Private Technology

: 214 Corgi's Song

Mu Xiaoxiao picked up the dog and took a look, but Guan Ming said that he only paid for it, anyway, he didn't know what dog was a good dog.

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao had prepared in advance. After knowing Guan Ming's identity, she consciously thought that the other party had no time to ignore these little things. The sensible Mu Xiaoxiao said that she was still young and had a good memory.

"So, this one?" Guan Ming asked, looking at the yellow-and-white puppy.

"It's it, it's it." Crouching on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the dog in the small cage excitedly, and tried to put her fingers into the cage, but her hand was slightly fat ...

This unfortunate dog shivered in the corner, he still doesn't understand why a big face suddenly appeared outside the cage, and there was actually metal in his mouth, which scared the dog ...

"This girl has a good vision. This Corgi dog in my family is just a puppies who have just arrived. It is only three months old now, and ..." The owner is a man in his forties and sees Mu Xiaoxiao so unabashed He expressed his love, and he was very happy.

Because in this case, the price can be reached, especially the man who is next to him, usually represents pride, even if there is no money, it will be bought directly because of face, so in general, it is absolutely profitable.

For Balabala, Mu Xiaoxiao listened or not, and Guan Ming did the same, but just listened to the price and nodded arbitrarily without expressing any opinions.

But a few of Liu Chunmei's colleagues were a little bit sore.

What's so special, if one is less than ten catties, it is not too expensive!

However, if you think about it, they won't be reconciled. After all, this is a matter for the two of them, and it has nothing to do with them. Maybe Guan Ming pretended to be a hero to attract Mu Xiaoxiao.

The small animals are very cute, and Liu Chunmei's people also go to find their favorite animals, even if they don't raise them, it's good to touch them. After all, they feel like ...

The price of more than a thousand is not a problem for Guan Ming, and Mu Xiaoxiao knows Guan Ming's value, although a little embarrassed, but considering that she cannot afford to buy pickles this month, it will be Let it flow, anyway, in the end to feed the Guan Ming family, the ultimate ownership of this dog is still Guan Ming, let him pay money is not unreasonable!

Mu Xiaoxiao is so self-consoling ...

After knowing that this dog is a Corgi, Guan Ming's first reaction was "Song of Corgi". Although I forgot what the lyrics were, it was a very happy song in the impression.

The shop owner recommends dog food, saying it is Corgi's favorite, buy buy buy.

The owner of the shop recommends kennels, saying it is particularly comfortable, buy and buy.

The shop owner recommends toys, saying it is suitable for puppies, buy buy buy.

The owner recommends ...

Choose a dog for half an hour, buy a dog for five minutes, and the remaining two hours are all played in a pet shop. It can be seen that Mu Xiaoxiao prefers medium and large dogs. This Corgi bought it, but this guy is slippery. Ran to see the Husky go.

If Corgi had such a high IQ, it would probably collapse.

Because Guan Mingbuu is a girl, not a dog. Although this Corgi is sold, he is still in a cage. Both masters went to see other dogs!

"It's still husky funny, look at it, it's so fun ~" Pointing to the husky in the cage, Mu Xiaoxiao tone pleased.

The siberian husky's expression was probably 'boring', and his big tongue stuck out and flung to the side.

But considering Mu Xiaoxiao's own stupid skills, it is probably the same sex.

"It's so stupid, it's definitely troublesome to raise. Maybe I'll slap the sofa and the shoes every day." Guan Ming scared Mu Xiaoxiao.

Although it ’s a bit bad to use dogs and people, in fact, dogs are just like humans. As long as the previous education is proper, there is nothing wrong with them, just like military dogs. No military dog ​​is special. Husky's record as a military dog.

"Husky's words are indeed a bit worse. In fact, small dogs are also good. I heard that it is still not good to let big dogs out in the city. Corgi's words should be fine." Li Minghui squatted beside Mu Xiaoxiao, persuading .

Looking at Li Minghui, Guan Ming nodded with gratitude. After all, with regard to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming was still easy to compromise.

"But medium-sized dogs are very interesting ..." muttered quietly, and Mu Xiaoxiao no longer demanded.

Maybe I want to have a sense of identity. Mu Xiaoxiao is not a tough person. When I heard Li Minghui say that, she thinks it ’s okay to have a small dog. At least she can take it out.

"Obviously, what if the big dog goes crazy, we can't fight again, but it hurts to be bitten." Touching Mu Xiaoxiao's head, Li Minghui's intimidation was in place.

Originally trying to reach into the cage and drag his tongue, Mu Xiaoxiao retracted his fingers in shock, and the shop owner's face was almost green.

Fortunately, there is no one in the store except Guan Ming and his party, otherwise the owner of the store will definitely come up and talk about it.

In the afternoon, Mu Xiaoxiao had classes. After he was invited to lunch at noon, Guan Ming held a bunch of things to find Zhou Wu.

On the side of the road, Zhou Wu quickly got out of the car and helped Guan Ming move things. Don't look at Corgi's short legs, but there are really many miscellaneous things.

"You will train the puppy, take this Corgi for me first." Sitting in the car, the air conditioner was blowing in the air, and Guan Ming was lying in the car lazily.

Have a dog? Stop it, Guan Ming only eats dogs.

"Yes, but you'd better take the time to contact it every day, lest you don't talk to you." Zhou Wu never raised a dog, but he never said no, not as obvious as Liu Mengmeng's flattering, but he also had to do it for him Think about your career.

After all, he is not too young, and it is not easy to find a stable job with high wages and low dangers.

As for raising a dog, look back online, and even ask your comrades to ask, these are trivial matters, nothing more than no actual operation.

"Okay." Guan Ming agreed readily, without any delay.

Looking out the window, Guan Ming pondered the future fate of this Corgi.

If it was not Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming would also buy a dog, but not for pets, at least not just for pets.

At the beginning of last month, the binary star analyzed the biological enzymes that act on DNA. Now the experimental stage is underway. Guan Ming's final goal is naturally biochip ~ ~, and biochip needs individual experiments, and Guan Ming needs Is this kind of experimental individual.

Guan Ming's company is not the umbrella company in the movie. He still rejects human experiments, but if he conducts animal experiments, he will not have so much resistance.

Of course, the experiment is definitely rising from the white mouse.

Touching Corgi's dog's head, Guan Ming fantasized about the scene behind the biochip x his head.

Probably ... it will be fun ...

The company's three floors underground, in the biological laboratory, the robot arm is operated finely without any mistakes and hesitation.

Beakers, test tubes and a series of items, under the operation of the robotic arm, there is no trace of pause.

Three floors underground, not only Guan Ming's laboratory, but also the Double Star's laboratory.

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