Private Technology

: Four hundred forty-six 2 plans

attitude? Attitude is a cliché.

But Guan Ming knows that no matter what he does, his attitude is always a point of concern, because future technology is a private company, and he is not a purely scientific researcher in a state unit.

A strong person is not to see how much money he makes, not how much he has, but to see if his spirit can keep up.

But the mental aspect does not mean that if you write a dissertation, what you can prove in the last lesson of moral character.

Guan Ming's youth means unlimited possibilities, but it also means instability.

Gradually strengthening a certain concept will make Guan Ming have a higher sense of belonging and a strong spirit.

"This topic is a bit big. From my personal point of view, technology, including the nuclear fusion that is being done now, including things that will be studied before, and even later, are my personal hobbies." Facing the giants, Guan Ming could not vague the problem, Guan Ming tried to explain more clearly.

"Money is not the most important thing for me. I can say bluntly that I have gone through such a process of pursuing money. Whether it is a scientific research project before or after, since I get it out, it means that I do n’t I don't mind the application of the state in this regard. "Guan Ming didn't think about what to say for a while, but it was a bit confusing, but at least he meant it.

Nodding, the smile on the giant's face spread, "I know what you think, you have been doing very well all the time, but just wanting it, just speaking, compared with controlled nuclear fusion, I really don't know how to reward you."

With a little regret on his face, something was not as simple as Guan Ming thought.

The blockade of foreign countries at home is abnormal and high in intensity and time. It can only be felt if you know it.

However, if controlled nuclear fusion can truly be independently developed in China, it will definitely be a driving force and opportunity to break through the horizon.

Although controllable nuclear fusion has not yet been developed, various thoughts are circulating in your mind, such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Program, such as Nobel.

However, these things have to be studied after the controllable fusion is studied, and then reference is made to Guan Ming's ideas, and then the meeting between the giants is finalized, and the articles of association are finally set.

"You're welcome. After all, the country is strong, and I will be more comfortable here. The country has worked hard for so many years, whether it is in education or medical transportation, etc. I have enjoyed a bonus of more than ten or twenty years. I should also do it. Order something, and now the controllable fusion is just an idea. It hasn't been done yet. You ca n’t say that. ”Guan Ming quickly waved his hand.

Nine-year compulsory education is a move that benefits the entire population, eliminates illiteracy, and even includes the abolition of agricultural taxes. Many things are visible but easy to ignore.

Even though the country has all kinds of sad places, compared to war-torn areas, this is already very good, and it is on a better path.

To be more honest, if compulsory education does not exist, perhaps the father-in-law and mother-in-law will also send Guan Ming to school, but Guan Ming will definitely bring a heavy burden on his family while studying. As for medical treatment, Traffic and so on, so are these things.

There is no such thing as pity for the poor, but Guan Ming feels that in his lifetime, he always has to do something, maybe he will not be known like Zhao Jiefang, but everyone emits a little light to illuminate more Dark place.

"Rest assured, I fully endorse the information you submitted. I have read the information you submitted. At present, there are two plans. One is to go to a research institute in a certain place to perform this part of work. One is You're on a rocket base, but there is a little gap between the two. "

It may be because of Guan Ming's words, the giant was shaking a bit, his elbows pressed against his knees, and he seemed to be in a state of prolonged talk. He continued: "Going to the institute, the advantage is that there are many people who understand this area. The equipment and materials are all complete. If it is shortcomings, you may have to re-know the people over there. Of course, I can assure you that you will never be ignored, despised, and suspected. "

"Considering your situation, if you want to work on the rocket base, it is not impossible, materials and equipment can be transported here, and even the relevant scientific researchers can be temporarily transferred over, but it will be a waste. Time, mainly the site of nuclear fusion experiments, will take some time to transform. "

The giants gave two options intimately, even including the scientific research team. The giants are planning to re-organize with Guan Ming as the center.

"This ..." Guan Ming touched his nose, wondering what to say.

I can feel this kind of attention, even a little flattered. There are only two reasons for him to report this information. The first is that the material can only be provided in large quantities by the country. The second is the location. These two are missing from Guan Ming. What he needs is These are just two.

As for the team or something, Guan Ming said he didn't need it.

"The team is not required, I am used to working alone, of course, I will also arrange a complete information for you." Guan Ming scratched his head, politely rejected the team's proposal.

He is a lazy person. For him, the team is at best a layman, and will even delay his work efficiency. After all, he will explain some things, etc., the dynamic projection of the last cooperation with the country, although it is Guan Ming intends to delay time, but if there is no proper reason, Guan Ming cannot delay it.

"And from a personal point of view, I don't want to delay the time of those scientists. How do I say, I think they are some respectable people. I always feel uncomfortable when I move work because of me. . "

Although Guan Ming is engaged in scientific research, for him ~ ~ This is just a hobby. If it is said that a scientific research team is formed in the name of the company, it is OK, no problem, Guan Ming uses money for This is an equivalent exchange of time and energy.

However, Guan Ming, a scientist working in a state unit, thinks that it is better to use it, at least he will not feel that it is awkward ...

"Oh, you guy, but in this case ..." The giant touched his head and groaned.

Countries have participated in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Program. There are many treaties in between. If the country does participate in research, how to ensure the security of controllable fusion data is also a problem.

If it is said to operate this matter in a personal capacity, it will avoid many things, at least it can stand up.

At that time, whether it is the state withdrawing from this plan or the national energy infrastructure construction in the name of Guan Ming, it can be operated in a relatively relaxed environment.

The premise is that controlled nuclear fusion can really be achieved.

PS: I've made up for it. After two months, I finally have a little bit of confidence to ask for a subscription. I want to eat soil ~

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