Private Technology

: 444 kaleidoscopes

"Small tube, you also heard the meeting just now, what are your thoughts recently?" Stocking Guan Ming has been in stock for several days, but Zhu Xiaoguang will definitely not let Guan Ming keep stocking again.

Zhou Wanli came over on the phone. I heard that Guan Ming attaches great importance to this information. It has been initially verified and is ready to make specific contact with Guan Ming. However, it is worth noting that you must keep Guan Ming and don't give him Let go.

Talent is just like money. If you don't work hard and you don't fight for it, it will be difficult to fall into your pocket.

Although Guan Ming is named on the rocket base, he also really improved the research speed of the rocket base, and it was a type that was greatly promoted.

Zhou Wanli doesn't want Guan Ming to be robbed. At least compared with some more important scientific research units, the competitiveness of the rocket base is still far behind.

"Engines, materials, procedures, structures, to be honest, I only found so many scientific research projects in our base." Guan Ming nodded and said.

The previous few visits to the Rocket Base, what he saw, were still relatively limited, and he had only participated in a few old man and old lady meetings, so he did not understand all the scientific research projects of the Rocket Base.

But after this time, he found that there are many research projects on the Rocket Base, and many of them are only related, or are related to other disciplines and require cooperation.

"Well, the project team does not need so many people for a single project, and there are intersections between projects." An old man looked at Guan Ming and explained.

In fact, the most important thing is the issue of trust.

It's like a friend who has just met cannot tell someone about his or her family situation. For example, he can't tell his bank card password when he meets.

This meeting was chaired by Zhu Xiaoguang, and it was also jointly decided by Zhu Xiaoguang and Zhou Wanli.At the same time, it also won the support of the old ladies and old ladies in front of them, so that Guan Ming was involved. To some extent, the rocket base has officially Guan Ming opened the door.

"Hey, don't say those, little tube, what do you think now?" Zhu Xiaoguang waved his hand and motioned everyone to stop first.

The old guys have worked for a lifetime, and there is a certain disconnection from the society. They can't understand the current movies and can't understand the current music. They have worked hard all their lives, and they are getting old. There are no leisure and entertainment projects, so they do n’t When it's too formal, it's often chatty and crooked.

Zhu Xiaoguang hurriedly straightened the topic before the chat.

"Well ... the program, it can be done in a short time, probably only the program." After thinking about it, Guan Ming said.

The engine is very important, but the problem is that the domestic manufacturing process is not good, high-precision parts are not enough, and even some materials are difficult to obtain. There must be nothing in the short term. You must know that the engine of the aircraft controls the process and materials. The requirements are not high, but the rocket is in the aerospace field, and the hardware requirements are naturally very high.

The material is even more difficult. Whether Guan Ming or Double Star, these two guys can make rapid progress in scientific research and can research a lot of technology products in a short time. The most basic and critical place is to collect, organize, summarize and summarize data. application.

Guan Ming is familiar with the difference between chrome stainless steel and low carbon stainless steel, and made into different types of parts, but this does not mean that he can eat through the large category of stainless steel.

It is very polite to say that there is no end to the material. Guan Ming knows and can apply to it, and it is only the kind he currently knows. How to study and measure the physical and chemical properties of unknown materials. Guan Ming Ability is not much stronger than others.

As for the structure of the rocket, it also depends on the specific internal requirements and wind tunnel tests, etc. It is not a short-term solution.

After looking around, Guan Ming felt that he seemed to play the biggest role only in the procedure.

"Procedure? Um ... it's okay. I'll give you a copy of the information. Look at it." After thinking about it, nodding, Zhu Xiaoguang also agreed with Guan Ming.


"It was so quiet that a big satellite was put in."

"Yeah, I wondered if he would stop for a year this year. I didn't expect him to be lively."

Lively, the word is very interesting, but the people present did not understand the word, in fact everyone also felt it, Guan Ming is indeed a bit lively.

From south to north, from airplanes to nuclear fusion, the word 'guanming' often beats in front of these big men.

"Be more active, just when I am free, I will go over to the Rocket Base and take a closer look. If you are at home, look at it more."

"You have to go ... that line. I will look back at my work arrangements. There should be no problem at home. Besides, the Rocket Base is not far from here."


Looking at the project requirements, Guan Ming has more things to consider.

Rockets are not bullets. From the ground to the airborne ~ ~ including flying attitude, they need to be continuously and automatically adjusted. The software program is very important.

Guan Ming thought about it carefully, wrote and wrote on the printing paper, and then officially started work.


"I'm afraid I'm too late, I will hold you until I feel your wrinkles have traces of years, until I'm sure you are real ..."

Squatting on the ground, lying on the edge of the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao put Rhubarb on the bed, let the two little guys sit back and watch her sing as two little listeners.

Everyone has a hard-working side, Mu Xiaoxiao always feels that maybe she will become an ancient woman in the future. She will spend time with her husband at home and watch the children grow up a little.

But she doesn't think there is anything wrong with such a life. Perhaps in essence, she doesn't have much pursuit of life, as long as she is happy.

As the title of this song: at least you.

At least Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming, and children, and parents, there are some places that want to work hard, and some places that want to change.

In the master bedroom, the sound of the TV is very low, and the management mother looks at a big book in her hand. This is the order menu of the company kitchen, with color pictures, and the menu that explains the seasoning and efficacy.

Guan Ma is studying what to eat at noon, which is good for lactating children and adults, and how to be a good mother-in-law. She is looking for her own path.

This month's Shanghai market is relatively cool. There are no rainy days. Outdoor sports are a good choice.

Putting on big sunglasses, Guan Da looked at the distance, and then hit hard. The small golf ball, like a white bird, has always risen into the sky.

This world is like a kaleidoscope, everyone sees a picture with different colors.

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