Private Technology

: 280 I have never seen such a brazen person!

When he woke up and found himself in someone's arms, Mu Xiaoxiao was probably in an aggressive state at the moment.

She had never imagined this before, let alone experience.

Now she just secretly prayed that Guan Ming could find out by conscience, don't use his hands and sneak out.

No, there is no need to go out, even if it is out of arms, Mu Xiaoxiao sleeps and wakes up!

Suddenly the body warmed up, probably a blood spurt. The most shameful thing was that it seemed to drool ...


The cheek can feel the presence of saliva, and it is his own saliva.

Mu Xiaoxiao is so sad, she wants to find a mouse hole to drill in, and never be a human again!

Feeling that Guan Ming's body was moving, he probably slumped down. Mu Xiaoxiao's body went into a rigid state, faithfully playing a dead body, and even the movement of swallowing drool silently was forbidden.

The air rushed across the face and the lips and teeth touched.


I wiped my mouth with a quilt, and it was all drooling.

Guan Ming suspected that the product was drinking too much water before taking a nap, or that the saliva was strong, or that the woman was made of water?

Even Guan Ming now suspects that the usual weight loss of this product is not to lose weight.

The tongue is very soft, but it is no different from the salted fish floating on the water. It does not get any response at all.

Pulling her hand carefully under her neck, Guan Ming was going to change her posture. After all, the posture just now was a bit awkward and put too much pressure on her neck.

Well, the ideal angle is to squat by the bed.

"Hmm ... why are you here?" As soon as his hand was pulled out, Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled and woke up, looking at Guan Ming with a look of surprise, as if he saw something incredible.

Looking at the cheeks that are red to the ears, watching that side of the cheeks wet with saliva, and the exaggerated acting.

Guan Ming can only give her 60 points, and she is awake now.

"Uh ... I want to wake you up." Mu Xiaoxiao was still nestling in Guan Ming's arms, and her head was raised.

However, Guan Ming lied regardless of time and place.

Anyway, everyone knows, either kill me or let me go!

"You!" Mu Xiaoxiao's face was almost green. When she sat up, she forgot about the pain in her buttocks.

Asshole, just take advantage of me, turn my head and lie to me, am I so deceived!

I have never seen such a brazen person!

Take the quilt and wipe your face and mouth, mainly with saliva.

Boss staring at the eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao's red face was angry, saying angry birds.

Guan Ming suffered a lot under Mu Xiaoxiao. The main opponent's steel teeth were too fierce, and he was good at using the mallet.

"Doesn't it hurt when you sit up?" The ill-mannered Guan Ming decisively changed the topic to prevent this imagination from coming to an end.

"His ~" The expression was distorted, Mu Xiaoxiao changed from kneeling to kneeling, sweating all over her head, she didn't know if it was urgent or painful.

"Now that you are awake, pack up and get ready to leave." Guan Ming didn't dare to pinch her too much, took his own clothes and got up to run.

Looking at Guan Ming's movements, Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned a little unnaturally, extending from the ribs to the clothesline, all of which were watermarks. Mu Xiaoxiao was also wondering, she didn't remember what dreams she had at noon. Slightly larger.

Seeing her movements, Guan Ming smiled and did not pick out, lest she produce any moth.

There is a bathroom in the luxury bedroom. When Guan Ming retreated, Mu Xiaoxiao rolled up to wash her face. She urgently needed to cool.

"Walking around another plane?" Guan Ming asked after seeing Mu Xiaoxiao coming out.

Today they just walked up to a plane. The interiors of the two planes are different. Relatively speaking, they are still very attractive.

"Forget it, don't watch it." He shook his head quickly, and even the eyes of the caretaker dodged a little.

Without him, it's mainly Guan Ming's shirt.

In the summer, the wind was not too strong. Guan Mingke was not interested in wearing two clothes. These half-sleeved sleeves were wiped out by Mu Xiaoxiao's saliva. He has no clothes now and has to be shirtless.

"Also, let's withdraw first, it's time for dinner." Guan Ming looked at his watch and said.

If no one screams at noon, it won't bother to sleep until the sunset.

"You ... just go out like this?" After a sleep, probably the health of my **** has improved a bit, at least Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't feel too painful now.

Pointing at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao asked carefully.

Not that she hasn't seen the man's shirtless, but she had a bit of spicy eyes just now, but it's better now.

Dad Mu is always shirtless at home in summer, but his body shape ...

They were about the same, except for their height.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that way.

There are no eight-pack abs, a little belly, and the ribs are not obvious. The biceps brachii is probably composed of fatty pork belly.

All in all, fat and thin is just right, but it is definitely not lean.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to run Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao has deep accomplishments in running. After all, every time he is captured, there is a record of being jumped up and down.

"Just let Zhou Wu help buy clothes." He waved his hands, Guan Ming said indifferently.

Zhou Wu is probably the easiest bodyguard and the busiest.

Guan Ming keeps his dog and throws Zhou Wuna.

Guan Ming took to the street and Zhou Wu drove.

Now that Guan Ming needs clothes, his first reaction is to find Zhou Wu.

"Come here, let's go together." Standing at the plane, Guan Ming reached out his hand.

My **** still hurts a bit. Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and came over reluctantly.

Going down step by step, Guan Ming is like winning the general ~ ~ but his drawing is a bit blind.

Zhou Wu had already waited below. Although he also had some gossip, what did the two guys do wrong in the afternoon, but this was just a thought in his mind.

"Zhou Wu, help me buy a T-shirt." Loosen Mu Xiaoxiao, who was like a monkey falling from the ground, and moved behind Guan Ming within a few steps, a little embarrassed to see people.

"Okay, but it takes time." Zhou Wu nodded, not surprisingly.

"Yes, as soon as possible." Guan Ming is also a sensible person. No one is God. It is impossible to change a T-shirt immediately.

After waiting about ten minutes, I saw someone sending a T-shirt to Zhou Wu.

"What do you want to eat at night?" Guan Ming, sitting in the co-driver, asked back.

In fact, he also wanted to become Mu Xiaoxiao's pillow again, but because the food was digested, Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ broke the seal on the stomach and re-entered him.

She first pushed Guan Ming hard to attach, and then she arched into the back seat of the car like an earthworm and continued to lie down.

"No, it's too late, I'm going home." Where did Xiaoxiao dare to eat with him, she was afraid that Guan Ming was eating and eating, and incidentally gave her too!

"It's a pity. Let's go to our company first. I'll get you some seafood or something. Pork and mutton are easy to buy, and seafood is not easy to buy. Then I will send you home. How about it?" Guan Ming was sorry, but also Just for a moment.

The effect is very good today, very good, Guan Ming said that he looks forward to next time.

However, if you rely on Mu Xiaoxiao's temperament, it is estimated that you can only discuss marriage after graduation from college.

Guan Ming is not vegetarian. He decided to find a chance to get Mu Xiaoxiao drunk.

The two lyrics that Guan Ming used to sing in his last life were: ‘You drunk me without sleeping with me ~’

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