. After all, only Ma Qingyun was with Mu Xiaoxiao. It was impossible for her to call for an adult while beating him.

"His ~ Ma is so cruel to start with, nosebleeds are coming out, and hesitated." Although Mu Xiaoxiao was reluctant to mention this topic, but thinking of the scene at the time, Mu Xiaoxiao was also dark-hearted, after all At that time, the male student's mouth was too cheap and he had no sight.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, used chopsticks as a paintbrush, and made a special comparison of how the nosebleed came out.

"Hey ~ Ma Ma is mighty." Guan Ming heard it and gave a thumbs up cheerfully.

For the daring to tease the existence of Mu Xiaoxiao, hitting the nosebleed is the lightest, not to mention hitting the nosebleed, even if a fracture is broken, he can handle it, Guan Ming is in charge of the hospital to treat the nutritional supplements. For nothing else, it is to spend money. I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you.

Of course, the actual situation is not so serious. In Ma Qingyun's words, the kid's mouth is too cheap, the person is too face, and he can't get up with a fist on the ground ~ ~ It is probably the hair near the nose Blood vessels, so nosebleeds.

However, considering Mu Xiaoxiao's bragging thoughts, the word ‘,’ is the essence of Guan Ming ’s use!

Mu Xiaoxiao has classes in the afternoon. Considering that Guan Ming will not accept these 500 oceans, Mu Xiaoxiao decided to go tonight to go corruption and go to the cheapest KTV nearby for two hours. Of course, he also invited Guan Ming, otherwise Mu Xiaoxiao also Uneasy in my heart.

Guan Ming doesn't have much time here. He can fight until dawn, but he needs to call Guan Ma and tell him to come back later tonight.


At 9 o'clock in the evening, no one asked to eat, but Daddy went downstairs with an unhappy expression, and found that his wife actually watched TV in the living room, then looked at his watch, and found that it was almost eating supper!

"Baby, what will you eat tonight." Guan Dad has been playing Mahjong this afternoon from now until now, and won once. The game currency that he won in the past few days is fully filled in. He also rushed a bunch of game currency. Of course, there are few left till now.

"Anyway, you have to eat your own bar. I watch TV." Guan Ma watched "Exploration · Discovery". Today I am talking about oil painting. Although I ca n’t understand it, I am happy and cheerful. I want to improve my self-cultivation Now, three generations are noble, and the management mother is like this, but she hopes that her future grandchildren will be more expensive.

"Ah? Then you eat it tonight?" Guan Dian felt like he had missed his job.

"It's enough for me to eat fruit," Guan Ma said, pointing back to the cherry on the coffee table.

"Wait a while, Xiaoming people?" Guan Dad continued to ask.

"Oh, he called in the afternoon and said that he would come back later in the evening. He has something to do. What's wrong?" Guan Ma said impatiently and said in a bad tone.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Guan Dian wanted to ask: Why didn't he know anything ...

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