Private Technology

: Two hundred seventy

"In terms of accuracy, it can be accurate to about half a meter." Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

This is not Guan Ming's nonsense. His hardware is bought on the market and belongs to the mainstream products in the market. It can only reach the accuracy of half a meter, but the problem is that there are double stars.

Each navigation satellite has a photon computer inside. Although the volume is not large, it is really not small as a supplementary unit for the calculation of double stars.

At the same time, with the amount of calculation of the double star, it can accurately position to the degree of centimeter.

Except for the first satellite, Guan Ming is mainly integrated. Although the current 'comprehensive' range is relatively small, there are still optical telescopes, which are only aimed at the earth, and their locations are relatively secretive. It is also much smaller.

Encouraged Guan Ming to consider his own safety first, and then the stars and the sea. Let the space telescope be left to others to do.

Counseling and non-counseling are manifested in having opposite choices for different events.

If Guan Ming becomes Xiang Yu, he can never do anything to break the boat, but first hide the cat and point to the technology tree, then see if the situation continues, or continue ...

"It's a pity ..." Zhou Wanli felt a little regretful and relieved.

The gap between official scientists and wild scientists in support and knowledge accumulation is still very obvious. Although it has not reached the centimeter level and failed to meet certain conditions, Zhou Wanli is still relieved, at least it will not look too shameful.

The country's human and material resources and time have been devoted to science and technology. As a result, it has not yet hit a private enterprise boss. This is too shameful to say.

"I'm going to use it, anyway, it's an enterprise level." With a shrug, Guan Ming didn't have a look of embarrassment because he was lying.

Transcendental technology can bring transcendental status. Guan Ming's understanding of ‘transcendent’ refers to at least one generation of science and technology, and the vast majority.

"Well ... if that's the case, I'll tell you the truth." Nodded, Zhou Wanli removed some of the content and changed his speech.

"At present, the recovery of rockets has not yet entered the second experimental stage, and all the rockets of the country currently have their own carrying missions, and they are queued for a long time. If you want to launch rockets, the base can provide launches. Service, but compared to the last time, it may cost a bit more, and the launch interval will be a little longer. If the rocket is successfully recovered, the interval will be about half a month. "

From the mouth of Zhou Wanli, but it is the decision made above.

There is no meaning of pit management, because the rocket recovery is currently the world's first case. Once the recovery is successful, it is not called true success. After all, this thing is also probable. In case of failure, the rocket will be scrapped directly.

In fact, if we look at the launch records, domestic rockets really have records of launches to other countries, but the problem is that the country has no ability to cancel or move orders.

"Money is not a problem. I want to ask. How many recyclable rockets do we currently have in our base?" Guan Ming really didn't think much about money.

Because Guan Ming has now reached the point where "things that can be solved with money are nothing," but there are many things in the world that cannot be settled with money.

For example, Wanwan, if the United States said how much money you give me, I will not protect Wanwan, and the country will certainly be able to afford it.

If you say the United States, how much money you give me, I will not protect South Korea and Japan, it is estimated that these two countries can climb to the capital to pay protection fees.

"There is only one at the moment, are you anxious?" Zhou Wanli was a little confused.

During the half-month maintenance period, the rocket can be launched twice a month. According to the calculation of the last rocket and satellite, it can achieve two birds with one stone. Even if it is a stone with one stone, it is only 15 to 16 months.

The country started to launch Beidou navigation satellites in 2000. By 2007, it could only provide domestic navigation services. Although it is also because of continuous technological innovation, it can also be seen that launching satellites cannot be anxious.

"It's more anxious. Our technology is still applied to previous rockets? I think the carrying capacity of Long March 3B is quite good." Guan Ming wants to launch satellites in large quantities, and will naturally deliberately understand the domestic rocket carrying capacity. Otherwise, a satellite with a weight of ten or twenty tons will be produced, and no rocket can shoot it, unless it is the Saturn V of NASA in the United States.

"The technology is immature and cannot be transplanted to the Long March 3B." When Zhou Wanli heard it, he immediately shook his head. Although he had left the front line of scientific research, he still used the domestic rocket data. He wondered in his mind that Guan Ming was afraid of the satellite. One ton is scooped out, at least 800KG or more.

Because as long as it exceeds 800KG, let alone the shape of the satellite, at least half of the weight can be achieved.

"Let ’s do this, me. Let ’s fund our rocket base and see if we can get three more recyclable rockets and fight for eight times a month." After thinking about it, Guan Ming said.

"Ha? You pay for three more rockets?" Zhou Wanli didn't respond all of a sudden ~ ~ asked incredulously.

This is a rocket, not a bicycle.

Let's not talk about the cost, let's just talk about the materials. The bicycle made of wood is environmentally friendly, can also ride, and pulls the wind. Who has seen a rocket made of wood that can shoot into the sky? Can I take the satellite to heaven?

"Money is not a problem. I can pay it in full here, including the fees I need to pay when launching the rocket. These are not the problems." Guan Ming thought the other party was frightened by the money.

Just for a rocket, Guan Ming can't shoot brightly on his own, otherwise Guan Ming could use a metal printer and a double star to pile it up.

Guan Ming's biggest expense in the recent period was to order two private jets, with an average price close to 200 million yuan, or US dollars. Guan Ming really didn't believe that the cost of the three rockets could make him difficult.

In terms of assets, Elon Musk's peak period was also inferior to Guan Ming, and as a result, they launched rockets exclusively.

"Uh ... it's not a question of money, and it's not right. Even if the money is in place, retrofitting the rocket is a slow job, including materials and other things. It's impossible for you to pay for the money, it can be changed here." Letting go, the approval of building a rocket is not difficult, and the base is research-oriented, and the launch site is not enough.

"It's okay, make a puppet first, and apply for it above. I can get it out if I have money. I just hope that my 30 satellites can be shot into the sky as soon as possible." Guan Ming pondered for a moment, or decided to fund the rocket, now There are 30, and there will be one or two hundred in the future. Multi-point rockets do not suffer, and the right to support the country.

"His ... Okay, but it might not be cheap if you have money." Shaking his head, Zhou Wanli rubbed his head and said weakly.

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