Private Technology

: 220 The remainder is king!

At noon, Guan Ming ate with the school leader. Guan Ming originally wanted to go to Mu Xiaoxiao, but Mu Xiaoxiao might be a little enthusiastic. She doesn't want Guan Ming's name like "entrepreneur" on her body. Perhaps, even if she is stupid, she knows that her life will change dramatically after she reveals her identity.

She is not a student of the School of the Arts, and she does not want much attention from the outside world.

Not all Cinderellas have a pair of crystal shoes, and not all ugly ducklings can become white swans.

The initial resistance was probably due to Mu's words. However, when Mu's permission was granted, Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid because of her identity.

Love can be imperfect, but it is better not to be incomplete, timid as a mouse, longing for cheese on the table, but afraid of evil cats peeping, I do n’t know if the cheese was eaten by himself, or by another bold mouse Eat it.

"It's incredible. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do technology. I really want to start a business now!"

"Please, most of them said, the content, the important thing is the content." Li Feifei then groaned, and then turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, proudly said: "Xiao Xiao, did you see the same name, different lives, The most important thing is that you haven't come here to see today. Didn't you say you work for a computer company? Cut ~ "

I don't know if the clarinet becomes a habit, or he is obsessed and catches the opportunity, Liu Feifei will not let go.

She poked and turned her head, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to ignore her.

It's still a big deal, you are often called a little pipe by my mother, and it scares you out! Mu Xiaoxiao murmured in his heart, and also felt that Guan Ming really could hide.

No, you can't say that you can hide, after all, most people don't connect celebrities to people around them, especially when they are just ordinary people.

The circle of friends is very strange. The positioning of itself and the positioning of friends can only be combined into a circle.

"It can't be said like this, although Mu Xiaoxiao's Guan Ming is not the same as Guan Ming, but it's not bad. I hope that someone who treats me so well can be a boyfriend." Li Minghui said with a smile.

"Cut, he's not my boyfriend. You like to give it to you." Mu Xiaoxiao's refutation of conditioned reflexes, meanwhile with disdain on his face.

"I'm afraid you will cry your nose in the future ~" Li Minghui's eyebrows were bent, and Mu Xiaoxiao's face was narrowed.

"Hmm ~" He snorted, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything ruthless, and at the same time he didn't know what his mentality was. He always felt that there was some illusory, maybe some illusory imagination ...

"President Guan, the industries mentioned before should be true." After dinner, Wang Borong accompanied Guan Ming to go to school, surrounded by security guards who were temporarily deployed by Guan Ming. After all, Guan Ming has not changed his clothes and Remover, be careful in this regard.

"Although it takes ten years to prove me, I don't have to tell a lie that can be seen in only ten years." Guan Ming shook his head.

Guan Ming was a small person in his life. Do n’t tell the truth, even if it ’s a lie, not many people are willing to listen to it. But now Guan Ming ’s identity is different. Excessive interpretation of the meaning of this sentence.

When Wang Borong heard it, he didn't continue to ask, and then talked about the history of the school.

The content of Guan Ming's speech is a lot of dry goods. If the development of the market and technology in the future is exactly what Guan Ming said, then what Guan Ming said really has a lot of room for operation.


Live broadcast, Weibo, VR, holographic projection, mobile payment.

Guan Ming pointed out five ways in the morning. From the length of the introduction, Guan Ming mainly promoted live broadcast and Weibo.

From the current industrial chain, VR and holographic projection are the most direct. From the industrial layout, mobile payment is another important area.

University lectures that the media didn't care about originally appeared, but this kind of anecdote appeared. The five industries combined together have a scale of at least tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars, but were thrown away by Guan Ming at will.

This kind of news does not need to be noticed the next day. Just in the afternoon of that day, there is a full video of Guan Ming's speech on the Internet. It can be seen from the angle that this is not a complete recording of a device, but a clip and paste. The video has blurry, clear, and jittery parts. From the third row to the penultimate row, there are various positions. Obviously, the students gathered and organized the videos they recorded.

"I rely on it, it's easy to control the money and waywardness, and it feels very irritating!"

"I don't know how many people have seen this video. Will they be shot dead on the shore when starting a business now?"

"Specially, which group of grandsons are so unethical and online soon?"

"Breast upstairs, you seem to have leaked something ..."

Stepping on a video website that was launched at the end of last year, under Guan Ming's video, the number of comments has soared, and webpage traffic has increased much faster than others.

Guan Ming has never regarded himself as too light or too heavy, because he knows that even money is not almighty. After all, he also regards money as dung. Of course, money is not almighty, but at least it is 9,000. can.

It is not just ordinary people that are driven by interests, but also some companies.

"Now, let's talk about your views." Compared to ordinary people's enthusiasm and the chase of the media, some fairly large companies are looking at Guan Ming's "golden ideas" with a cautious attitude.

Guan Ming is big, no problem.

Make a lot of money ~ ~ No problem.

But it is worth noting that he does not make money by making content. Even the game "Magic World", which is now ported to VR and holographic projection, is technically inherently crushed.

It can be said that Guan Ming relies more on his technical advantages to make money.

It's not that he beats all invincible players in the world, but that he has no opponents at all.

It is very interesting to rely on your counterparts, but Guan Ming cannot find anyone to set off.

To interpret the future market as a professional scientist and amateur entrepreneur, to be honest, those who have the ability to toss in the mall have expressed caution.

The game in the mall is a long-distance running sport. It is not victory to start first, but victory is to run to the end with a smile.

The so-called end point is to kill all peers, and the rest is king!

"From the perspective of the future and industry described by Guan Ming, the possibility of monopolization is not high. Guan Ming's analysis is good. In the early stage, it may be possible to rely on creativity to make small and big, but in the end, it still needs large funds to plunder content producers. If it is a small business or a start-up, it can grow into a behemoth after AB round of financing, and further deepen under the premise of Guan Ming's analysis of the market, the financing should not be too difficult. "

"Weibo, mobile payment ..." The man sitting on the theme murmured to himself, forefinger tapping on the table and thinking about it.

For the existing, the best entry point is Weibo, and the best industrial layout is mobile payment. After all, live broadcast requires hardware support, while VR and holographic projection belong to transformation, grassroots companies, and even personal career directions.

Of course, large companies can also get involved in VR and holographic projection, but the competition in this segment is the competition for professionals.

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